Those who suffer with mental illness and depression. Share your thoughts. Others can ignore and no hate comments

I’ve have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder 2. I don’t tell most people about it though because of the stigma associated with it. I’ve haven’t much issue with it related to the disorder beyond small waves of depression
I know it is not the right forum to ask this but I want to know people and help them in the best possible way I can. Thanks.
Its in the "Off Topic" section, so you're fine.
As Emmaqq mentions, depression is not a topic most people desire to discuss openingly with people who (1) we don't know (2) don't understand it. In many ways Its as serious as any disease you can name and often involves/affects others with its presents, like family. Its a disease which, compared to other diseases, little research has been invested in curing. Its usually a "hit or miss" type treatment in many cases; if you go to a half dozen different doctors, they're likely to all prescribe different ways of treating it. It often impacts ones sex life ... with men, its impotence.
So, siddharth, where do you wish to go with this discussion? You're the OP here ... want to open up with your battles with depression?

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I am a post graduate and I am living with BPD and anxiety issues. It was difficult then and now as well. I am on minimal medication and I am working hard to get back. Sometimes I get super horny and I get the urge to knock up a woman lol.
I read a comment once on another forum from someone who described themselves as a "failed narcissist" who was slapped down and thwarted one too many times and withdrew into a state more closely resembling the quiet subtype of BPD.

This really struck a cord with me.

That said, I have never been diagnosed. But I was a rather loathsome individual for much of my life, a bullying and malicious bitch who targeted other people's insecurities and degraded them for cheap thrills....yet I fumed with indescribable rage and humiliation and when the tables were turned and they targeted mine. Fortunately I am capable of introspection and have developed enough self-awareness to recognize these tendencies. However, deep down I'm still pretty much the same.
Deep and honest analyst.
I got real depressed after my ******* died during a crucial development period in my life .
Alongside bullying and feeling isolated in my then location it was a very turbulent time.
By seventeen i was a introvert pretending to be a extrovert forsing myself to be outgoing .
Im not very good-looking or felt good-looking and i lacked confidence.
By seventeen i was lost and suicidal it took falling down to climb back up.
By nineteen i was a bully i hated life and was miserable .
I've evolved since then but i wonder how much .
There is no harm is seeking help.
.... Medical help is not cheap or accurate as every case presents its own puzzles to solve. And, health care plans are cutting back on benefits for mental illnesses. Less in-hospital, as well as out-patient coverage. Why is that, you think? Maybe its because mental illness is sort of like smoke & mirrors ... you think you see it, but try touching it. Again its expensive to treat simply because such poor research has been invested in determining its cause. Its not like heart disease or cancer or diabetes.
.... I just watched a movie (true story) this past weekend regarding a young girl who has encephalitis and how it went miss-diagnosed for over a year. Several doctors had looked at her, coming up with "mental illness" mostly. They were ready to institutionalize the girl before an intern (knowing if she was institutionalized that she would die) knew of an old professor who she thought might look at the girl's symptoms with fresh eyes. The girl had already lost her speech, body coordination, ability to walk, etc ... the old professor reluctantly took the case and solved it.
.... Unfortunately, many people can't afford one doctor, much less multiple doctors looking at their specific health case, and mental illness is one of those diseases that usually require 3-4 or more doctors evaluations before proper treatment (for that case only) is resolved. Hit & Miss isn't an option with depression because of the baggage of "spill-over" of negatives (as we've read in the above posts) that impact so many other, innocent people.
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Having been through one period of depression in my life i now watch for it in other people around me. I believe the reason for me suffering and surviving was to give me strength and the ability to spot depression in others around me. Thats the only positive i can take from a very bleak time in my life. The biggest killer of middle aged men in the UK is suicide. I once heard that we all lose 3 friends to suicide in our lives. Well i have lost 3 and im only 49
So the rise in depression needs addressing. But as a nation we treat rather than prevent. Manage rather than cure. Its an approach to health care that is so wrong.
I read an excellent piece on depression and i am going to paste it here because i saved it knowing it would help someone some day.

Are you creating your own depression and anxiety?!?!

Being depressed and anxiety ridden is ruining my life and I don’t want to live anymore.

Does this sound like you or does this sound like where you are heading?

Let me give you hope and a since of relief. This was me at my very worst and I’ve been free of that for some time now.

How you ask? Nothing in your life has to change, the way you act to life has to change. Change your inside responses and thoughts and then whatever comes your way won’t matter because you will have a strong foundation.

Everyone that I know that has anxiety or depression and stays there, seems to almost like it. Believe it or not “it feels good” to them in a weird unhealthy way. You become comfortable and are fearful of change. Change could cause more stress which I can’t handle right now and because of that you don’t get healthy.

If your chemically imbalanced or not, I promise you, that one little pill has nothing to do with your idea of long term relief. It’s a band aid that comes undone whenever it’s weathered and old and always needs replaced.

How do you get out of being depressed?!!!

So there is a laundry list of things you can do and that you need to do. So here are a couple of them that has helped me the most.

Be truthful to yourself. You will never be in control of your life and you will never be able to know what is good or bad when things happen to you at the time. Here is a little story of what I mean.

There is a old man and he has a prized horse. The horse runs away and his neighbor comes over and says, “I’m so sorry for your loss”, you must be sad. The old man says “who knows what’s good or bad”. Later on that prized horse comes back with 10 other Pharrell horses. The neighbor says “wow, that’s great news! The old man reply’s “who knows what’s good or bad”. The old mans ******* comes to visit and rides the horse and ends up getting bucked off and breaks his leg. The neighbor comes over and says “I’m so sorry, how terrible. The old man says “who knows what is good or bad.” A war breaks out and the military is taking, all willing and able sons, to fight in the war and the ******* can’t go because of his broken leg.

So who really knows what is good or bad at the time. Things around the corner might just be looking up ?.

One of the other things that I have learned is don’t f***ing lie to yourself!! There are sins in this world and I don’t care what you believe but we all have a moral compass. We all know what is right or wrong and the more we stray off that, we knowingly or not cause more anxiety and stress.

I at one time loved buying stuff. I would buy so much stuff without my wife knowing and it was destroying me from the inside out. It brought me happiness for a second but it fueled my depression and anxiety.

So be truthful to yourself. Is there something you do that makes you happy that later causes you to get unhappy later?

Take care of yourself! I know what causes me to slip and I eliminate it or do it so rarely I can bounce right back from it. For me this is drinking, eating bad, buying unnecessary things or not being active. If I ever do these things I feel my body getting in a slump again. Your desire to want to do these things might make you think it is not effecting you but being dishonest with yourself might just be fueling the fire of depression and anxiety.

Be grateful!! No matter what, our voice in our head, is always talking to ourself. Our brains can only take so much coming into our brain, so it is up to us on what gets in. Work on how you talk to yourself. You ever wonder why when you want to buy a new car, for example. You start to always see that car your wanting to buy on the road. That’s cause are brain recognizes what we want and it goes and finds it. So if your always thinking, I’m sad, I need this, I’m ugly, etc... guess what! Your going to miss so much good that is trying to come in and only see those bad things you keep telling yourself. So throughout the day just be grateful for everything, little, big and also smile. It’s good for you!

Take a second when something good happens and celebrate those little wins all the time. We sometimes forget to celebrate the good things. If we want good things in our life, we have to make sure to give thanks to them all the time.

Hang with the people you want to be like. Picture what you want to be like and go find those people, that bring the very best YOU out. When your in a healthy place and thinking positive, you will be surprised the good you see in people and in yourself. At that time you can bring people up and you will be the influencer and not the follower.

So I’m realizing this is getting way too long.

Right now I’m passionate about getting people healthy and out of depression. I’m going to start a website and try to help as many people as I can through what I have learned and done myself.

Know that you can get out of it and I promise you will be out of the fog with lots of practice. Just be consistent and grateful.

Thanks and in the comments say something you’re grateful for right now ?! I promise it feels great to be constantly grateful!

I believe there must be a healthy debate and discussion about mental health as a whole. Lifestyle problems, personal issues contribute to them. We need to see the problem from its roots.
I believe there must be a healthy debate and discussion about mental health as a whole. Lifestyle problems, personal issues contribute to them. We need to see the problem from its roots.
... plus lots and lots and lots of money for research. Federal Government keeps pushing this illness to the back of the line and it appears its going to keep being pushed to the back of the line for a while. Cuts in physicians visits, therapies, institutionalization stays, etc continue being CUT.
Health plans still view it as a game of whack-a-mole, thus too expensive to see any benefits from specialized doctors visits.
My thoughts are with those suffering from mental illness. However before you take any tablets look up a documentary on the net called "who cares in Sweden". It focusses on Sweden but the implications are global. You really need to be fully imformed before taking any anti-depressants. IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON ANTI DEPRESSANTS DO NOT STOP WITHOUT CONSULTING YOUR DOCTOR. Don't take my word for it just search SSRI and divorce in the same line.