TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

I have never seen a group more radical, filled with hate and rage, than the liberals in this country... There's only one of you here who claims to value human life, but he throws up dislikes when I speak out against the low-life sob who is calling for assassinations of pretty much every person who disagrees with that...
Really? Never? What about Al Qaeda? How about the Taliban? How about the Serbs or Croatians?
That was in your lifetime right?
Right here in this country? Rightwing Anti-Abortion activist who actually K.ILLED judges and legal abortion clinic staff? How the Ku Klux Klan who ranks were filled with 'outstanding citizens' of this nation, who took off the sheets and put on a black robe, or suit and tie, or police uniform? What about the gangs that are inside of the LA Sheriff's Department?
Or the escalation of these far right extremists mass shootings??
People like Ed and Ridgely find themselves on my ignore list simply because they fabricate bullshit here, even going as far as to make up crap about others with whom they disagree...
We challenge your worldview with undeniable facts and history that you had no clue of. You cannot and have not refute them. The insults you can take, but to realize your ideology is a sham, brings up question about everything you thought was true and leads to one conclusion- you're not intelligent and have been duped.
So you stick your head in the sand and put us on ignore.
NONE OF YOU LEFTISTS HAVE ANY GUTS... You've proven that time and time again... I've been decent with you all, even going so far as to try to be friendly, but the hatred that has been shown exposes you all for what you truly are...
And then your typical faux bravado trying to hide the glaring projection.
We've all noticed that you are only good for talking ******* and giving likes. That's your input, your lane. Don't trying to cross over into the the discussion on issues, you've never mentally equipped for that.
Just to reiterate and for laughs:
There is No %22Essay%22 TNC.png

Ah the classics! (y)
try listening to leftists about their opinion on Biden.

you might be pleasantly surprised

I actually know her from years ago when she first came back from Jordan. She knocked on doors and organized communities in Virginia. a couple years later she ran for Congress, a couple years later she had a show in cable news.
Either way, she has worked campaigns from the inside, as a candidate, and as an analyst. Very smart woman.
Hell there’s even a majority of Dems that think those protestors should be rounded up - sometimes it’s easy to forget in here that we’re basically dealing with the lunatic fringe.
Bullshit! Prove it.
Dems respond by setting up a counterprotest in SUPPORT of the Supreme Court standing across the street every year.
Do you need pictures to remind you?
Unlike January 6th, this was a fire set during a protest for the Constitution. The January 6th Insurrection was to stop a Constitutional process. Not just any constitutional process but the peaceful transfer of power that we have enjoyed for about 224 years.

By the way, the two suburban white guys who were caught and charged are Republicans and were not part of the protests.
But I'm sure you knew that.
I actually know her from years ago when she first came back from Jordan. She knocked on doors and organized communities in Virginia. a couple years later she ran for Congress, a couple years later she had a show in cable news.
Either way, she has worked campaigns from the inside, as a candidate, and as an analyst. Very smart woman.

She sure kicked the crap outta the two she was up against.
She sure kicked the crap outta the two she was up against.
Not in that district.
That was one of those elections that the strategy was to do well enough to draw campaign funds for the Republican, so that districts that were closer (purple) can get extra funds pumped into it by the Democrats.
Nevermind, it's an election strategy that you would not understand. Democrats got crushed across the board that year. It was Obama's midterm and she was taking on an incumbent in a conservative district.
The Biden Administration has done nothing to stop those illegal protests or even addressed the issue - proof enough for me.
Nice pivot away.
Whatta bunch of Dem HOOEY !!!!
I guess it doesn't even pay to ask you to explain what's the 'hooey' in that post either.

You Cons are used to your people being told things that make them 'feel' good and right without any truth to it.
We post challenges to your good feelings and you call it hooey or fake or lies, yet have you no proof of that. Just your 'feelings'.
Such a bunch of emotional illogical c.hildren.
Not in that district.
That was one of those elections that the strategy was to do well enough to draw campaign funds for the Republican, so that districts that were closer (purple) can get extra funds pumped into it by the Democrats.
Nevermind, it's an election strategy that you would not understand. Democrats got crushed across the board that year. It was Obama's midterm and she was taking on an incumbent in a conservative district.

I was referencing the vid Ridge posted.
Nice pivot away.

I guess it doesn't even pay to ask you to explain what's the 'hooey' in that post either.

You Cons are used to your people being told things that make them 'feel' good and right without any truth to it.
We post challenges to your good feelings and you call it hooey or fake or lies, yet have you no proof of that. Just your 'feelings'.
Such a bunch of emotional illogical c.hildren.

Sorry Ed I just know HOOEY when I see it - age and experience does have some merit 😉