Splash mocha Houston

We LOVE Splash and every event. Houston last year was a lot of fun albeit the hotel didn't know what they were about to get hit with - LOL.

That aside we had a blast and I was pretty broken by the end of the weekend. We had in room run, play room run and everything in between. One of my fav memories of Houston last year was going to the dance floor, dancing with this very hot guy for about 5 min. He then invited by back to his room. While he was fucking me in his room his room mate came in the room to grab something....he didn't leave and I ended up having a one hour fuck fest with these two super hot guys.

Wow, anyway, yes you should come and have fun. be very social and if a guy looks you up and down and you find him attractive, go for it!
Wait a minute I lived on that dance floor in my boxers so we definitely crossed paths.
This will be my first Splash so I'm very excited to attend. There are people that i see in different topics that i would love to finally meet in person and get my hands on. If all goes well I'll be attend next year in Houston all 3 days and i might come in early.

Might not offer the typical thing that 99% of the men at the event offer but sometimes bringing something different is good