TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Well, it's a good thing you're almost 90 and may not make it to the next election in 2024 because all you idiots did was release Cheney to be an Independent, with solid conservative credentials, to run for President.
I'll make a bet that even you Cons can see who that might hurt. You've given her nationwide status as an independent, and with the s.hit slinging both sides will be doing, any decent Republicans will peel off and support her. It will matter in places that are purple states like North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and, well, that's the election.
She takes votes from the Right, not the Left.
I'm willing to bet a small group of enterprising Democrats have already begun laying groundwork for her fundraising starting in 2023. ;)

Nobody cries about everything more than Trump. He should not have removed the documents that were clearly marked.
We all know he has a deal with the Russians, Chinese and Saudis.

Hmmmmmmm Dems raising money for Liz Cheney - wait til that cat gets outta the bag 😁

She’ll get lotsa Republicans to vote for her then 😆
GLAD ya don’t ump for the Sox games 😆
Do you know why Michael Jackson only wore one glove when he was performing?
Because the Baltimore Orioles had the other one and no one could understand why either wore just one glove.

Best hotdogs & beer at Camden Yards and its the ONLY reason to go the stadium; no baseball played in Camden.
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Well, it's a good thing you're almost 90 and may not make it to the next election in 2024 because all you idiots did was release Cheney to be an Independent, with solid conservative credentials, to run for President.
I'll make a bet that even you Cons can see who that might hurt. You've given her nationwide status as an independent, and with the s.hit slinging both sides will be doing, any decent Republicans will peel off and support her. It will matter in places that are purple states like North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and, well, that's the election.
She takes votes from the Right, not the Left.
I'm willing to bet a small group of enterprising Democrats have already begun laying groundwork for her fundraising starting in 2023. ;)

Nobody cries about everything more than Trump. He should not have removed the documents that were clearly marked.
We all know he has a deal with the Russians, Chinese and Saudis.

With the way you Dems have nonstop come at him with everyfuckinthing ya have - most woulda LONG ago conceded - I LIKE a tenacious fighter - he makes the Democrat Party look desperate and WEAK.
Well, it's a good thing you're almost 90 and may not make it to the next election in 2024 because all you idiots did was release Cheney to be an Independent, with solid conservative credentials, to run for President.
I'll make a bet that even you Cons can see who that might hurt. You've given her nationwide status as an independent, and with the s.hit slinging both sides will be doing, any decent Republicans will peel off and support her. It will matter in places that are purple states like North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and, well, that's the election.
She takes votes from the Right, not the Left.
I'm willing to bet a small group of enterprising Democrats have already begun laying groundwork for her fundraising starting in 2023. ;)

Nobody cries about everything more than Trump. He should not have removed the documents that were clearly marked.
We all know he has a deal with the Russians, Chinese and Saudis.

We know the Biden Crime Family has deals with China our BIGGEST adversary - you guys apparently don’t wanna hear nuttin bout dat 🤨
You going to run from this like everything else when you're getting your ass handed to you? :cold:
jimmy fallon lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Dems having conversations with themselves is priceless - we got them talking to themselves - keep up the GOOD work men 👍👍
I wasn't addressing you ohiowive, but glad you joined. Let's iron out a few of your grievances ...
Gas prices are coming down ... its $4.39 at the pumps for "hi test" 2 days ago which is what one of my autos take, besides, you can't blame Biden totally for the gas price increase. True, Biden could have tapped into the "reserves" more, and his timing on sanctions on Russia were ill timed. But, the majority of the blame goes to the pandemic job losses, then after covid started to subside the global rush for gas & the oil industry's inability to keep up with demand, then price gouging. Also note that EU is using a lot more of Russian oil as they transition to other energies. But my belief is that Biden can be blamed for about 30% of the recent inflated gas prices. As far as bank accounts go, mine have been doing quite well. Maybe you need to move money around a bit but I earned 6.4% on a savings account at truist and my 401K is earning fairly well.
Your *******'s gas & oil pipeline job ... something tells me you're starting to fish for false personal events; you're starting to BS me to support your story. The Alaskan pipeline had way more risks & less value than benefits of useable oil the US would get from the sandpits. The pipelines cross over several valuable & critical aquifers ... that's "water", ohiowive. Already the mid-west & west coast are running short on fresh water, but if we lost the use of our aquifers in the mid-west then oil prices would become the least of your concern. Fresh water would become the new liquid gold after oil in the early 20th century. The world is running OUT of water because of the hot climate & atmosphere changes. Biden was right to refuse to allow those oil pipelines to cross our valuable aquifers. If you missed 60 Minutes on Sunday night, half the program was on the water shortages in the west & midwest ... it'd be worth your time to go to website and hear the farmers & town folk talking about the hardships with the water shortages.
And I'll say it again, regarding Trump, we are way, way better off with Biden than with Trump ... way, way better. Biden has integrity, Trump doesn't even know how to spell it.
Lol funnest fucking thing libtards cling to oh gas prices are coming down omg lol. November of 2020 1.89
Well, it's a good thing you're almost 90 and may not make it to the next election in 2024 because all you idiots did was release Cheney to be an Independent, with solid conservative credentials, to run for President.
I'll make a bet that even you Cons can see who that might hurt. You've given her nationwide status as an independent, and with the s.hit slinging both sides will be doing, any decent Republicans will peel off and support her. It will matter in places that are purple states like North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and, well, that's the election.
She takes votes from the Right, not the Left.
I'm willing to bet a small group of enterprising Democrats have already begun laying groundwork for her fundraising starting in 2023. ;)

Nobody cries about everything more than Trump. He should not have removed the documents that were clearly marked.
We all know he has a deal with the Russians, Chinese and Saudis.
Oh you mean the ones he declassified lol oh ok
Hmmmmmmm Dems raising money for Liz Cheney - wait til that cat gets outta the bag 😁

She’ll get lotsa Republicans to vote for her then 😆
That cat won't be out the bag for a while. It's been done a few times this primary season and GQP voters don't seem to care.
It's this thing that Republicans love and stopped Democrats from legislating against, dark money.
You'll never know and we don't need lotsa republicans, just 1%-3%, depending on which state.
Oh you mean the ones he declassified lol oh ok
Oh Davey, there is a process for that. The warrants show they were not declassified, some cannot be. Ex Presidents have no power to declassify documents.
To do that, for the Top Secret files, they would have to be redacted to protect human assets and American lives abroad. And, location of military activities, like nuclear subs, testing sites, black sites that we hold and interrogate enemy combatants and known terrorists, national secrets about president logistics, rotating changing schedules, codes for the nukes or even the damn alarm system on the back door that Clinton had installed.

The whole 'he declassified them' went to the trash bin when it was discovered that these were some of the highest level documents that should have never left the room in the white house in which they are reviewed. Even Trump has moved on from that excuse.
David, when defending Trump, you will always find yourself twisting in knots to as his lies and excuses change.
I do. Tell us all about "dat".
I have on multiple occasions - I tire of it - you just disparage the source - it’s been reported in many places - the 31 million that the BIDEN’s received from CEFC a CCP energy company - ya don’t really wanna hear it anyways. Send China more of our Strategic Oil Reserves - you people are really UNFUCKINBELIEVABLE.
We know the Biden Crime Family has deals with China our BIGGEST adversary - you guys apparently don’t wanna hear nuttin bout dat 🤨
First, AMERICA has the most deals with China our biggest adversary. MORE AMERICAN corporations have manufacturing deals directly with China that we sadly would be fucked for a generation if we really got into a trade war. China has no problem going back 50 years, but we would be fucked. Everything from that smart phone, to parts for traffic lights, to washing machines parts, auto parts, sunglasses, toys, Ivanka Trump shoes, Eric Trump's toothpaste tube, Don Jr's hair gel, pet supplies, sex toys, clothes, carpets, furniture, tvs, etc. etc etc.
WalMart and Trump stuff.
So, America lives in the conundrum of our biggest adversary is also our biggest trading partner.

Your 'media' knows you don't know that, or even think that deep. Who do you think Hunter's Biden's company was representing to the Chinese business community. American companies!
However, Biden wasn't President.

A quid pro quo from the real 'big guy'...
First, AMERICA has the most deals with China our biggest adversary. MORE AMERICAN corporations have manufacturing deals directly with China that we sadly would be fucked for a generation if we really got into a trade war. China has no problem going back 50 years, but we would be fucked. Everything from that smart phone, to parts for traffic lights, to washing machines parts, auto parts, sunglasses, toys, Ivanka Trump shoes, Eric Trump's toothpaste tube, Don Jr's hair gel, pet supplies, sex toys, clothes, carpets, furniture, tvs, etc. etc etc.
WalMart and Trump stuff.
So, America lives in the conundrum of our biggest adversary is also our biggest trading partner.

Your 'media' knows you don't know that, or even think that deep. Who do you think Hunter's Biden's company was representing to the Chinese business community. American companies!
However, Biden wasn't President.

A quid pro quo from the real 'big guy'...

Ole Pirouette Ed strikes yet again 😆
Oh Davey, there is a process for that. The warrants show they were not declassified, some cannot be. Ex Presidents have no power to declassify documents.
To do that, for the Top Secret files, they would have to be redacted to protect human assets and American lives abroad. And, location of military activities, like nuclear subs, testing sites, black sites that we hold and interrogate enemy combatants and known terrorists, national secrets about president logistics, rotating changing schedules, codes for the nukes or even the damn alarm system on the back door that Clinton had installed.

The whole 'he declassified them' went to the trash bin when it was discovered that these were some of the highest level documents that should have never left the room in the white house in which they are reviewed. Even Trump has moved on from that excuse.
David, when defending Trump, you will always find yourself twisting in knots to as his lies and excuses change.
Lol keep drinking the coolant fool, and gas prices are coming down too lol just stop lying you are making yourself look silly


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There is a process to declassify information. Just because he says it was declassified doesn't mean it was. But you knew that right?
Actually it is if he says it is research from previous precedents which would hold up in court, this is just a distraction for quidproquo ******* joe just how terrible it is lol , my God I and you should hope there was voter fraud christ oh mighty hope there aren't that many dumb fucks