Racial Prejudice

Hello blacktowhite lovers, how's everyone day so far? So this is an off-topic discussion, early this week a video on tiktok with this white couple in high school trying to make a joke or so they thought it was a joke. Their joke was supposed to be about black people and not in the good way. Their topic: It's a certain word I never liked using towards my fellow African-American people, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows what the word is. Anyway they had pieces of paper about what black people's culture is about -- well that's what think it is in their mind. For example: black people's favorite food: chicken and watermelon. Black person's future: jail. Black person's *******: none. You get it, right? The video was seen by their school and they got expelled. And the boyfriend lost his wrestling scholarship and the girlfriend lost her college scholarship. And they got a lot of blacklash over it, so the girlfriend decided to apologize by painting her face black and asked is she forgiven. Thing is I didn't get bothered by it because it was pathetic and they thought we would care what they thought about us. Apparently they're still living in the 1920s instead of 2020. But I know everyone isn't racist though. Now tell me what's your feedback on this discussion?
Hello blacktowhite lovers, how's everyone day so far? So this is an off-topic discussion, early this week a video on tiktok with this white couple in high school trying to make a joke or so they thought it was a joke. Their joke was supposed to be about black people and not in the good way. Their topic: It's a certain word I never liked using towards my fellow African-American people, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows what the word is. Anyway they had pieces of paper about what black people's culture is about -- well that's what think it is in their mind. For example: black people's favorite food: chicken and watermelon. Black person's future: jail. Black person's *******: none. You get it, right? The video was seen by their school and they got expelled. And the boyfriend lost his wrestling scholarship and the girlfriend lost her college scholarship. And they got a lot of blacklash over it, so the girlfriend decided to apologize by painting her face black and asked is she forgiven. Thing is I didn't get bothered by it because it was pathetic and they thought we would care what they thought about us. Apparently they're still living in the 1920s instead of 2020. But I know everyone isn't racist though. Now tell me what's your feedback on this discussion?
As a white dude I don't like the word even coming out of a person of color and I can honestly say I have never in my life used the "word" in a derogatory manner. In the very rare occasion I have said it I was repeating a joke from a stand-up comedian. Until recently I didn't realize the word "boy" is also considered offensive to some. However, I enjoy watching old TV shows from the 60's/70's and Andy Griffith sure did use the word boy quite a bit. Opie and other white dudes were the recipients of the word. I honestly thought it was just a south thing. I am far from politically correct and think the sensitivity level in certain situations is beyond ridiculous. I can't remember who said it ( I think it was a politician) but something like "my little monkey or the little monkeys were running around." The media, who totally distort everything, went ballistic. I couldn't believe it. During an episode of Modern Family the grandfather referred to his grand children as his little monkeys. I have heard it on other shows as well not involving black people. Now when you say it in a derogatory manner like one of my favorite Presidents said : Ronald Reagan, while serving as the governor of California, referred to United Nations delegates from an African country as “monkeys,” according to a newly-released recording of a phone call between him and then-President Richard Nixon in 1971. Now that ******* wasn't cool!
What the high school students did was totally wrong but lets be honest:
black people's favorite food: chicken and watermelon - Are you upset because they left off sweet potato pie, chitlins. black-eyed peas, sweet tea, etc? I say that with the utmost respect. My point is don't most cultures have their own food identity? My family is polish (do you know how many polish jokes I've heard) and our favorites are stuffed cabbage, perogies, kielbasa. Mexicans eat tacos, burritos, menudo. I think you get my point.
Black person's future: jail - A pretty shitty thing to say. Again lets be honest. I won't bore you with graphs and articles but do some research and see why these ******* might think that.
Black person's *******: none - I have heard over and over again this is a HUGE problem in the black community. I recently watched a documentary on Netflix titled A Week in Watts. They have a muffin day or some ******* like that for the families. One day is for moms and another for dads. There were plenty of mothers who came but on the dads day they had to have police officers fill in because there were no fathers. It's an eye opener about living in the hood.
But I know everyone isn't racist though - I would agree. I have had this idea of setting up a booth with a simple question: Are you racist? People would have total anonymity. If my faith in people is correct the overwhelming response would be NO. I could be wrong but I have had very open and honest discussions with my white friends, strangers, and family and the racism isn't there.
The problem IMO is the media. They love to divide us, they lie, and show only portions of videos that fit their narrative.
I myself do not nor do I ever think I will understand why some people are racists. I mentioned this in another post. I live on an island in Florida not far from Tampa. We get people of all races from all over the world. Mostly white but a good mix of ethnicity. My observation is we are alike in so many ways. Every young kid regardless of race does the same thing when they come to the beach; chase the seagulls, run away from the waves, pick up sea shells, and play in the sand. Those of us who celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, name the holiday basically do the same thing regardless of our race. Eat the foods we love, *******, decorate the tree and the house, spend time with family etc. What makes us unique in our ethnicity is culture and traditions.
The last thing I will say is most of us stick to what we are comfortable with. By that I mean people generally stick to their own race. I currently have no black friends but then again this island is 97% white. Doesn't make anybody racists but it's natural. I believe it has more to do with our cultural differences than it does the color of our skin. If you've never seen it watch the movie Guess who's Coming to Dinner. Both families were concerned about a black man marrying a white woman and vice versa. I for one am a equal opportunist when it comes to women. Especially latina's and black women. :balanced:. Have a great day!
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Now tell me what's your feedback on this discussion?
I think you're doing a bit of "fishing" to ignite a sensitive discussion, kennypolo. Although you'll find extreme views & opinions on either side of this topic, most people HERE are here for the discussions relative to black & white dating & interrelationship. I believe you might be more interested in the former, "extreme views & opinions". Which probably pairs you best the media, except that the media does this because they make a profit when there is an "issue". What exactly do you think you'll get from this? Confessions?
The use of the word monkey to describe cheeky and mischievous children is still in common usage in the UK and I don't feel it should offend anybody.
In any category, there is the top 50% and the bottom 50%. To me, they’re white trash. But trash knows no skin tone. Any human that speaks this way about any human is, IMHO the low end of humanity and not on par with members of a civilized society.
In any category, there is the top 50% and the bottom 50%. To me, they’re white trash. But trash knows no skin tone. Any human that speaks this way about any human is, IMHO the low end of humanity and not on par with members of a civilized society.
Hi. Speaks which way?
I don't like political correctness in classrooms.
******* are here to learn. Kicking them out of school for being ignorant won't make them learn; it'll make them very angry and resentful and hateful.
but then again, what am I talking about? I'm not teaching in the US anymore. Whew!
I don't like political correctness in classrooms.
******* are here to learn. Kicking them out of school for being ignorant won't make them learn; it'll make them very angry and resentful and hateful.
but then again, what am I talking about? I'm not teaching in the US anymore. Whew!
Yeah no... those arent "*******". Theybwere in college and both were grown ass adults who knew better.
I am an Asian. From the Asian point of view, black people have some problems in this regard. As an insulting word, why do black people often address each other? I often hear some black hip-hop rappers use this word in their lyrics, and black people use it to chat with each other in their daily lives.

I want to say that if this word is so insulting, then this word is a taboo, understand? Taboo! Not only other people, but even black people are insulting black people when they say this word.

If there's a problem with the word, let it disappear from everyone's mouth, including black people.
I am an Asian. From the Asian point of view, black people have some problems in this regard. As an insulting word, why do black people often address each other? I often hear some black hip-hop rappers use this word in their lyrics, and black people use it to chat with each other in their daily lives.

I want to say that if this word is so insulting, then this word is a taboo, understand? Taboo! Not only other people, but even black people are insulting black people when they say this word.

If there's a problem with the word, let it disappear from everyone's mouth, including black people.

I love reading ignorant takes on black people. Some of you will never truly get it and that's ok.

They used a term of hatred towards them and flipped it into a term of endearment and empowerment. Oppressed people have done this through all of history. Same reason why "bad bitch" is a term girls use-- same concept. Are we gonna blame sexism and misogyny on girls using that term too? It's fucking nonsense.

Back to black people. There's a difference between a hard "er" and an "a." All those songs are art built from years of systemic oppression and pain. They get to say whatever the fuck they want. The idea that their slang still rubs people the wrong way isn't their problem. There's things black people can do to better improve their plight, but making people feel "comfortable" isn't one of them.

How about you comment on the racism towards black people that they can't control?
I love reading ignorant takes on black people. Some of you will never truly get it and that's ok.

They used a term of hatred towards them and flipped it into a term of endearment and empowerment. Oppressed people have done this through all of history. Same reason why "bad bitch" is a term girls use-- same concept. Are we gonna blame sexism and misogyny on girls using that term too? It's fucking nonsense.

Back to black people. There's a difference between a hard "er" and an "a." All those songs are art built from years of systemic oppression and pain. They get to say whatever the fuck they want. The idea that their slang still rubs people the wrong way isn't their problem. There's things black people can do to better improve their plight, but making people feel "comfortable" isn't one of them.

How about you comment on the racism towards black people that they can't control?

I see where you're going with this but I have to respectfully disagree. The reason why Black people use it, is not because they turned it into a phrase of empowerment. It's because after hundreds of years of slavery the word has cemented in the psyche of black people as a term synonymous with black people. It became normalized. You hear it so much for generations that you believe the word means black. Whether you say "er" or hard "a" it comes from the place of meaning black person of lesser value.

Unfortunately we as a people don't want to believe the brainwash was so thorough and so complete. We don't want to believe that we were tricked into accepting this word. Why is it so much easier for you to say "That's my n'ga" and not say "That's my King?" we are descended from a rich history and culture of kings and chiefs and warriors yet what we prefer to address each other is with the "N" word

You are right when you said "Oppressed people have done this through all of history." It is true but it is from the stand point of the thorough brainwash of the oppressor. Call anyone something over and over and they will believe it, like a nickname you hate but got it since you were a kid and because everyone calls you it you answer. We've been trained to accept it to think it's Ok. Just like we've been trained to accept names that were not ours and a language that was not ours and a religion that was not ours we have accepted the N word and truth is if you are truly honest with yourself and sit down and think about it fully, your ancestors who were stolen from their land and brought over here, if they knew we called each other the N word in whatever "er" or "a" incarnation of the word, they would be highly disappointed in that. They would not understand that a word that caused their enslavement and brought them so much pain was being thrown around so lightly by their offspring.

I don't mean to come off as confrontational to you I just wanted you to look at this from a different perspective. There is a reason why it is called Systematic Racism and that is because the tactics used to keep our minds locked in the system have taken hold so strongly that even we don't realize we are still shackled.

This was all for the sake of conversation My King
I see where you're going with this but I have to respectfully disagree. The reason why Black people use it, is not because they turned it into a phrase of empowerment. It's because after hundreds of years of slavery the word has cemented in the psyche of black people as a term synonymous with black people. It became normalized. You hear it so much for generations that you believe the word means black. Whether you say "er" or hard "a" it comes from the place of meaning black person of lesser value.

Unfortunately we as a people don't want to believe the brainwash was so thorough and so complete. We don't want to believe that we were tricked into accepting this word. Why is it so much easier for you to say "That's my n'ga" and not say "That's my King?" we are descended from a rich history and culture of kings and chiefs and warriors yet what we prefer to address each other is with the "N" word

You are right when you said "Oppressed people have done this through all of history." It is true but it is from the stand point of the thorough brainwash of the oppressor. Call anyone something over and over and they will believe it, like a nickname you hate but got it since you were a kid and because everyone calls you it you answer. We've been trained to accept it to think it's Ok. Just like we've been trained to accept names that were not ours and a language that was not ours and a religion that was not ours we have accepted the N word and truth is if you are truly honest with yourself and sit down and think about it fully, your ancestors who were stolen from their land and brought over here, if they knew we called each other the N word in whatever "er" or "a" incarnation of the word, they would be highly disappointed in that. They would not understand that a word that caused their enslavement and brought them so much pain was being thrown around so lightly by their offspring.

I don't mean to come off as confrontational to you I just wanted you to look at this from a different perspective. There is a reason why it is called Systematic Racism and that is because the tactics used to keep our minds locked in the system have taken hold so strongly that even we don't realize we are still shackled.

This was all for the sake of conversation My King

I respectfully disagree.

The burden isn't on the oppressed to prove they are worthy humanity.
That's the point by reinforcing these words you are accepting the humanity defined by others. That was never our word or our humanity.
That's the point by reinforcing these words you are accepting the humanity defined by others. That was never our word or our humanity.

Neither was being called "Black"but we still identify with that, race is a human construct within itself. If you think those words are the reason people are racist towards us. Idk what to tell you. We can just agreed to disagree.
Neither was being called "Black"but we still identify with that, race is a human construct within itself. If you think those words are the reason people are racist towards us. Idk what to tell you. We can just agreed to disagree.

Umm.. That was not what I said at all. Actually our entire discussion had nothing to do with the reasoning behind racism. its about the tools that racism is expressed in and how we as a people use them on ourselves but I see this is not a discussion you are able to have so I'll accept to agree to disagree.
Umm.. That was not what I said at all. Actually our entire discussion had nothing to do with the reasoning behind racism. its about the tools that racism is expressed in and how we as a people use them on ourselves but I see this is not a discussion you are able to have so I'll accept to agree to disagree.

Just an FYI. MacNFries, a racist dude, liked your post. Just putting that out there.

And also...

What? Did you not say the n word was given to us by white men? How is bringing up that the white man also enforced the construct of race in the West unrelated? Black people is a label that they gave us. I'll let you know this, white people don't hold most of the power in this country because they say "nice" things to each other. Come on...

The fact that you're even trying to minimize the discussion reaffirms my initial stance of respectfully disagreeing. I didn't challenge your ability to have the convo... I knew I wouldn't be able to change your truth... But since you came at me that way I'm going to have match that energy.

What tools are you even talking about in the bolded? The word n1gg@?? That's not a tool bro, you know what is a tool? Racial profiling, police *******, classism, typical racism, destabilizing black communities, I can go on but I'll cut it short...

You are literally saying the plight of black people can be solved among themselves by switching from n1gg@ (of course this site sensors it lol) to King? Really? Do you listen to rap or consume black art? There are plenty of them out there doing that. There is a TON of black art and black media that is empowering our people. It's up to you to look for it and if you need help finding it I'll be happy to help. The issue of people who are ignorant to these issues they always want to see the worst things about said race.

Then you go into brainwashing? Come on man, lol.

I'm sorry but when you have a racist liking your post. I can't jive with it.
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I’ll leave you with this, when you get to your 70’s and 80’s and you’re remember this conversation you’ll realize how confused you were.
I love reading ignorant takes on black people. Some of you will never truly get it and that's ok.

They used a term of hatred towards them and flipped it into a term of endearment and empowerment. Oppressed people have done this through all of history. Same reason why "bad bitch" is a term girls use-- same concept. Are we gonna blame sexism and misogyny on girls using that term too? It's fucking nonsense.

Back to black people. There's a difference between a hard "er" and an "a." All those songs are art built from years of systemic oppression and pain. They get to say whatever the fuck they want. The idea that their slang still rubs people the wrong way isn't their problem. There's things black people can do to better improve their plight, but making people feel "comfortable" isn't one of them.

How about you comment on the racism towards black people that they can't control?
I don't want to make you misunderstand me too much. I can provide you with an example of Asian perspective as a reference for black people.

It's very dangerous for Asians to use racially insulting words against Asia. It's more dangerous than other people insulting Asia, because it's betrayal. Traitors are always more hateful.

So we Asians have a very clear judgment on this. If an Asian speaks racially insulting words to an Asian of the same origin, then the Asian is not Asian in thought even though he has Asian origin. This person is different from us. We will be hostile to him because he insults our entire ethnic group. This is a traitor. We will More hostile to him.

So the real Asians who were born and raised in Asia all understand this and speak very carefully. Only the second and third generations of Asians born in the West often talk nonsense. In our eyes, they are not Asians anymore.

This is taboo. If you offend, you are the enemy, even if you have Asian origin.

This is the case in Asia. Can you understand it?