She’s pregnant now what

I agree.. based on our bulls response to me being pregnant by him, Me and her think it’s best that we raise his baby as our own.. we definitely don’t disagree with him though, like we understand 100% where he is coming from and respect his decision of not wanting to get involved.. he already has 3 other baby mamas so were aware it’s 100% on me and her
Welcome to the new world order. More white women black preg. That's the way this is going.
It was sorta but it wasn’t at the same time If that makes sense, I believe me and her were both at the point spiritually and sexually where we want a kid to raise as our own and grow our family.
Knowing how our bull is, which is super egotistical and really mainly cares about how many young gfs and wife’s he can influence to cheat on their bf or hubby.
Hes doing the right thing, more white girls and women black world order
Hello B2W community. So me and my fiancé just received some very shocking but amazing but also stressful news a couple weeks ago. We had her take a pregnancy test while we were in Tx and literally soon after we got down there she tested positive. So at that point we were kinda freaking out, like a million things racing through or heads like what are we going to tell family and friends and what are they going to think... we 100% know she’s pregnant by her bull she she’s regularly where we live, and of course it can’t physically be possible that i did, because I havnt been able to put my Dick near her pussy in over 4 months. Even then I was only allowed to have my penis touch her pussy for 5 seconds no penetration what so ever. Her regular bull has been Cumming in her pussy regularly and from the get go. For some odd reason we just didn’t think she would get pregnant. Before she started cucking me with Bbc I would cum in her a lot and we never had a pregnancy scare. So after that position test she had in Tx while we were there we waited for a couple weeks and she abstained from sex with her bull which I know was super hard! I’m super proud of her. So we then got a real deal test at our local OBGYN and it came back positive again and our physician was able to almost pin point the date she was impregnated, which was a weekend that our bull stayed at our house and she and him went at it like rabbits for two days straight. He must have came in her over 10 times. Today we talked to her bull about it and that she’s pregnant, we wanted to hear his thoughts on it as well, fortunately he agreed with us that we should proceed and have the baby but love and care for as our own. He doesn’t want much to do with it which is understandable and probably for the best. I know I’m excited to have a baby with the women I love!!😍 she is excited too! We are so happy and feel so fortunate to have an opportunity to start raising a family, we are just really worried and nervous about breaking the news to friends and family. My family is a typical conservative whIte family which is a recipe for disaster, and her family is a very old school traditional Hispanic family.
Btw she is over 3 months pregnant now! 🙌🏼 We are expecting august 5th


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over it ugh GIF by NBPA

please stop
Hello B2W community. So me and my fiancé just received some very shocking but amazing but also stressful news a couple weeks ago. We had her take a pregnancy test while we were in Tx and literally soon after we got down there she tested positive. So at that point we were kinda freaking out, like a million things racing through or heads like what are we going to tell family and friends and what are they going to think... we 100% know she’s pregnant by her bull she she’s regularly where we live, and of course it can’t physically be possible that i did, because I havnt been able to put my Dick near her pussy in over 4 months. Even then I was only allowed to have my penis touch her pussy for 5 seconds no penetration what so ever. Her regular bull has been Cumming in her pussy regularly and from the get go. For some odd reason we just didn’t think she would get pregnant. Before she started cucking me with Bbc I would cum in her a lot and we never had a pregnancy scare. So after that position test she had in Tx while we were there we waited for a couple weeks and she abstained from sex with her bull which I know was super hard! I’m super proud of her. So we then got a real deal test at our local OBGYN and it came back positive again and our physician was able to almost pin point the date she was impregnated, which was a weekend that our bull stayed at our house and she and him went at it like rabbits for two days straight. He must have came in her over 10 times. Today we talked to her bull about it and that she’s pregnant, we wanted to hear his thoughts on it as well, fortunately he agreed with us that we should proceed and have the baby but love and care for as our own. He doesn’t want much to do with it which is understandable and probably for the best. I know I’m excited to have a baby with the women I love!!😍 she is excited too! We are so happy and feel so fortunate to have an opportunity to start raising a family, we are just really worried and nervous about breaking the news to friends and family. My family is a typical conservative whIte family which is a recipe for disaster, and her family is a very old school traditional Hispanic family.
Btw she is over 3 months pregnant now! 🙌🏼 We are expecting august 5th
Congratulations ! 🤗🥰🍆👌🏿 xxx
Hello B2W community. So me and my fiancé just received some very shocking but amazing but also stressful news a couple weeks ago. We had her take a pregnancy test while we were in Tx and literally soon after we got down there she tested positive. So at that point we were kinda freaking out, like a million things racing through or heads like what are we going to tell family and friends and what are they going to think... we 100% know she’s pregnant by her bull she she’s regularly where we live, and of course it can’t physically be possible that i did, because I havnt been able to put my Dick near her pussy in over 4 months. Even then I was only allowed to have my penis touch her pussy for 5 seconds no penetration what so ever. Her regular bull has been Cumming in her pussy regularly and from the get go. For some odd reason we just didn’t think she would get pregnant. Before she started cucking me with Bbc I would cum in her a lot and we never had a pregnancy scare. So after that position test she had in Tx while we were there we waited for a couple weeks and she abstained from sex with her bull which I know was super hard! I’m super proud of her. So we then got a real deal test at our local OBGYN and it came back positive again and our physician was able to almost pin point the date she was impregnated, which was a weekend that our bull stayed at our house and she and him went at it like rabbits for two days straight. He must have came in her over 10 times. Today we talked to her bull about it and that she’s pregnant, we wanted to hear his thoughts on it as well, fortunately he agreed with us that we should proceed and have the baby but love and care for as our own. He doesn’t want much to do with it which is understandable and probably for the best. I know I’m excited to have a baby with the women I love!!😍 she is excited too! We are so happy and feel so fortunate to have an opportunity to start raising a family, we are just really worried and nervous about breaking the news to friends and family. My family is a typical conservative whIte family which is a recipe for disaster, and her family is a very old school traditional Hispanic family.
Btw she is over 3 months pregnant now! 🙌🏼 We are expecting august 5th
Another bullshit "story." "Received news two weeks ago" to "she is three months preggo!" Yeah, umm, ok... Move along!
The second time wifey got pregged, she decided on the terminating it, due mainly to her age (54).
I was there, holding her hand, with her legs hoist in the stirrups. The older female Korean doctor was very crude but forward.
She asked questions in her broken English like, "You cuckold, right?". Of course I blushed as I admitted that I was.
"How come nice couple like you want abortion?", she then asked what nationality the ******* was, allegedly for Rh purposes.
When my wife told her he was Jamaican, the Korean doctor responded, looking at me and saying, "You wife like the big dick, huh?"
We were both embarrassed, but we also knew it was the truth. Wifey nodded her head in the affirmative. "You right. You no want you family to see black baby come out from between her legs. Can be very embarrassing", the doctor advised as she then proceeded with the abortion.
The second time wifey got pregged, she decided on the terminating it, due mainly to her age (54).
I was there, holding her hand, with her legs hoist in the stirrups. The older female Korean doctor was very crude but forward.
She asked questions in her broken English like, "You cuckold, right?". Of course I blushed as I admitted that I was.
"How come nice couple like you want abortion?", she then asked what nationality the ******* was, allegedly for Rh purposes.
When my wife told her he was Jamaican, the Korean doctor responded, looking at me and saying, "You wife like the big dick, huh?"
We were both embarrassed, but we also knew it was the truth. Wifey nodded her head in the affirmative. "You right. You no want you family to see black baby come out from between her legs. Can be very embarrassing", the doctor advised as she then proceeded with the abortion.
JFC... You cant hold wife hand when doctor making abortion... its not the same like a giving birth.
Told us that if he impregnates my wife he is going to simply give us 500$ a month and run from us
gif_Yellowball-laughing1.gif.... There's so much words_STUPIDBOY.jpe written in the first post, its almost impossible to figure out WHERE to start.

• $500 baby support a month? LOL You best not be holding your breath on that promise.​
• Your fiancé has refused to fuck you the last 4 months and was allowing a black guy to fuck her with out being on birth control? And you say you're all "cool" about this?​
• Continuing with the plans to walk down the isle with a black baby momma? LOL WTF? If its a church wedding, you just cut your attendance by 70% or more. Might not mean anything to the groom, but that's 70% fewer wedding gifts ... and the bride wants those.​
Stupid-definition.jpg gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif
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So tell friends and family now that you are sterile and she went to a sperm bank to get artificially seminated. Presto you asses are covered.
Yeah, that'll work (NOT). Since when have you ever heard of a couple getting the bride-to-be intentionally impregnated BEFORE they get married?
Why not just admit this joker is posting this thead as "jacking off" material.
