TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Our country is being destroyed by the Deep State and the democrats on this thread and many all over this country are welcoming it with open arms. After this post I am done dealing with the closeminded democrats, liberals and leftist and all their ridiculous postings. I am sharing this final post not for Ed, Subhub, Mac, Zwing, SCBLK and other leftist brainwashed puppets. I am expressing unity with all that has been addressed with open minds and a vision of truth, blkdlaur, Tnc93, hoping hubbie, JoJo, Lebain, ontario cpl, ohiowife and any others that except common sense. Here is the real America we face today and if we on the right go down, the left will go with us.

I have spoken to######## this morning, about the devolving investigation into a former President , What is going on in America ,is the playbook of Karl Marx, and Adolph Hitler, the Manuel for Communism ,and Fascism The term Banana Republic seems to be the word of the media, All Fascism, and Communist Country's started as one party became the ruling class , and set about destroying all their political opposition , They managed to corrupt, the police, the courts, and Government Departments. Indoctrination of the children ,eliminating religion, printing money, causing great inflation , loss of productive, ( farms, goods, and energy fuels ) The centralization of medicine, to control the spending on the young and productive, and to let the old expire, This is what appears to be the new coming America. The FBI has, of this email, failed to even produce the warrant for the search, denied Trump lawyers a copy of said warrant. And the topper is the warrant was signed of by not a judge, BUT an Obama appointed Magistrate. The FBI can finally be shown as the corrupt private police of the Democratic Socialist Party. In Germany, they were called the Gestapo, In Russia they're the KGB In America they called the FBI all had the same mission to destroy all the political opposition to the ruling party. Stalin killed and starved over a million, Hitler killed and starved Millions, Biden's Socialist Party has in just under two years killed by riot's and Fentanyl over a million, I see a trend others are blind too.

I will miss you Stanley - your truth has always been clear and appreciated.
Our country is being destroyed by the Deep State and the democrats on this thread and many all over this country are welcoming it with open arms. After this post I am done dealing with the closeminded democrats, liberals and leftist and all their ridiculous postings. I am sharing this final post not for Ed, Subhub, Mac, Zwing, SCBLK and other leftist brainwashed puppets. I am expressing unity with all that has been addressed with open minds and a vision of truth, blkdlaur, Tnc93, hoping hubbie, JoJo, Lebain, ontario cpl, ohiowife and any others that except common sense. Here is the real America we face today and if we on the right go down, the left will go with us.

I have spoken to######## this morning, about the devolving investigation into a former President , What is going on in America ,is the playbook of Karl Marx, and Adolph Hitler, the Manuel for Communism ,and Fascism The term Banana Republic seems to be the word of the media, All Fascism, and Communist Country's started as one party became the ruling class , and set about destroying all their political opposition , They managed to corrupt, the police, the courts, and Government Departments. Indoctrination of the children ,eliminating religion, printing money, causing great inflation , loss of productive, ( farms, goods, and energy fuels ) The centralization of medicine, to control the spending on the young and productive, and to let the old expire, This is what appears to be the new coming America. The FBI has, of this email, failed to even produce the warrant for the search, denied Trump lawyers a copy of said warrant. And the topper is the warrant was signed of by not a judge, BUT an Obama appointed Magistrate. The FBI can finally be shown as the corrupt private police of the Democratic Socialist Party. In Germany, they were called the Gestapo, In Russia they're the KGB In America they called the FBI all had the same mission to destroy all the political opposition to the ruling party. Stalin killed and starved over a million, Hitler killed and starved Millions, Biden's Socialist Party has in just under two years killed by riot's and Fentanyl over a million, I see a trend others are blind too.
you remind me of this gray haired guy in a robe walking around crying the world is going to end soonza.jpg
Trump's good at running his big mouth to stir up his constituents, but he has no character. He deals from the power of his money ... when his money runs out, his friends will run out.

I'm with sub ... Trump run his mouth with more LIES but Garland has called his ass out. Just like Trump's statements that he wants debates ... hell, he never wants to debate anything. Says he'll testify under oath ... hell, he'll take the 5th EVERYTIME because he knows he's a liar and doesn't wish to prove it with a perjury charge.

If you're NOT RICH & willing to give him some of your money, Trump will lie to YOU TOO ... wise up, folks.

Launch of "Real Doctors Against Oz" campaign calls GOP candidate into question​

Highlighting Dr. Mehmet Oz's spreading of Covid-19 misinformation and his history of dispensing what one study found to be "baseless" medical advice, several Pennsylvania doctors joined Democratic Senate candidate Lt. Gov. John Fetterman on Wednesday in warning that electing Oz to the U.S. Senate would "endanger Pennsylvanians' health."

‘The walls are closing in’: George Conway says Trump is finally learning 'nobody is above the law'​

George Conway assessed the quickly gathering legal challenges Donald Trump is facing after FBI agents searched Mar-A-Lago two days before he was ****** to testify in a New York investigation of his business practices.

The former president pleaded the Fifth Amendment more than 400 times Wednesday in his deposition before New York's attorney general as his allies fanned out across the media suggesting that FBI agents planted unspecified evidence during the hours-long search of his home, and Conway told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that Trump's situation was grim.
on the prowl for.....??????........maybe it is just a republican fund raiser


Did Trump Pay $35M to Settle baby ******* Claims Against Him? › fact-check › trump-baby-
U.S. President Donald Trump has been the target of multiple accusations that he raped children aged 13 and younger, and he paid at least $35 million to

Donald Trump Is Accused Of ******* A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven't … › entry › donald-trump-*******...
The accuser says Trump raped her repeatedly at parties thrown by since-convicted ******* Jeffrey Epstein, who was widely known to throw wild parties with young women and girls. Epstein

Matt Gaetz investigated for sex trafficking of young girl ... - CNBC › 2021 › 03 › 30 › matt-gaetz...
The Department of Justice is investigating whether Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl and paid for her travels with him, The New York Times...

The Matt Gaetz Scandal Keeps Getting Worse - The Cut › 2022 › 01 › the-matt-gaetz...
Things aren’t looking good for Matt Gaetz, the Florida representative who is currently facing a federal investigation into a number of allegations of a sexual nature, including whether he had a

'They had it!' Fox News host baffled over why Trump World would lie about Mar-a-Lago search warrant​

Shortly after United States Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the Department of Justice had requested that a judge unseal the search warrant that the Federal Bureau of Investigation executed on Monday at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago compound in Palm Beach, Florida, Fox News contributor Harold Ford Jr. on Thursday was baffled as to why Trump lied about it.

"Don't mistake or misconstrue what I'm saying, anyone around the table. I'm not rooting against the president. But what I don't for the life of me – I'll come back to where I started – if the president had the warrant, had the receipt, why would you tell your friends and your supporters that you didn’t have it and blame and attack FBI agents and other federal officials? For the life of me I don't quite understand it. But I'm hopeful and prayerful that as this investigation goes forward that the president will have an opportunity to at least express himself," Ford said during a discussion on The Five.

Trump, Ford continued, "has until three o'clock tomorrow to respond to the court in Florida regarding whether or not they should unseal the warrant and the receipt. Now, I dunno why he wouldn't just say right now, 'release it.' He has until tomorrow to do it. The receipt and the warrant are gonna give us I believe some answers to some of the questions that we have around this table and some of the questions that have been asked today."

Feds drop subpoenas on multiple GOP offices inside Pennsylvania Capitol: report​

After the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago on Monday and seized the cellphone of Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) on Tuesday, the DOJ is now reportedly dropping subpoenas inside the Pennsylvania state Capitol.

"Federal investigators delivered subpoenas or paid visits to several House and Senate Republican offices in the Pennsylvania Capitol on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to multiple sources," PennLive reported on Wednesday. "At least some of the individuals receiving subpoenas were told they were not targets of an investigation, according to at least six sources reached by PennLive, but that they may have information of interest to the FBI. All of the sources had been briefed on the investigative moves in some way, but demanded anonymity in order to discuss them."

GOP leaders did not confirm whether members of their caucuses were subpoenaed.

Trump allies say he declassified Mar-a-Lago documents. Experts say it's unclear if that will hold up.​

Allies of former President Donald Trump say that any sensitive White House documents he brought with him to his Mar-a-Lago estate had been declassified, but some legal and presidential record experts are skeptical of that claim — and say that Trump could be in criminal jeopardy regardless.

While the Justice Department has a long history of prosecuting cases involving the mishandling of classified information, no such case has ever been brought against a former president — the one government official who can declassify information at will.

"As the facts stand now, his defense would be, ‘I declassified those documents. I am not therefore in possession of classified documents now,'” said Charles Stimson, a senior fellow with the conservative Heritage Foundation and a former federal prosecutor.

Others take a different view — including, it seems, the FBI, which executed a search warrant at Trump's Florida resort on Monday tied to classified information Trump allegedly took with him from the White House in January 2021. Trump lawyer Christina Bobb said Tuesday that the warrant left by agents indicated they were investigating possible violations of laws dealing with the handling of classified material and the Presidential Records Act.

chance of nuke info........???? Mmm getting serious now.................................burn the mf"er

What is going on in America ,is the playbook of Karl Marx, and Adolph Hitler, the Manuel for Communism ,and Fascism The term Banana Republic seems to be the word of the media, All Fascism, and Communist Country's started as one party became the ruling class , and set about destroying all their political opposition
You find it so convenient to blend Fascism & Communism as an insult to liberals in the same sentence. It was TRUMP who slept with the speaches of Adolph Hitler on his nightstand .... why not research that. It was Trump who openly announced his interest in totalitarianism, and the one who organized a coup against the USA. He's the one who has constantly taken short cuts AROUND our constitution, the right wing's current attempts to to take over the state's voting apparatuses, that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader and ****** suppression of its opposition just like Kim Jong Un. "When Kim Jong Un speaks his people listen" Wasn't it Trump who admired Kim Jong Un and was recorded saying "I want MY PEOPLE to do the same". Strong man rule (Puti.n, Kim or Castro as examples) is unbound by such trivial as "the law".

Its not liberals who are trying to suppress voting, and its not liberals who form riots then refer to them as pea.ceful marches, or tell its constituents to 'stand down & stand by', or encourages the people to carry weapons or to hang the vice president. And to see confederate & nazi flag carriers in these crowds and in the Capitol building is sickening since so many, many US lives were sacrificed to keep either of these insurrections from being successful. And to think, none of you RightTARDS had anything to say regarding seeing that. Republicans live in a state of denialism ... such a convenience & oh so prevalent by the RIGHT.

So, Stanley, if admitting the truth is too hard for you when you hear & see the truth on TV coming from the one you are so devoted to protecting, then, Stanley if there's any way I can help you OUT THE DOOR faster, just let me know, ok? Cause as long as this country is being assaulted from the inside out by Republican insurrectionists, I'm here to have my voice heard and to help the country in any way I can. I won't leave the United States behind with my ******* facing a dictator run fool like Trump.

Get yourself a damn cat, I hear there
are some quite perfect for your BS ...

........... avatar_Cat-Hitler.jpg
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Anyone seen hunter?
he might be in bed with Ivanka...or Melana.....both have round heels

Bannon Is Said to Have Called Jared Kushner a "Cuck" and "Worse … › bannon-said...
The Daily Beast said that Bannon has called Kushner a “cuck” and the “globalist” to other White House officials. That didn’t go over well with Kushner. Chuck is short for “cuckold”, and describes

Melania Trump appears smitten by Canadian leader … › news › world › ny-melania...
Aug 27, 2019 · First Lady Melania Trump only had eyes for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Trump could only look on at the G-7 summit in France. A comically framed

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