Refugees welcome

Werbung darf nicht so kompliziert sein. Einfach und einprägsam. Auf die schnelle gebastelt, das bleibt haften:

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Oder so:
Protected by Constitutional Law, my friend!

Publication is not legal in my country, if you don't have permission by the depicted persons. Unless there is a prevailing public interest. The latter means that for showing persons in public you need to have their permission first unless they are persons of public interest and the scene they are shown in is also of public interest.

Publishing a politician on his private holidays who tells his plans of how to instrumentalize the country's media and sell-out a state's facilities to a foreign power, for instance, is of prevailing public interest (even that person is in a private environment). However that does not mean that making the recording without their knowledge was legal in the first place. ;)

A television personality (who is a public person) eating a meal in a public restaurant, on the other hand, is typically not eligible for publication (unless they gave consent) because the act of eating a meal is their private activity with no prevailing public interest. Well, if that person is known to promote a vegan lifestyle but was recorded eating meat, maybe that would be a different situation. ;)

Bottom line: Laws are different in different countries!
ImO it is also a question of courtesy not to post anything that would compromise a person's privacy for the mere purpose of voyeuristic sensation. jm2ct's
Also ich persönlich habe einfach kaum Kontakt zu Flüchtlingen, aber dafür kenne ich sehr viele andere Dunkelhäutige. Das es Migration nach Deutschland gibt ist einfach etwas Tolles. ☺☝?
Natürlich träumen WIR ALLE von massenhaft potenten, BBC- Füchtlingen! - aber leider ist dies oft nicht der Fall :( Für wahre Hengste wünsche ich ein sofortiges Bleiberecht und die Pflicht weieß Girls zu besteigen!