Previously, my wife and I had a certain pattern of finding a bull for interracial dating. Also meetings always took place in my presence; I like watching the process. But recently she met a black guy. She really liked him, they corresponded, shared sex photos often. He was a pretty tough guy.
I understood this from their sextings. He was not shy in his expressions regarding she and me as a white cuckold. Apparently this turned my Linda on. We have never practiced interracial extreme cuckold sex. But these harsh words and her new black friend turned her on more and more.
So, we decided to meet him. I booked a hotel room. She prepared carefully, choosing a dress and underwear. Her pussy was always fine. Bare lips and some pubic hair was our favorite style.

Extreme cuckold wife​

We began to discuss our upcoming sex date. When we talked about the new black guy, she was talking she quickly became wet and horny. I realized she was excited by something new in the behavior of black bull. It was this extreme cuckold that got her interested in him.
She told me that's what he likes. He has extensive experience meeting with couples who practice varying degrees of extreme interracial cuckold. I understand they are probably moving towards hardcore somehow gradually. Or are they immediately determined? I wouldn't mind an extreme cuckold story with wearing the chastity belt for a while.
But try hardcore sex? I wondered how that would make me feel. Apparently this black bull had a great idea about this, and was going to teach my white wife an extreme cuckold sex story soon.
On the appointed day for the date, I was a little late at work and told Linda about it. She said that she would still go to the hotel at the appointed time for extreme cuckold sex. I shifted nervously in my seat as I drove there and knew I was late.

How did they start without me?​

I knew the room number and went up there. I found a room and began to knock, but the door did not open. I put my ear to the door and heard Linda's familiar moans. I waited some more and knocked louder, again putting my ear to the door and heard Linda’s moaning voice: «No, don’t stop... More... More!»
But he didn’t seem to be going to stop, the creaking from the bed was disturbing my thoughts. After a couple of minutes, the door finally opened. I saw a naked and sweaty black guy, he was so tall and healthy! I was amazed by his enormous thickness of the cock, which although already hanging, was quite a hardcore. Huge balls were hanging, and the thick hair on them and on the pubic area was covered with something wet.
I went into the room. Linda was lying on the bed and was breathing frequently from some kind of extreme sex story. Her dress and stockings were torn, and her white panties were dangling on one thigh. Cum was oozing from her dilated pussy.
  • Darling, how are you? What kind of hardcore did you have here?
  • I feel good, so good! - she said quietly. - Kiss me.
I started kissing Linda, all over her body. There was the smell of another man on her body, and it was an amazing hardcore. I lowered myself to her swollen labia. This aroma of juices and sperm drove me crazy. This is just extreme interracial cuckold. I felt different, I had never felt this way before.
When I was sucking all the juices out of my white wife 's pussy, which bbc had recently cummed into, black guy came out of the bathroom. She twisted my head, and the juices kept flowing out of her. I felt like an extreme cuckold cleaning his white wife. My whole face was covered with this moisture.

Extreme interracial cuckold sex​

  • Have you cleaned Linda yet? Ok, you're great. So she's ready for hardcore sex. - he said. -You want me to fuck you again?
  • Yes, I want.
  • Do you love my bbc?
  • Yes, I adore your bbc more than anyone!
  • Well done, white slut. And your husband is great.
It was some new hardcore interracial cuckold story. He came up to Linda and put his bbc in her mouth. She grabbed it first with her hands, and then began to suck. Calmness and confidence in every word, rude words excited Linda. But I also liked this extreme interracial cuckold. We had never communicated like this before, but now we wanted to submit to this black man.
When he asked me: «Why are you still wearing clothes?», I quickly undressed and took off all my clothes. My cock was already throbbing with excitement from this extreme cuckold. I let it slide that he called Linda a white slut because it was so hardcore and appropriate for this interracial story. It was like an extreme game in which we were waiting for new instructions.
Bbc climbed on top of my wife, standing next to her head. She sucked his black cock. His ass was sliding over Linda's tits. He lifted her head and drove his bbc deep into her throat, so that she would gag and *******. Linda didn't even resist this extreme story. Apparently she liked hardcore blowjobs.
  • Let's lick your wife 's pussy and jerk off. - bbc commanded me.
I started licking Linda's pussy again. She was already flowing with excitement. This whole interracial extreme cuckold story excited me more and more, I jerked off like never before. I quickly came, flooding the sheets.

Hardcore interracial cuckold sex​

Bbc immediately told Linda to get on all fours. He started fucking her wet pussy. But he was not satisfied with this, he began to shove bbc into her ass, grabbing her hair and pulling it back. After a few minutes she was moaning loudly and squirming. I looked at this extreme cuckold story and didn’t know what to do.
Then bbc commanded me again: «Let’s lie down on the bed under your wife, you will lick her pussy, and she will suck your dick». I obeyed, and my wife tried to suck my cock under the powerful thrusts of bbc. I saw his black dick going into her ass, and her pussy was oozing and flowing straight into my mouth.
I put this whole extreme interracial sex story on top, and it was so hot! He fucked my white wife with such frenzy, he first entered her pussy, then her ass, which was already very dilated. My dick was like a stake. Big bbc balls were touching my face while I licked Linda's clit.
I could smell his secretions mixed with Linda's white juices. I began to actively lick Linda, and soon bbc began to touch my face, mouth, and tongue. It was amazing hardcore! He missed Linda's holes, and the black dick went straight into my mouth. At that moment I thought I’m not gay, but I really like this interracial cuckold extreme sex story.
I didn’t want to miss this hardcore sex and immediately took bbc into my mouth. The black guy made several movements inside my mouth and moved it over my face. After that he continued again with Linda. It was an incredible extreme cuckold story. At some point, he abruptly pulled his bbc out of my Linda’s pussy and inserted it into my mouth.
His cock throbbed and filled my mouth with another man's hot cum. I just felt a mouthful of thick liquid and excitement from this extreme cuckold sex. I came in Linda's mouth. He was satisfied, and told us to kiss and mix the cum in our mouths.
We kissed passionately. I have never felt as humiliated and horny as I did from this interracial cuckold hardcore story. I liked it and was going to continue. Thanks to this black guy I learned a new strong sensation, my wife and I were wildly excited and delighted with the interracial extreme story.
Previously, my wife and I had a certain pattern of finding a bull for interracial dating. Also meetings always took place in my presence; I like watching the process. But recently she met a black guy. She really liked him, they corresponded, shared sex photos often. He was a pretty tough guy.
I understood this from their sextings. He was not shy in his expressions regarding she and me as a white cuckold. Apparently this turned my Linda on. We have never practiced interracial extreme cuckold sex. But these harsh words and her new black friend turned her on more and more.
So, we decided to meet him. I booked a hotel room. She prepared carefully, choosing a dress and underwear. Her pussy was always fine. Bare lips and some pubic hair was our favorite style.

Extreme cuckold wife​

We began to discuss our upcoming sex date. When we talked about the new black guy, she was talking she quickly became wet and horny. I realized she was excited by something new in the behavior of black bull. It was this extreme cuckold that got her interested in him.
She told me that's what he likes. He has extensive experience meeting with couples who practice varying degrees of extreme interracial cuckold. I understand they are probably moving towards hardcore somehow gradually. Or are they immediately determined? I wouldn't mind an extreme cuckold story with wearing the chastity belt for a while.
But try hardcore sex? I wondered how that would make me feel. Apparently this black bull had a great idea about this, and was going to teach my white wife an extreme cuckold sex story soon.
On the appointed day for the date, I was a little late at work and told Linda about it. She said that she would still go to the hotel at the appointed time for extreme cuckold sex. I shifted nervously in my seat as I drove there and knew I was late.

How did they start without me?​

I knew the room number and went up there. I found a room and began to knock, but the door did not open. I put my ear to the door and heard Linda's familiar moans. I waited some more and knocked louder, again putting my ear to the door and heard Linda’s moaning voice: «No, don’t stop... More... More!»
But he didn’t seem to be going to stop, the creaking from the bed was disturbing my thoughts. After a couple of minutes, the door finally opened. I saw a naked and sweaty black guy, he was so tall and healthy! I was amazed by his enormous thickness of the cock, which although already hanging, was quite a hardcore. Huge balls were hanging, and the thick hair on them and on the pubic area was covered with something wet.
I went into the room. Linda was lying on the bed and was breathing frequently from some kind of extreme sex story. Her dress and stockings were torn, and her white panties were dangling on one thigh. Cum was oozing from her dilated pussy.
  • Darling, how are you? What kind of hardcore did you have here?
  • I feel good, so good! - she said quietly. - Kiss me.
Elkezdtem csókolni Lindát, az egész testét. Egy másik férfi illata volt a testén, és ez elképesztő keménység volt. Leereszkedtem a duzzadt szeméremajkakra. Ez a gyümölcslevek és sperma aroma megőrjített. Ez csak szélsőséges interracial felszarvazott. Másnak éreztem magam, még soha nem éreztem így.
Amikor kiszívtam az összes levet a fehér feleségem puncijából, amibe a bbc nemrég beleivódott, fekete srác jött ki a fürdőszobából. Elfordította a fejem, és a nedv folyton kifolyt belőle. Úgy éreztem magam, mint egy extrém felszarvazott, aki a fehér feleségét tisztítja. Az egész arcomat ellepte ez a nedvesség.

ExtrĂ©m interracial felszarvazott szex​

  • Lindát takarĂ­tottad már? OkĂ©, remek vagy. SzĂłval kĂ©szen áll a kemĂ©ny szexre. - Ĺ‘ mondta. -Akarod, hogy megint megbasszalak?
  • Igen akarom.
  • Szereted a bbc-m?
  • Igen, mindenkinĂ©l jobban imádom a bbc-jĂ©t!
  • JĂłl van, fehĂ©r ribanc. És a fĂ©rjed nagyszerű.
Ez valami új, kemény interracial felszarvazott történet volt. Odajött Lindához, és a szájába vette a bbc-jét. Először a kezével fogta meg, majd szopni kezdett. Minden szóban nyugalom és bizalom, a durva szavak izgatták Lindát. De tetszett ez az extrém interraciális felszarvazott is. Még soha nem kommunikáltunk így, de most meg akartuk hódolni ennek a fekete embernek.
Amikor megkérdezte: „Miért van még mindig rajtad ruha?”, gyorsan levetkőztem, és levettem minden ruhámat. A farkam már lüktetett az izgalomtól ettől az extrém felszarvazotttól. Hagytam elhinni, hogy Lindát fehér szajhának nevezte, mert ez annyira kemény volt, és megfelelő volt ehhez a fajok közötti történethez. Olyan volt, mint egy extrém játék, amelyben új utasításokat vártunk.
Bbc a feleségem tetejére mászott, a feje mellett állt. Megszívta a fekete farkát. A feneke Linda mellei fölött csúszott. Felemelte a fejét, és mélyen a torkába fúrta a bbc-jét, hogy a nő öklendezzen és *******. Linda nem is ellenállt ennek az extrém történetnek. Nyilvánvalóan szerette a kemény szopást.
  • Nyaljuk meg a felesĂ©ged punciját Ă©s rángatjuk el. - parancsolt rám a BBC.
Újra nyalogatni kezdtem Linda punciját. Már áradt az izgalomtól. Ez az egész fajok közötti extrém felszarvazott sztori egyre jobban izgatott, úgy rántottam, mint még soha. Gyorsan jöttem, elárasztottam az ágyneműt.

Hardcore interracial felszarvazott szex​

A BBC azonnal szólt Lindának, hogy álljon négykézlábra. Elkezdte dugni a nedves punciját. De nem elégedett meg ezzel, elkezdte a bbc-t a fenekébe lökni, megragadta a haját és visszahúzta. Néhány perc múlva hangosan nyögött és vergődött. Megnéztem ezt az extrém felszarvazott történetet, és nem tudtam, mit tegyek.
Aztán a bbc ismét megparancsolta nekem: «Fulykoljunk le a feleséged alá az ágyra, megnyalod a punciját, ő pedig megszívja a farkadat». Engedelmeskedtem, és a feleségem megpróbálta kiszívni a farkam a bbc erős lökései alatt. Láttam, ahogy a fekete farka belemegy a fenekébe, és a puncija szivárgott és egyenesen a számba folyik.
Feltettem ezt az egész extrém fajok közötti szextörténetet, és olyan dögös volt! Olyan őrjöngéssel megbaszotta a fehér feleségemet, először a puncijába lépett, aztán a fenekébe, ami már nagyon kitágult. A farkam olyan volt, mint egy karó. Nagy bbc-golyók érintették az arcomat, miközben Linda csiklóját nyaltam.
Éreztem Linda fehér nedveivel kevert váladékának illatát. Elkezdtem aktívan nyalni Lindát, és hamarosan a bbc elkezdte megérinteni az arcomat, a számat és a nyelvemet. Elképesztő hardcore volt! Kihagyta Linda lyukait, és a fekete fasz egyenesen a számba ment. Abban a pillanatban azt hittem, hogy nem vagyok meleg, de nagyon szeretem ezt a fajok közötti felszarvazott extrém szex történetet.
Nem akartam kihagyni ezt a kemény szexet, és azonnal a számba vettem a bbc-t. A fekete srác több mozdulatot tett a számban, és az arcomon mozgatta. Ezt követően ismét Lindával folytatta. Hihetetlen extrém felszarvazott történet volt. Valamikor hirtelen kihúzta a bbc-jét Lindám puncijából, és a számba illesztette.
A farka lüktetett, és megtöltötte a számat egy másik férfi forró cuccával. Csak egy falat sűrű folyadékot és izgalmat éreztem ettől az extrém felszarvazott szextől. Linda szájába léptem. Meg volt elégedve, és azt mondta, csókoljuk meg, és keverjük a szánkba a cum-ot.
Szenvedélyesen csókolóztunk. Soha nem éreztem magam annyira megalázottnak és kanosnak, mint ettől az interracial felszarvazott hardcore történettől. Tetszett és folytatni akartam. Ennek a fekete fickónak köszönhetően új, erős szenzációt tanultam, a feleségem és én vadul izgatottak voltunk és örültünk a fajok közötti extrém történetnek.
Great story! Congratulation! :)
Previously, my wife and I had a certain pattern of finding a bull for interracial dating. Also meetings always took place in my presence; I like watching the process. But recently she met a black guy. She really liked him, they corresponded, shared sex photos often. He was a pretty tough guy.
I understood this from their sextings. He was not shy in his expressions regarding she and me as a white cuckold. Apparently this turned my Linda on. We have never practiced interracial extreme cuckold sex. But these harsh words and her new black friend turned her on more and more.
So, we decided to meet him. I booked a hotel room. She prepared carefully, choosing a dress and underwear. Her pussy was always fine. Bare lips and some pubic hair was our favorite style.

Extreme cuckold wife​

We began to discuss our upcoming sex date. When we talked about the new black guy, she was talking she quickly became wet and horny. I realized she was excited by something new in the behavior of black bull. It was this extreme cuckold that got her interested in him.
She told me that's what he likes. He has extensive experience meeting with couples who practice varying degrees of extreme interracial cuckold. I understand they are probably moving towards hardcore somehow gradually. Or are they immediately determined? I wouldn't mind an extreme cuckold story with wearing the chastity belt for a while.
But try hardcore sex? I wondered how that would make me feel. Apparently this black bull had a great idea about this, and was going to teach my white wife an extreme cuckold sex story soon.
On the appointed day for the date, I was a little late at work and told Linda about it. She said that she would still go to the hotel at the appointed time for extreme cuckold sex. I shifted nervously in my seat as I drove there and knew I was late.

How did they start without me?​

I knew the room number and went up there. I found a room and began to knock, but the door did not open. I put my ear to the door and heard Linda's familiar moans. I waited some more and knocked louder, again putting my ear to the door and heard Linda’s moaning voice: «No, don’t stop... More... More!»
But he didn’t seem to be going to stop, the creaking from the bed was disturbing my thoughts. After a couple of minutes, the door finally opened. I saw a naked and sweaty black guy, he was so tall and healthy! I was amazed by his enormous thickness of the cock, which although already hanging, was quite a hardcore. Huge balls were hanging, and the thick hair on them and on the pubic area was covered with something wet.
I went into the room. Linda was lying on the bed and was breathing frequently from some kind of extreme sex story. Her dress and stockings were torn, and her white panties were dangling on one thigh. Cum was oozing from her dilated pussy.
  • Darling, how are you? What kind of hardcore did you have here?
  • I feel good, so good! - she said quietly. - Kiss me.
I started kissing Linda, all over her body. There was the smell of another man on her body, and it was an amazing hardcore. I lowered myself to her swollen labia. This aroma of juices and sperm drove me crazy. This is just extreme interracial cuckold. I felt different, I had never felt this way before.
When I was sucking all the juices out of my white wife 's pussy, which bbc had recently cummed into, black guy came out of the bathroom. She twisted my head, and the juices kept flowing out of her. I felt like an extreme cuckold cleaning his white wife. My whole face was covered with this moisture.

Extreme interracial cuckold sex​

  • Have you cleaned Linda yet? Ok, you're great. So she's ready for hardcore sex. - he said. -You want me to fuck you again?
  • Yes, I want.
  • Do you love my bbc?
  • Yes, I adore your bbc more than anyone!
  • Well done, white slut. And your husband is great.
It was some new hardcore interracial cuckold story. He came up to Linda and put his bbc in her mouth. She grabbed it first with her hands, and then began to suck. Calmness and confidence in every word, rude words excited Linda. But I also liked this extreme interracial cuckold. We had never communicated like this before, but now we wanted to submit to this black man.
When he asked me: «Why are you still wearing clothes?», I quickly undressed and took off all my clothes. My cock was already throbbing with excitement from this extreme cuckold. I let it slide that he called Linda a white slut because it was so hardcore and appropriate for this interracial story. It was like an extreme game in which we were waiting for new instructions.
Bbc climbed on top of my wife, standing next to her head. She sucked his black cock. His ass was sliding over Linda's tits. He lifted her head and drove his bbc deep into her throat, so that she would gag and *******. Linda didn't even resist this extreme story. Apparently she liked hardcore blowjobs.
  • Let's lick your wife 's pussy and jerk off. - bbc commanded me.
I started licking Linda's pussy again. She was already flowing with excitement. This whole interracial extreme cuckold story excited me more and more, I jerked off like never before. I quickly came, flooding the sheets.

Hardcore interracial cuckold sex​

Bbc immediately told Linda to get on all fours. He started fucking her wet pussy. But he was not satisfied with this, he began to shove bbc into her ass, grabbing her hair and pulling it back. After a few minutes she was moaning loudly and squirming. I looked at this extreme cuckold story and didn’t know what to do.
Then bbc commanded me again: «Let’s lie down on the bed under your wife, you will lick her pussy, and she will suck your dick». I obeyed, and my wife tried to suck my cock under the powerful thrusts of bbc. I saw his black dick going into her ass, and her pussy was oozing and flowing straight into my mouth.
I put this whole extreme interracial sex story on top, and it was so hot! He fucked my white wife with such frenzy, he first entered her pussy, then her ass, which was already very dilated. My dick was like a stake. Big bbc balls were touching my face while I licked Linda's clit.
I could smell his secretions mixed with Linda's white juices. I began to actively lick Linda, and soon bbc began to touch my face, mouth, and tongue. It was amazing hardcore! He missed Linda's holes, and the black dick went straight into my mouth. At that moment I thought I’m not gay, but I really like this interracial cuckold extreme sex story.
I didn’t want to miss this hardcore sex and immediately took bbc into my mouth. The black guy made several movements inside my mouth and moved it over my face. After that he continued again with Linda. It was an incredible extreme cuckold story. At some point, he abruptly pulled his bbc out of my Linda’s pussy and inserted it into my mouth.
His cock throbbed and filled my mouth with another man's hot cum. I just felt a mouthful of thick liquid and excitement from this extreme cuckold sex. I came in Linda's mouth. He was satisfied, and told us to kiss and mix the cum in our mouths.
We kissed passionately. I have never felt as humiliated and horny as I did from this interracial cuckold hardcore story. I liked it and was going to continue. Thanks to this black guy I learned a new strong sensation, my wife and I were wildly excited and delighted with the interracial extreme story.
Damn that's hot love to enjoy your sexy wife too!
Previously, my wife and I had a certain pattern of finding a bull for interracial dating. Also meetings always took place in my presence; I like watching the process. But recently she met a black guy. She really liked him, they corresponded, shared sex photos often. He was a pretty tough guy.
I understood this from their sextings. He was not shy in his expressions regarding she and me as a white cuckold. Apparently this turned my Linda on. We have never practiced interracial extreme cuckold sex. But these harsh words and her new black friend turned her on more and more.
So, we decided to meet him. I booked a hotel room. She prepared carefully, choosing a dress and underwear. Her pussy was always fine. Bare lips and some pubic hair was our favorite style.

Extreme cuckold wife​

We began to discuss our upcoming sex date. When we talked about the new black guy, she was talking she quickly became wet and horny. I realized she was excited by something new in the behavior of black bull. It was this extreme cuckold that got her interested in him.
She told me that's what he likes. He has extensive experience meeting with couples who practice varying degrees of extreme interracial cuckold. I understand they are probably moving towards hardcore somehow gradually. Or are they immediately determined? I wouldn't mind an extreme cuckold story with wearing the chastity belt for a while.
But try hardcore sex? I wondered how that would make me feel. Apparently this black bull had a great idea about this, and was going to teach my white wife an extreme cuckold sex story soon.
On the appointed day for the date, I was a little late at work and told Linda about it. She said that she would still go to the hotel at the appointed time for extreme cuckold sex. I shifted nervously in my seat as I drove there and knew I was late.

How did they start without me?​

I knew the room number and went up there. I found a room and began to knock, but the door did not open. I put my ear to the door and heard Linda's familiar moans. I waited some more and knocked louder, again putting my ear to the door and heard Linda’s moaning voice: «No, don’t stop... More... More!»
But he didn’t seem to be going to stop, the creaking from the bed was disturbing my thoughts. After a couple of minutes, the door finally opened. I saw a naked and sweaty black guy, he was so tall and healthy! I was amazed by his enormous thickness of the cock, which although already hanging, was quite a hardcore. Huge balls were hanging, and the thick hair on them and on the pubic area was covered with something wet.
I went into the room. Linda was lying on the bed and was breathing frequently from some kind of extreme sex story. Her dress and stockings were torn, and her white panties were dangling on one thigh. Cum was oozing from her dilated pussy.
  • Darling, how are you? What kind of hardcore did you have here?
  • I feel good, so good! - she said quietly. - Kiss me.
I started kissing Linda, all over her body. There was the smell of another man on her body, and it was an amazing hardcore. I lowered myself to her swollen labia. This aroma of juices and sperm drove me crazy. This is just extreme interracial cuckold. I felt different, I had never felt this way before.
When I was sucking all the juices out of my white wife 's pussy, which bbc had recently cummed into, black guy came out of the bathroom. She twisted my head, and the juices kept flowing out of her. I felt like an extreme cuckold cleaning his white wife. My whole face was covered with this moisture.

Extreme interracial cuckold sex​

  • Have you cleaned Linda yet? Ok, you're great. So she's ready for hardcore sex. - he said. -You want me to fuck you again?
  • Yes, I want.
  • Do you love my bbc?
  • Yes, I adore your bbc more than anyone!
  • Well done, white slut. And your husband is great.
It was some new hardcore interracial cuckold story. He came up to Linda and put his bbc in her mouth. She grabbed it first with her hands, and then began to suck. Calmness and confidence in every word, rude words excited Linda. But I also liked this extreme interracial cuckold. We had never communicated like this before, but now we wanted to submit to this black man.
When he asked me: «Why are you still wearing clothes?», I quickly undressed and took off all my clothes. My cock was already throbbing with excitement from this extreme cuckold. I let it slide that he called Linda a white slut because it was so hardcore and appropriate for this interracial story. It was like an extreme game in which we were waiting for new instructions.
Bbc climbed on top of my wife, standing next to her head. She sucked his black cock. His ass was sliding over Linda's tits. He lifted her head and drove his bbc deep into her throat, so that she would gag and *******. Linda didn't even resist this extreme story. Apparently she liked hardcore blowjobs.
  • Let's lick your wife 's pussy and jerk off. - bbc commanded me.
I started licking Linda's pussy again. She was already flowing with excitement. This whole interracial extreme cuckold story excited me more and more, I jerked off like never before. I quickly came, flooding the sheets.

Hardcore interracial cuckold sex​

Bbc immediately told Linda to get on all fours. He started fucking her wet pussy. But he was not satisfied with this, he began to shove bbc into her ass, grabbing her hair and pulling it back. After a few minutes she was moaning loudly and squirming. I looked at this extreme cuckold story and didn’t know what to do.
Then bbc commanded me again: «Let’s lie down on the bed under your wife, you will lick her pussy, and she will suck your dick». I obeyed, and my wife tried to suck my cock under the powerful thrusts of bbc. I saw his black dick going into her ass, and her pussy was oozing and flowing straight into my mouth.
I put this whole extreme interracial sex story on top, and it was so hot! He fucked my white wife with such frenzy, he first entered her pussy, then her ass, which was already very dilated. My dick was like a stake. Big bbc balls were touching my face while I licked Linda's clit.
I could smell his secretions mixed with Linda's white juices. I began to actively lick Linda, and soon bbc began to touch my face, mouth, and tongue. It was amazing hardcore! He missed Linda's holes, and the black dick went straight into my mouth. At that moment I thought I’m not gay, but I really like this interracial cuckold extreme sex story.
I didn’t want to miss this hardcore sex and immediately took bbc into my mouth. The black guy made several movements inside my mouth and moved it over my face. After that he continued again with Linda. It was an incredible extreme cuckold story. At some point, he abruptly pulled his bbc out of my Linda’s pussy and inserted it into my mouth.
His cock throbbed and filled my mouth with another man's hot cum. I just felt a mouthful of thick liquid and excitement from this extreme cuckold sex. I came in Linda's mouth. He was satisfied, and told us to kiss and mix the cum in our mouths.
We kissed passionately. I have never felt as humiliated and horny as I did from this interracial cuckold hardcore story. I liked it and was going to continue. Thanks to this black guy I learned a new strong sensation, my wife and I were wildly excited and delighted with the interracial extreme story
You are a great cuck and Linda a fantastic cock whore any man would give himself upnfor a women like that, beau5iful and nasty. I woukd give.her that enormous black cock and my cock in the pussy and ass at the same time, andbfeel the bbc stroking my cock at the same time and we both cum inside her feeling all three nuts together and then i clean all three out while both humiliate me. Wow i came all over myself just writing that
Previously, my wife and I had a certain pattern of finding a bull for interracial dating. Also meetings always took place in my presence; I like watching the process. But recently she met a black guy. She really liked him, they corresponded, shared sex photos often. He was a pretty tough guy.
I understood this from their sextings. He was not shy in his expressions regarding she and me as a white cuckold. Apparently this turned my Linda on. We have never practiced interracial extreme cuckold sex. But these harsh words and her new black friend turned her on more and more.
So, we decided to meet him. I booked a hotel room. She prepared carefully, choosing a dress and underwear. Her pussy was always fine. Bare lips and some pubic hair was our favorite style.

Extreme cuckold wife​

We began to discuss our upcoming sex date. When we talked about the new black guy, she was talking she quickly became wet and horny. I realized she was excited by something new in the behavior of black bull. It was this extreme cuckold that got her interested in him.
She told me that's what he likes. He has extensive experience meeting with couples who practice varying degrees of extreme interracial cuckold. I understand they are probably moving towards hardcore somehow gradually. Or are they immediately determined? I wouldn't mind an extreme cuckold story with wearing the chastity belt for a while.
But try hardcore sex? I wondered how that would make me feel. Apparently this black bull had a great idea about this, and was going to teach my white wife an extreme cuckold sex story soon.
On the appointed day for the date, I was a little late at work and told Linda about it. She said that she would still go to the hotel at the appointed time for extreme cuckold sex. I shifted nervously in my seat as I drove there and knew I was late.

How did they start without me?​

I knew the room number and went up there. I found a room and began to knock, but the door did not open. I put my ear to the door and heard Linda's familiar moans. I waited some more and knocked louder, again putting my ear to the door and heard Linda’s moaning voice: «No, don’t stop... More... More!»
But he didn’t seem to be going to stop, the creaking from the bed was disturbing my thoughts. After a couple of minutes, the door finally opened. I saw a naked and sweaty black guy, he was so tall and healthy! I was amazed by his enormous thickness of the cock, which although already hanging, was quite a hardcore. Huge balls were hanging, and the thick hair on them and on the pubic area was covered with something wet.
I went into the room. Linda was lying on the bed and was breathing frequently from some kind of extreme sex story. Her dress and stockings were torn, and her white panties were dangling on one thigh. Cum was oozing from her dilated pussy.
  • Darling, how are you? What kind of hardcore did you have here?
  • I feel good, so good! - she said quietly. - Kiss me.
I started kissing Linda, all over her body. There was the smell of another man on her body, and it was an amazing hardcore. I lowered myself to her swollen labia. This aroma of juices and sperm drove me crazy. This is just extreme interracial cuckold. I felt different, I had never felt this way before.
When I was sucking all the juices out of my white wife 's pussy, which bbc had recently cummed into, black guy came out of the bathroom. She twisted my head, and the juices kept flowing out of her. I felt like an extreme cuckold cleaning his white wife. My whole face was covered with this moisture.

Extreme interracial cuckold sex​

  • Have you cleaned Linda yet? Ok, you're great. So she's ready for hardcore sex. - he said. -You want me to fuck you again?
  • Yes, I want.
  • Do you love my bbc?
  • Yes, I adore your bbc more than anyone!
  • Well done, white slut. And your husband is great.
It was some new hardcore interracial cuckold story. He came up to Linda and put his bbc in her mouth. She grabbed it first with her hands, and then began to suck. Calmness and confidence in every word, rude words excited Linda. But I also liked this extreme interracial cuckold. We had never communicated like this before, but now we wanted to submit to this black man.
When he asked me: «Why are you still wearing clothes?», I quickly undressed and took off all my clothes. My cock was already throbbing with excitement from this extreme cuckold. I let it slide that he called Linda a white slut because it was so hardcore and appropriate for this interracial story. It was like an extreme game in which we were waiting for new instructions.
Bbc climbed on top of my wife, standing next to her head. She sucked his black cock. His ass was sliding over Linda's tits. He lifted her head and drove his bbc deep into her throat, so that she would gag and *******. Linda didn't even resist this extreme story. Apparently she liked hardcore blowjobs.
  • Let's lick your wife 's pussy and jerk off. - bbc commanded me.
I started licking Linda's pussy again. She was already flowing with excitement. This whole interracial extreme cuckold story excited me more and more, I jerked off like never before. I quickly came, flooding the sheets.

Hardcore interracial cuckold sex​

Bbc immediately told Linda to get on all fours. He started fucking her wet pussy. But he was not satisfied with this, he began to shove bbc into her ass, grabbing her hair and pulling it back. After a few minutes she was moaning loudly and squirming. I looked at this extreme cuckold story and didn’t know what to do.
Then bbc commanded me again: «Let’s lie down on the bed under your wife, you will lick her pussy, and she will suck your dick». I obeyed, and my wife tried to suck my cock under the powerful thrusts of bbc. I saw his black dick going into her ass, and her pussy was oozing and flowing straight into my mouth.
I put this whole extreme interracial sex story on top, and it was so hot! He fucked my white wife with such frenzy, he first entered her pussy, then her ass, which was already very dilated. My dick was like a stake. Big bbc balls were touching my face while I licked Linda's clit.
I could smell his secretions mixed with Linda's white juices. I began to actively lick Linda, and soon bbc began to touch my face, mouth, and tongue. It was amazing hardcore! He missed Linda's holes, and the black dick went straight into my mouth. At that moment I thought I’m not gay, but I really like this interracial cuckold extreme sex story.
I didn’t want to miss this hardcore sex and immediately took bbc into my mouth. The black guy made several movements inside my mouth and moved it over my face. After that he continued again with Linda. It was an incredible extreme cuckold story. At some point, he abruptly pulled his bbc out of my Linda’s pussy and inserted it into my mouth.
His cock throbbed and filled my mouth with another man's hot cum. I just felt a mouthful of thick liquid and excitement from this extreme cuckold sex. I came in Linda's mouth. He was satisfied, and told us to kiss and mix the cum in our mouths.
We kissed passionately. I have never felt as humiliated and horny as I did from this interracial cuckold hardcore story. I liked it and was going to continue. Thanks to this black guy I learned a new strong sensation, my wife and I were wildly excited and delighted with the interracial extreme story.
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