Squeaking springs


When I was growing up, "Mr. James" would come to our house. For a long time I didn't understand the relationship between that black man and my Mom and Dad. They acted respectful to him and it was like he had some control. He often sat beside Mom on the sofa and put his hands on her sometimes. Then at some point he and Mom would go down the hall to Mom and Dad's bedroom. Dad would try to occupy my attention by playing games with me or watching something on TV with me or taking me outside for a walk. When we didn't go outside, though, I always could hear the springs in Mom and Dad's old bed. I was afraid to ask what was going on. When Mom and Mr. James came back out, she usually looked kind of red in her face. Mr James would leave and things would get normal again. When I got older, of course, I found out what was happening.
When I was growing up, "Mr. James" would come to our house. For a long time I didn't understand the relationship between that black man and my Mom and Dad. They acted respectful to him and it was like he had some control. He often sat beside Mom on the sofa and put his hands on her sometimes. Then at some point he and Mom would go down the hall to Mom and Dad's bedroom. Dad would try to occupy my attention by playing games with me or watching something on TV with me or taking me outside for a walk. When we didn't go outside, though, I always could hear the springs in Mom and Dad's old bed. I was afraid to ask what was going on. When Mom and Mr. James came back out, she usually looked kind of red in her face. Mr James would leave and things would get normal again. When I got older, of course, I found out what was happening.
How do you feel now as an adult what transpired?
Did that impact on your choices as an adult now?
When I was growing up, "Mr. James" would come to our house. For a long time I didn't understand the relationship between that black man and my Mom and Dad. They acted respectful to him and it was like he had some control. He often sat beside Mom on the sofa and put his hands on her sometimes. Then at some point he and Mom would go down the hall to Mom and Dad's bedroom. Dad would try to occupy my attention by playing games with me or watching something on TV with me or taking me outside for a walk. When we didn't go outside, though, I always could hear the springs in Mom and Dad's old bed. I was afraid to ask what was going on. When Mom and Mr. James came back out, she usually looked kind of red in her face. Mr James would leave and things would get normal again. When I got older, of course, I found out what was happening.

does the sound of bed springs mean anything to you. Either positive or negative.
I have an aquantance that the sound is very positive. When he was young his ******* was always in and out of jail.when his ******* would get out he and his mom would have just out of jail sex that always started with the bed spring sound then the squeaky bed sound, followed by the bed banging on the wall sound. These were sounds that all was right in his world.

Later in life when bone cancer took first one then the other of his legs both below the knees. He also lost his hard ones. He was married to his second wife for fifteen years. He gave her a hall pass. At a BBQ when too much was drank I heard the story. So I found an old brass bed. Modified it to take a new size mattress. Jacked it up to the right height due to no box springs. Once it was set up in the spare bed room. All was good in his world. The bed squeaked when the dog 🐕 rubbed against it. About a year after that his wife asked if I could make a rolling platform like they use to get under 🚙. It took a bit of research and trial to get one just right. Now when she plays she slides him under the bed 🛌 for the night in his depends so he can cum as much as he likes.