The Prevalence of Cuckoldry and Interracial Fucking?

Honestly, it's hard to say how things will go in the future. What is desirable today may not be tomorrow. I can remember the "Latin Invasion" as they called it in the late 90's and early 00's and how women were lusting after the likes of Ricky Martin (funny how that turned out). Flat butt - fake boobed - bleach blonde babes of the 80's gave way to the big booty gals like J Lo and the curvaceous beauties of today. Greaser's and bad boys with leather and motorcycles / hot-rods of the 50's... pin up gals were the desire of the men. Even earlier in history such as the Greeks, men who were of small endowment and good physical form were the desirable men of that time. Discipline of body and mind were more attractive and a large penis was considered barbaric. For all we know, men with small dongs might be the future lust of women... or perhaps women will find no use for men at all if technology reaches a point by which men can be 'replaced' as is the fantasy of certain extreme feminist movements. Too many variables. Every generation has their type... and every generation has a subculture that goes against that accepted type.
Honestly, it's hard to say how things will go in the future. What is desirable today may not be tomorrow. I can remember the "Latin Invasion" as they called it in the late 90's and early 00's and how women were lusting after the likes of Ricky Martin (funny how that turned out). Flat butt - fake boobed - bleach blonde babes of the 80's gave way to the big booty gals like J Lo and the curvaceous beauties of today. Greaser's and bad boys with leather and motorcycles / hot-rods of the 50's... pin up gals were the desire of the men. Even earlier in history such as the Greeks, men who were of small endowment and good physical form were the desirable men of that time. Discipline of body and mind were more attractive and a large penis was considered barbaric. For all we know, men with small dongs might be the future lust of women... or perhaps women will find no use for men at all if technology reaches a point by which men can be 'replaced' as is the fantasy of certain extreme feminist movements. Too many variables. Every generation has their type... and every generation has a subculture that goes against that accepted type.

Women who prefer underendowed men, in my experience, have other issues driving that. Cuckolds and their wives trading up is as old as antiquity.
We don't have enough black men living around us. But I have noticed at restaurants 50% of Black Men are with a white woman (not counting groups of black men together). We went out today and again a Black Man was dining with a white girl.

Black Men will soon approach white married couples and take the wife. They are by nature more bold and confident and should be free to take what they want.
We don't have enough black men living around us. But I have noticed at restaurants 50% of Black Men are with a white woman (not counting groups of black men together). We went out today and again a Black Man was dining with a white girl.

Black Men will soon approach white married couples and take the wife. They are by nature more bold and confident and should be free to take what they want.
I dont think it will be a matter of taking. I think a lot of white guys are naturally understanding that integrating BBC into the marriage is a win win. Sex will be thought of not as 2 but 3. Obviously wife and BBC taking the more active role.
Please note, I stated "will soon". Not there yet, but Black Men are becoming more confident with interactions with white people. More common now in the northeast than the south of course.

If approached by a Black Man who wanted to take me from my husband and use me for his pleasure, today I would have to restrain my hubby so he wouldn't get beat up. This is his fantasy more than mine but we need to get ready for reality in our society. I hope someday soon, we will feel it is the duty of every white wife to walk away from her husband and understand it is her duty to please the superior Black Man.

I don't think this is just for cuckolds; this is human nature to submit the the stronger Alpha Black Men.
I have a friend that works in a Urologist's office. It is a fertility practice. They do semen analysis and, of course, collect the semen samples there on site.

She has told me that more and more, for years now, the most used porn in their collection rooms are interracial and hot wife related material. It gets used, messed up and worn out and they have to continually replace it. They have even had some who have been so bold as to request it, more of it or complain there isn't enough.

The Playboy and Penthouse vanilla stuff is practically untouched.
Penthouse Letters has been know to print some hot IR Wifesharing letters from time to time.
Please note, I stated "will soon". Not there yet, but Black Men are becoming more confident with interactions with white people. More common now in the northeast than the south of course.

If approached by a Black Man who wanted to take me from my husband and use me for his pleasure, today I would have to restrain my hubby so he wouldn't get beat up. This is his fantasy more than mine but we need to get ready for reality in our society. I hope someday soon, we will feel it is the duty of every white wife to walk away from her husband and understand it is her duty to please the superior Black Man.

I don't think this is just for cuckolds; this is human nature to submit the the stronger Alpha Black Men.
I like how you think BeckieSue! There is something about a big dominant alpha black man taking my white partner that I find so arousing. As I'm looking for a white female who likes big black men as a partner, it seems natural that I'd surrender her to a black man, but at the same time I'd fight to the death if it was a non-black male wanting to fuck her.
Let me explain.
Obama had run for office two previous times unsuccessfully. He was supposed to run against a guy named Ryan. Ryan the incumbant was ahead of Obama by 40+ points in polling. He had also been married to a hot blonde - the actress Jerri Ryan. Many knew her as 6 of 9 on Star Trek deep space 9.
The terms and reasons for the divorce were sealed. A good political operative got them unsealed showing that Ryan convinced his reluctant wife to sleep with other men. Eventually he became obsessed with seeing her with black men and wanted a gang bang. She refused, they divorced , and he was publicly shamed and withdrew from the election.
That was how Obama won the state seat in Illinois. How he got to speak at the DNC. And how he got a path to the presidency paved by one mans need to see his wife pounded by BBC.

For the record, I gladly would have turned out his wife! I think Jerri Ryan is fine!
I have recently begun a new relationship and she asked me what my fantasies were. I told her it was IR sex, particularly black men and white wives and cuckoldry. 'Interesting' she replied. We have yet to further the conversation.
In CANADA I will be a member of a Visiable Minority by June 2023 according to Stats Canada. Yes that’s right Whites will be a visiable minority. Wrap you head around that one the next time you think of Canada as the GREAT WHITE NORTH.