TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Since you whined like a wittle boi to the mommy to get my post deleted, here we go again...YOUR bullshit words are above for all to see. Here's the corrections you need to make.

Just like the J-9 J-6 committee, McCarthy refused to include any Republicans because Provided the 5 Republican members as required by H.R. 503 but Nancy was not going to accept a couple of far-right obstructionists. allow anyone on the committee who didn't share her "guilty and we won't consider innocent" ideas, so she violated H.R. 503 ignoring McCarthy's consult and failing to place five minority members on the committee as required

You can thank me anytime Mac.... ;)
He's got a good stiff one for you today. Woke up with you on his mind.
Allow me to once again throw cold water on him. These Cons have no concern with truth, just repeating a lie until enough @TnC93 people start nodding along with him.

H.R. 503

This resolution establishes in the House of Representatives the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.

The select committee must (1) conduct an investigation of the relevant facts and circumstances relating to the attack on the Capitol; (2) identify, review, and evaluate the causes of and the lessons learned from this attack; and (3) submit a report containing findings, conclusions, and recommendations to prevent future acts of violence, domestic terrorism, and domestic violent extremism, and to improve the security of the U.S. Capitol Complex and other American democratic institutions.

The select committee consists of 13 Members of the House appointed by the Speaker; 5 must be appointed after consultation with the minority leader. The resolution gives the select committee specified powers, including the authority to hold hearings, receive evidence, and issue subpoenas. It also requires other House committees to share relevant records with the select committee within 14 days of the resolution's adoption or receipt of such records.

So, it clearly says ALL 13 members will be appointed by the Speaker, stating she must save 5 for after a consultation with the minority leader. However, it does not say she must accept or appoint those 5 members. The never do with resolutions from leadership.
He's got a good stiff one for you today. Woke up with you on his mind.
Allow me to once again throw cold water on him. These Cons have no concern with truth, just repeating a lie until enough @TnC93 people start nodding along with him.

H.R. 503

This resolution establishes in the House of Representatives the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.

The select committee must (1) conduct an investigation of the relevant facts and circumstances relating to the attack on the Capitol; (2) identify, review, and evaluate the causes of and the lessons learned from this attack; and (3) submit a report containing findings, conclusions, and recommendations to prevent future acts of violence, domestic terrorism, and domestic violent extremism, and to improve the security of the U.S. Capitol Complex and other American democratic institutions.

The select committee consists of 13 Members of the House appointed by the Speaker; 5 must be appointed after consultation with the minority leader. The resolution gives the select committee specified powers, including the authority to hold hearings, receive evidence, and issue subpoenas. It also requires other House committees to share relevant records with the select committee within 14 days of the resolution's adoption or receipt of such records.

So, it clearly says ALL 13 members will be appointed by the Speaker, stating she must save 5 for after a consultation with the minority leader. However, it does not say she must accept or appoint those 5 members. The never do with resolutions from leadership.

Repeating a lie enough is the Dem thang - remember RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - hell Sub still believes Hillary’s HORSESHITE and swears to it still.

Repeating lies incessantly and spinning is what Dems do

Especially you
It’s obvious Dems own the media and the media owns the minds of TDS stuck people like Mac and Sub - feeds them all they want to digest about their opposition - one sided media pushing for one party rule. Never in my entire life thought there could be sooooo much bias directed at one man while hiding the sins of another. Dems love eating the shite their media feeds them and then spewing it out in here - too bad it’s just OBVIOUS Dem HORSESHITE propaganda!!!!

Incel extremist faces terrorism charges for mass shooting threat against pro-Trump student group...Oh my...“July 22 is the day of retribution the day I will have revenge against all of humanity which all of you will pay for my suffering...San Antonio police arrested Velasquez on July 22, and FBI agents obtained a search warrant for his phone and found images of children being sexually exploited by adults...Social Media Influencer...Investigators noted the similarities to a warning posted by Elliot Rodger, who killed six people and injured more than a dozen others in California in 2014 and has become an avatar for other incels, or ******* celibate young men...Complete PSYOPS being played out in the good Ole United States and elsewhere...;)


Repeating a lie enough is the Dem thang - remember RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - hell Sub still believes Hillary’s HORSESHITE and swears to it still.
I remember Trump fighting every step of the way by avoiding question, blanketing executive privilege, forbidding aides to testify to the point that his obstruction of Congress, was a bigger, more immediate, and impeachable offense than Russian evidence - at the time.
I remember Hillary showing up for every single hearing she requested to be at and answering direct questions for hours upon hours.
Hoax, and horseshite? Hmmm, something you've been 'repeating' several times a day for a couple of years.

Repeating lies incessantly and spinning is what Dems do
Yet, between, myself, you, TnC93, and HH, I'm the only one who backs up what I say. The above is an example of you nonsubstantive replies.

Especially you
Let me know when you find me lying about HR 503, obviously HH is, with your support. The resolution DOES Not instruct the Speaker to accept 5 members from the minority leader, as HH lied about.
Pelosi is the author of the Resolution, written after the Republican pulled back on a bipartisan commission, no way was she going to form a committee giving them the opportunity to make a mockery out of it. She wrote the resolution, and is not in violation of it.
HH is a lying idiot.

Incel extremist faces terrorism charges for mass shooting threat against pro-Trump student group...Oh my...“July 22 is the day of retribution the day I will have revenge against all of humanity which all of you will pay for my suffering...San Antonio police arrested Velasquez on July 22, and FBI agents obtained a search warrant for his phone and found images of children being sexually exploited by adults...Social Media Influencer...Investigators noted the similarities to a warning posted by Elliot Rodger, who killed six people and injured more than a dozen others in California in 2014 and has become an avatar for other incels, or ******* celibate young men...Complete PSYOPS being played out in the good Ole United States and elsewhere...;)

View attachment 5352766

The FBI to the rescue of a bunch of ingrates. However, buried in this story is the continued recruitment and 'grooming' of white supremacist who always come out of Republican groups - or are the Republican group.

Investigators aren't sure why Velasquez targeted Turning Points USA, but they found a YouTube video he posted showing him as a follower of white nationalist livestreamer Nick Fuentes, who tried to access the student group's summit in summer 2021 after TPUSA banned him and his "groyper army."

Fuentes gained popularity among Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" movement and has ties to Reps. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).
The FBI to the rescue of a bunch of ingrates. However, buried in this story is the continued recruitment and 'grooming' of white supremacist who always come out of Republican groups - or are the Republican group.

Investigators aren't sure why Velasquez targeted Turning Points USA, but they found a YouTube video he posted showing him as a follower of white nationalist livestreamer Nick Fuentes, who tried to access the student group's summit in summer 2021 after TPUSA banned him and his "groyper army."

Fuentes gained popularity among Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" movement and has ties to Reps. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).
What ever happened to young folks playing baseball and eating snow cones, making forts, and riding dirt bikes and etc...You wanna know how many times I was rejected from getting some nookie...🥳 I never wrote a manifesto to go and take out a bunch of innocent folks because Sally said NO...I.M.H.O. there is a lot more at play no matter the party lines of recruiting for nefarious purposes...;)
I remember Trump fighting every step of the way by avoiding question, blanketing executive privilege, forbidding aides to testify to the point that his obstruction of Congress, was a bigger, more immediate, and impeachable offense than Russian evidence - at the time.
I remember Hillary showing up for every single hearing she requested to be at and answering direct questions for hours upon hours.
Hoax, and horseshite? Hmmm, something you've been 'repeating' several times a day for a couple of years.

Yet, between, myself, you, TnC93, and HH, I'm the only one who backs up what I say. The above is an example of you nonsubstantive replies.

Let me know when you find me lying about HR 503, obviously HH is, with your support. The resolution DOES Not instruct the Speaker to accept 5 members from the minority leader, as HH lied about.
Pelosi is the author of the Resolution, written after the Republican pulled back on a bipartisan commission, no way was she going to form a committee giving them the opportunity to make a mockery out of it. She wrote the resolution, and is not in violation of it.
HH is a lying idiot.
Lie or spin - you’re good at both - while calling anyone with opposing points of view a liar - whose a liar and whose an idiot is in the eye of the beholder methinks.
What ever happened to young folks playing baseball and eating snow cones, making forts, and riding dirt bikes and etc...You wanna know how many times I was rejected from getting some nookie...🥳 I never wrote a manifesto to go and take out a bunch of innocent folks because Sally said NO...I.M.H.O. there is a lot more at play no matter the party lines of recruiting for nefarious purposes...;)
Read up on what happened:
Lie or spin - you’re good at both - while calling anyone with opposing points of view a liar - whose a liar and whose an idiot is in the eye of the beholder methinks.
Well, you're wrong. There are facts that don't change because of perspective.
Someone is within the facts, the other person is not, thus lying.
Spin is focusing on supportive points, that may not even be relevant to the subject in discussion but, it's not a lie. Just not pertinent.

HH is lying about HR 503. I've provided the official copy of the resolution, highlighted his lie of Pelosi being in violation due to not selecting the minority leader's proposed members. HH has just repeated the same line over an over about the violation when it's already been corrected.

'Spin' is you coming on to talk about lying and spinning instead of HR 503 where HH is clearly lying.
Do you have a preference? Other than Fox News? If you will type in the heading of the article you'll see ALL the internet media that posted that article ... duhhhhh! BUT, those, unfortunately, aren't in your interest to discredit the article. Right? Ok, so I guess if I post ANY internet media that posted that story and it doesn't agree with your opinion, it has to be biased.
OK ... so all of us need to quit posting our sources and just do it the Blkdlaur way by "giving our opinions" and say its factual with no sources. In other words, the ReThuglican way ...

Why wouldn’t they your media is doing the same thing it did during RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA - all that HORSESHITE 24/7 has effect after a while - hell you STILL believe it even after all that has come out about it.
Which is why the AG Barr redacted pages of the testimonies & reports to the point where ALL the sentences were blacked out.
Must be nice to have an AG who will cheat for the President ... but now, even BARR is starting to come forth with new information regarding Russian involvement in the 2016 election.
I say no redactions ... it is what it is, let the voters see the facts or non-facts and make their own decisions.
Which is why the AG Barr redacted pages of the testimonies & reports to the point where ALL the sentences were blacked out.
Must be nice to have an AG who will cheat for the President ... but now, even BARR is starting to come forth with new information regarding Russian involvement in the 2016 election.
I say no redactions ... it is what it is, let the voters see the facts or non-facts and make their own decisions.
Yeah must be nice...

Funny how you didn't care about Eric Holder withholding evidence under subpoena. Why it's almost like you're a hypocrite...
What ever happened to young folks playing baseball and eating snow cones, making forts, and riding dirt bikes and etc...You wanna know how many times I was rejected from getting some nookie...🥳 I never wrote a manifesto to go and take out a bunch of innocent folks because Sally said NO...I.M.H.O. there is a lot more at play no matter the party lines of recruiting for nefarious purposes...;)
\ one sided fuck..........what do you think the white supremist and others do every day.......since you only talk bad about the us when it is what you want to talk happened on Jan 6th....what were they going to do to pelosi and pence and a few others.......wouldn't bother me if they had shot some trumpies.........trump supporters keep pushing for that......what are they doing around several FBI locations......but you didn't mention that....that was all friendly huh.....even though several were armed

Republicans had all the advantages in the midterms. They've blown every one of them​

Just a few weeks ago, Republicans thought the 2022 midterms were going to be an easy march to victory. Runaway inflation, ongoing supply chain shortages and a string of unfulfilled promises made for the perfect plan of attack against Democrats.


Now it looks like the GOP is on the verge of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Thanks to a combination of Democratic successes and Republican incompetence, Democrats seem well positioned not only to hold onto the Senate but to actually increase their margin there. While the House is still likely to fall to the Republicans thanks to gerrymandering that favors the party, victory doesn’t look like the blowout that pundits had once predicted.

The biggest boost to the Democrats has been
the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. The massive legislation tackles climate change, increases taxes on the wealthiest Americans, and offers relief from rising ******* prices for seniors on Medicare. Every one of these measures is exactly what the vast majority of American voters want, giving Democrats a potent platform on which to run this fall. That the bill appeared to be dead only to be resurrected and swiftly passed only added to the sense of Democratic momentum.

While Republicans are still pinning their hopes on messages about inflation, they are finding them counterbalanced by the Supreme Court’s decision to allow bans on abortion. That decision, overturning nearly 50 years of women’s right to choose, has electrified Democratic voters and has emerged as a powerful rallying tool for candidates.

Meantime, Republicans have proven themselves to be inept, to put it politely.

To begin with, in their unyielding fealty to Donald Trump, the party faithful has put forth a string of MAGA warriors who are also really lousy candidates.
That doesn’t matter in deep red states, but in swing states, it’s a recipe for failure.

In Pennsylvania, GOP gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano is almost the perfect prototype for the candidate least likely to appeal to suburban voters. An unabashed Christian nationalist, Mastriano is a hardliner on abortion (although he’s tried downplaying that since the Supreme Court ruling). The Congressional committee investigating the January 6 insurrection wants to talk to him about his participation in the event; Mastriano was there, but says he didn’t enter the Capitol.

The GOP nominee for governor in Maryland is a “QAnon whack job” according to the departing Republican governor, Larry Hogan. The Republican’s choice for governor in Illinois, Darren Bailey, wants to remove Chicago from the state.

Tudor Dixon, the GOP candidate for governor in Michigan, says that ******* victims who become pregnant shouldn’t be able to have abortions because they find “healing” in giving birth.

In the Senate, things are so bad that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has all but said that he expects to remain Minority Leader. In large part, that’s because Trump-endorsed candidates are turning out to be disastrous. In Pennsylvania, Mehmet Oz, the television doctor who lives in New Jersey, painted a target on his back with his tone-deaf ad about the high price of crudité. In Georgia, Herschel Walker has been such an erratic candidate that he can’t seem to recall how many children he has in addition to the flamboyantly non-gay one.

And then there are the acolytes of gay billionaire Peter Thiel: Blake Masters in Arizona and J.D. Vance in Ohio. Both are underperforming. Masters is behind incumbent Mark Kelly in the polls. While Ohio is more Republican-leaning than Arizona, Vance is struggling to raise money, pulling in a paltry $2.3 million in the last reporting, less than a quarter of what his Democratic opponent, Tim Ryan, raised.

Surprisingly, money is turning out to be a big problem for Republicans this year. The National Republican Senatorial Committee has canceled $10 million worth of television ads, including in the critical states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona due to lack of money. The Committee raised more than $173 million this election cycle, but somehow managed to burn through all but $28 million of it, infuriating Republicans demanding to know where the money went.

If the Democrats manage to hold onto the Senate and even increase their margin, they will have been incredibly lucky. But that doesn’t mean everything will run smoothly. A Republican-controlled House will engage in all kinds of nonsense, right up to and probably including impeachment proceedings against Biden. That will just be a preview of what to expect in the big battle of 2024.

no shortage of money here​

Trump PAC's $650,000 'charitable contribution' to the Smithsonian will pay for portraits of Donald and Melania Trump​

  • Save America, one of Donald Trump's political committees, donated $650,000 to the Smithsonian.
  • A Smithsonian official confirmed that the money will fund portraits of Donald and Melania Trump.
  • The donation will cover "artists' fees, shipping, framing, installation, and events."

Tim Ryan: 'It's a joke to say the Republican Party is the party of law enforcement'​

WASHINGTON, D.C. — At a Trump rally, mentioning ‘Deep State’ is guaranteed to bring down the proverbial house. But in the wake of the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, Democrats not only see the GOP’s anti-FBI rhetoric as dangerous – but they also see it as an opportunity, if a sad one.

After we learned that federal agents had gone in – but before we learned they retrieved top secret documents – Trump wound rank and file elected Republicans and the GOP base into an anti-FBI fervor. That fiery rage hasn’t subsided, even after an armed, body armor-clad assailant tried to storm the FBI’s Cincinnati field office last Thursday before being killed after an hours-long standoff with law enforcement.

In recent years and decades, Republicans declared themselves the ‘party of law and order,’ but moderate Democrats are challenging them this election cycle. A week after the shooting, and that’s now on full display in the Buckeye State.

“That's become a joke, that they support law enforcement,” Rep. Tim Ryan, the Democratic Senate nominee in Ohio, told Raw Story. “We’ve got some work to do on our end too, but clearly, it's a joke to say the Republican Party is the party of law enforcement.”View attachment 5347619