Question for the ladles

Definitely John Carpenter's "The THING" with Kurt Russell ... worth watching in a very dark room on a BIG SCREEN with surround sound.
This is my top 5 all time. The scenery. Atmosphere, place, music, creture.. just everything about this movie gave me the creeps.
Great pick! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ
The real ? Is tho....... was Childes the Thing???๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
Good one! I think 60s, 70s, 80s understood scary.. There are some newer scary movies that are scary, but for the thrill of anticipation of being scared... if that makes sense
Thank you that's how I feel, I feel like the newer movies are far less about fear and more about JumP scares ๐Ÿ˜’, but u don't get that inside anxiety like you do with the order ones. Great observation ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ
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In regards to newer horror films, I think some kudos need to go to Hereditary (2018) which is an amazingly deep psychological thriller/horror.
" confirmed that Hereditary is, scientifically speaking, the scariest film of all time. To do that, they asked 150 brave souls to watch a selection of noted horror films for the first time, while wearing a heart rate tracker to monitor their pulse."
With that said; Nope (2022) and Midsommar (2019) were films that were so disturbing I probably won't watch them again. A good fright is one thing, but making me question leaving lights on during the night is another.
In regards to newer horror films, I think kudos need to go to Hereditary (2018) which is an amazingly deep psychological thriller/horror.
" confirmed that Hereditary is, scientifically speaking, the scariest film of all time. To do that, they asked 150 brave souls to watch a selection of noted horror films for the first time, while wearing a heart rate tracker to monitor their pulse."
With that said; Nope (2022) and Midsommar (2019) were films that were so disturbing I probably won't watch them again. A good fright is one thing, but making me question leaving lights on during the night is another.
In regards to newer horror films, I think some kudos need to go to Hereditary (2018) which is an amazingly deep psychological thriller/horror.
" confirmed that Hereditary is, scientifically speaking, the scariest film of all time. To do that, they asked 150 brave souls to watch a selection of noted horror films for the first time, while wearing a heart rate tracker to monitor their pulse."
With that said; Nope (2022) and Midsommar (2019) were films that were so disturbing I probably won't watch them again. A good fright is one thing, but making me question leaving lights on during the night is another.
FaCts!! Hereditary is in my Top 10 all time, that move was amazing ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ, another good one is conjuring (Part 1) & Haunt (B rated flix) but Hella good!! I guess what I ment was most of the newer ones just are not on par, a few jemz may escape but most just Corny..
Never seem nope, might have to check it out the trialer did not really appeal to me.
Thanks for that Hereditary Stat I forgot all about that movie ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ
FaCts!! Hereditary is in my Top 10 all time, that move was amazing ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ, another good one is conjuring (Part 1) & Haunt (B rated flix) but Hella good!! I guess what I ment was most of the newer ones just are not on par, a few jemz may escape but most just Corny..
Never seem nope, might have to check it out the trialer did not really appeal to me.
Thanks for that Hereditary Stat I forgot all about that movie ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ
Oh I totally understand what you mean. The traditional horror movies had such a vast palette of scare tactics and milked them so well. Newer films have to tap deep into what still scares people, and some fail to make you truly be afraid
I have to see Conjuring and Haunt. Sometimes the B-rated films are so worth it!
Daniel Kaluuya ( luv him so ) and Steven Yeun were my favorites in Nope. Keith David is such a great actor, though now I remember him in Community mostly.
Oh I totally understand what you mean. The traditional horror movies had such a vast palette of scare tactics and milked them so well. Newer films have to tap deep into what still scares people, and some fail to make you truly be afraid
I have to see Conjuring and Haunt. Sometimes the B-rated films are so worth it!
Daniel Kaluuya ( luv him so ) and Steven Yeun were my favorites in Nope. Keith David is such a great actor, though now I remember him in Community mostly.
Yea I think you would like those 2, especially Haunt, It's really good! Let me know what yah think when you finally watch them. Yea it's sad B-Rates don't get as much love smh..
Yea I agree with you ๐Ÿ’ฏ, that's why I kind of moved more into the psychological thrillers/horror where I can "guess" who is the killer or what the "plot twist" is so far iv been shootin mostly blanks ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ˜… 30/70.. but I like it cuz it still gives me that slight horror feel but I get to have some thought into it also. Now adays it takes a pretty decent trailer to attract me to horror. (But) I will say that recent movie Horror" Smile" was pretty good ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ.
I do enjoy the good scare from time-to-time. I think Midsommar and Heriditary were films recommended to me, but the content was so disturbing since it bordered on "it could possibly happen". Same reason while I appreciated Get Out but that movie was so awkwardly uncomfortable. Also not a fan of the Hostel movies. Did not need to see that right before travelling.
Will definitely let you know about The Conjuring and Haunt. Know they're probably available on one streaming network or another.
Nothing beats a good mystery as you said, taking all the facts into account and doing the math in your head.