The Eyes Have "It"!

Brothas, you KNOW whenever you encounter a woman, after sizing up her breast and ass, you will look at her EYES! While these colorful "jewels" casted in ivory are "the 'windows' to HER world", her mind may not always be in alignment with YOURS. Challenge: be sure to keep YOUR eyes on the ones on either side of her nose and not the ones just above her belly button! All Site Rules apply to this thread!
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@TheUBM , ''6 foot 8?'' N asks Law. ''good guess. 6 - 9'' his low baritme answer. . . . . . .N continues ''Are you really dating Miss R's little sister?'' she asks shyly. The onyx ghant lowers his head down to her ear and whispers ''sshh , yes, and i dated Miss R too. shhh keep it hush.''. . . . . the PromQueen's glassy blue eyes shine with being given a privelleged secret. . . . . .then with an expression that says she hopes to impress, ''You know i was crowned PromQueen this year?'' . . . their eyes magnetically lock. , - and then her eyes have him. The eyes of a Prom Queen, ready to surrender her mahdenhead to a powerful man. A powerful, towering, experienced Black Man. . . . her eyes have never been more pretty.- - No further words broke the magic between their eyes.
@TheUBM , ''6 foot 8?'' N asks Law. ''good guess. 6 - 9'' his low baritme answer. . . . . . .N continues ''Are you really dating Miss R's little sister?'' she asks shyly. The onyx ghant lowers his head down to her ear and whispers ''sshh , yes, and i dated Miss R too. shhh keep it hush.''. . . . . the PromQueen's glassy blue eyes shine with being given a privelleged secret. . . . . .then with an expression that says she hopes to impress, ''You know i was crowned PromQueen this year?'' . . . their eyes magnetically lock. , - and then her eyes have him. The eyes of a Prom Queen, ready to surrender her mahdenhead to a powerful man. A powerful, towering, experienced Black Man. . . . her eyes have never been more pretty.- - No further words broke the magic between their eyes.

Pretty picture! Even prettier daydream! Got me excited! Very nice @raeanne!
This woman is absolutely beautiful!! Love her eyes and everything else I see. Just look at her gorgeous, flawless complexion and sexy lips. 10/10
agree. She has a look thats all her own, a singular Beauty. oh, those eyes. mixed race women often have unique beauty , stunning. Black Men make such wonderful children with us.