History of Interracial sex!

Interracial marriage was legalized in America in 1967 but people have been marrying and having sex way before that.It can be easily traced back to the period of slave trade in US and Europe as well.Even marrying was forbidden for most part of the history let's not even talk about cuckoldry.But there are many accounts of Africans present in ancient Greece,ancient Egypt & Roman Empire and these were supposed to be more advanced societies were even homosexuality was legal.I have even heard that cuckoldry was allowed to some extent in Rome.Could it be possible that they discovered interracial cuckoldry and marriage back then because it's hard to believe that the thing which has fascinated most of the world today wasn't thought of at that time.No way Roman and Greek woman were watching Mandingos and not comparing it to much smaller European counterpart (smaller dicks were seen as sign of more civilized men at that time) I believe even if there was a historic record of this it would have been destroyed by more religious regime who took over these places because of humiliation.Why did it took so long for white people to discover enormous craze of interracial sex and cuckoldry?If anyone has more knowledge or info about this then please share.I have some ancient paintings from ancient Rome which definitely depicts sex btw Africans men and European woman.2158678224_8e90838dc5_z (1).jpgpompeii-brothel-fresco32.jpg
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