Question for all married women . ( difficult )

question .

how do you see your husband , who lets you have sex with other men and dont mind ,

do you see him Lesser than man ,

do you see him as a pathetic person with weird desires and fantasies ,

please share your thoughts ,

am intrested ,

( i asked this question because its very complicated to me this scenario , i will explaine later )
I don't think less of him because he let me have other lovers. What drew me to him (and has kept me with him) had little to do with sex. It was how we were together with our clothes on. How we looked at the world and each other. That's the stuff that shaped my view of my husband.

Hell, my husband didn't just allow me to have a lover, he encouraged me and bolstered my confidence when I was about to chicken out. He talked up my appearance, made suggestions and bought the outfit I wore on the first date. I would never have thought I could pull it off without his support. Because of that I have had two wonderful experiences that I'll never forget.

Sex with him before was good and often creative in ways I would not have come up with on my own. The reclaiming sex after my dates was amazing and intense. He encouraged me to tell him all about my date, but I was hesitant and held back at first. As he kept prying details out of me I realized how much he wanted my affairs to be good. He really wanted me to be excited and satisfied. That realization opened things up and made me more relaxed and confident sexually. His acceptance and encouragement has probably changed things between us in subtle ways, but nothing really obvious.
Very insightful and hot!!
I do not see him as being lesser at all. Our marital/work situation allows me to have the best of both worlds... I get great sex with my husband when he's home(he travels a LOT for his job), and I get to date some really great guys while he is away...I'm lucky that he is as understanding and loving as he is.
NICE :)))))
We don't see each other in any different way than we normally do. With us, it's purely a recreational activity that we both enjoy from time to time. BUT, everyone is different.
You have a healthy relationship. I have always considered extramarital sex to be a recreational activity. People get themselves in trouble when they try to fix a problem in their marriage by adding more people to the mix. If you don't have a solid relationship going in you will have problems
question .

how do you see your husband , who lets you have sex with other men and dont mind ,

do you see him Lesser than man ,

do you see him as a pathetic person with weird desires and fantasies ,

please share your thoughts ,

am intrested ,

( i asked this question because its very complicated to me this scenario , i will explaine later )
I think seeing your husband as weak, or a lesser man, or degrading, devaluing him is reserved specifically for "Cuckold" couples. My husband and I have been swingers for 10+ years, and I love him, I care about him deeply, I respect him, I want his needs met, and I want him fulfilled.

One of our best stories was my husband having a fantasy about an Asian girl, and then me going out, bringing one home, and me and hubby fuckig her for 8 hours.
my husband can do what he wants on business trips so long he keeps providing and uses protection. He gets tested regularly.

however we have never really discussed a solution for me. He's not the type to simply allow to share me, sadly.

Ideally I think the best solution for me would be to allow an open relationship...but not know about it? if that makes sense
that does not sound fair at all. If he can have his pleasure, why can't you have yours? Not fair at all!
It seems to be very common for our husbands to start things off. My husband started me as well.
When he first suggested it, did you wonder about things like: Are you trying to get rid of me? Is it because you want to have sex with other women etc? I had a much younger girlfriend who I wanted to enjoy other guys and I really would enjoy watching. At first she expressed all kinds of concerns. but after she got into it, I could not stop her. she turned into a cuckolding dominant maniac. If she had not become a ******* addict because of one of the guys turning her on, I would still be with her today. she was hot.
question .

how do you see your husband , who lets you have sex with other men and dont mind ,

do you see him Lesser than man ,

do you see him as a pathetic person with weird desires and fantasies ,

please share your thoughts ,

am intrested ,

( i asked this question because its very complicated to me this scenario , i will explaine later )
I see my husband as my best friend and partner. Someone I want to share everything with and go through life with.