One night, the spur of the moment, we drove onto a railroad access road near our house and fucked. It was about 1:00 am when a passenger train passed by, and from inside our car we saw the engineers looking at us as they went by, slowing down for the train station. About a week later, she wanted to go back, and this time she wanted to give them a show. We parked next to the tracks, under the traffic light which glowed green indicating the oncoming train was clear to pass through to the station. This time we opened up an old sleeping bag and put it on the hood and windshield of the car. We were doing foreplay when we saw the approaching train's headlight, and this prompted her to switch from our 69 to reverse cowgirl. Again, as the train slowed she said, "Get your hands off my tits...I want them to see everything." She had me move my hands from her breasts to her waist and began to fuck like her ass was on fire. As the train passed, the guys in the engine definitely got an eye full just as I was pounding her. The train passed and we finished fucking and put our clothes back on and drove back out to the main road. We were at an intersection, stopped at the light when we saw a cop car drive through the intersection and turn onto the railroad access road. Apparently the train crew called the police on us, and they were apparently hurrying to catch the exhibitionist couple.
That's a common fantasy, but not everyone is bold enough to make it reality.
I've been busted twice by pervy young boys, so that's an unfortunate risk. I wanted to wring their nosy little necks.

Sex out in the open at swing parties is still public.

Fantasies I yearn to fulfill include:

- I would love to do it on a pedestrian overpass late at night, as the traffic zips past beneath us.

- Anonymous sex out in the woods nearby, off one of the hiking trails. No formal introductions whatsoever. I "accidentally" catch her squatting to take a discreet piss in the bushes. I strategically return the kinky favor by allowing her to spy on me exposing my dick, about to pee on a tree. As she lingers long enough as a signal she's interested, I turn toward her, giving her a better view of my penis. Our eyes meet, we share a lecherous smile. Concentrating hard, I release a steady stream of gold in her direction, only a foot from her spot, until it fades to a trickle. Then I let my dick reach a full erection under her unflinching gaze. Game on.

- And I want to finish a date with a very sexy white wife by driving up into the Hollywood hills, at 2am in a residential neighborhood, a block away from a lookout point. We strip totally naked in my car, and walk all the way back up the street. First, I would fuck her tight pussy on someone's front lawn as their sprinklers soak our bodies under a cold, tingling spray. Then I would take her the rest of the way up to that lookout point, our bodies dripping wet, and have her bend all the way over, bracing her arms on the guardrail. There, with the twinkling starlight above and the twinkling city lights below, before she can start to shiver, my body heat would warm her like a radiator as I fuck her straight up her asshole.
Lots of times in the top of the parking garage at hospital where friend works when I would meet him on his break in the middle of overnight shift.
And once back at the end of summer on the rocks at a local creek, upstream maybe a half mile from where most of the people are. We saw some college-age persons coming towards us from upstream and he wouldn't let me put any clothes on.
Such a fucking slut!!