TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

lmao conservatism is such an big bag of failure

TFW the fucking IMF has to be the one to tell you you're fucking up your economy bad enough that they have to make a public statement about how donkey-brained you are

“In the days after SB 23 took effect, we had to cancel over 600 appointments,” Dr. Sharon Liner, medical director of Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio in Cincinnati, said in her affidavit.

Liner added, “We have had at least three patients threaten to commit suicide. Another patient said she would attempt to terminate her pregnancy by drinking bleach. Another asked how much vitamin C she would need to take to terminate her pregnancy.”

Judge Green Lights Defamation Lawsuit Against Fox, Lou Dobbs​

NEW YORK (AP) — A defamation lawsuit against Fox Corp., Fox News Network and Lou Dobbs can proceed toward trial, a judge ruled Monday after concluding that a Venezuelan businessman had made sufficient claims of being unfairly accused of trying to corrupt the 2020 U.S. presidential election to be permitted to gather more evidence.

The lawsuit filed last year alleged that businessman Majed Khalil was defamed by Dobbs on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” and in tweets.

It said the former Fox personality joined with attorney Sidney Powell on a December 2020 show to claim that Khalil and three others designed and developed programs and machines to corrupt the presidential election.


Nonetheless, one does see, in 2022, a pivot among some Republicans in swing states and swing districts; now that they’re in the general election, they are trying to downplay how pro-Donald Trump and anti-abortion they were in their primaries. And according to the Daily Beast’s Sam Brodey, it’s no coincidence that pro-MAGA and anti-abortion messages have disappeared from their websites.​
One of them is Bo Hines, a former college football player who is running for a U.S. House of Representatives seat in North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District. “Right after Bo Hines won a crowded primary for Congress in North Carolina, a visitor to the Republican hopeful’s campaign website would immediately find his declaration that he was ‘100 percent Pro-Life’ and ‘100 percent Pro-Trump,’” Brodey explains. “Just a click away was a section focused on ‘life and family’ issues, which professed Hines’ position that ‘life begins at conception’ and his commitment to ‘protect the rights of the unborn.’ Naturally, the first thing greeting any visitor to the site was the grinning face of Donald Trump — and his endorsement of Hines’ campaign. Today, all of that is gone.”​
“Trump remains as popular as ever among the GOP base and is as unpopular as ever outside of it,” Brodey observes. “The Supreme Court’s move in June to overturn abortion rights is a dream come true in the GOP base — but a nightmare to many more outside it. Stuck between their past posturing and their current campaigning, a growing cohort of Republican candidates have turned to a simple solution for reconciling it all: just delete it.”​
See LINK to continue READING ... I have tears in my eyes from laughing at these idiots ... the Trump believers, not the candidates. LOL​

Here in NC they've begun scrubbing their websites of any mention of abortion and when asked, their responses are that they've always supported abortion for *******, ******* & threat to mom's life. And on top of THAT, to avoid having to explain their NEW positions on abortion, they're refusing to debate the Democratic candidates. And NOW they're dropping Trump because of his support & association to QAnon ... and you Trumptards just keep on believing. You folks are a riot!

Anything to WIN ... that's the new Republican Party's entire platform ... ANYTHING to WIN!

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