QOS Queen of Spades tattoo, apparel and jewelry pics (real and fake ok)

So I had been posting pics to another thread on QOS tattoos but for some reason, lost the requisite permission to post in that thread. Though I thought I was posting in the spirit of that thread, I'm presuming someone with admin powers disagrees and locked me out (though it would be nice if they let me know why).


Seeing the Queen of Spades symbol--whether tattoos, on clothing, or in jewelry form--on a white woman is a big turn on for me...and apparently for many others, not only on this forum but other sites like bdmslr.com, Tumblr and other kink forums. I've had Tumblr blogs (DirtySpadedWives, WivesSpaded, QOSwives, all now defunct) with upwards of 40k followers that eventually all got shut down for puritanical reasons. My blog on bdsmlr (dirtyspadedwives.bdsmlr.com) is still up and running, but that site has been glitchy and spammy for years.

I've had literally hundreds of people ask me to Photoshop the Queen of Spades symbol either on themselves (usually women), their significant other (usually a husband of boyfriend), or someone they're posing as (something I try to discern and avoid)...sometimes those people have asked to share their pics and others have asked to keep private, the requests of which I have vigilantly maintained.

I'd like to start a thread here of my greatest hits of mostly real people who have asked me to spade them, but also some real spade pics, and some fake interracial action shots that I've created. Anyone I post has given their permission to do so, and/or are a known entertainer who wouldn't mind the exposure and adds to the motif.

Shoot me a note if you'd like to be spaded, and please feel free to add spaded pics of your own to the thread. Here's hoping this thread doesn't get shuttered for some unknown rules violation.

NOTE: I realize some of the Photoshop is imperfect...no need to comment on that. Sometimes I don't have the time, or the pic quality isn't great--it's the thought that counts. If it really bothers you, just squint your eyes.
YO...this is a fabulous thread! Funny thing is, for some reason over the past year or so, I've noticed more women/couples wearing mostly spade symbols than tattoos. Like...Kate Spade has "Spade" earrings that come in different colors all in the shape of a Spade on a circle. She has a pair of ones that are painted black. When you see it...clear as a bell...BLACK SPADE! I've seen recently 3 different women wearing them and approached two. One "knew" what she was doing but I said I wasn't her type and politely declined, which I totally respect. The other claimed she didn't know but was intrigued why her husband would buy them for her and make a big deal to wear them. NOW she realizes why...the talk led to exchanging numbers and we have chatted and talked a few times but waiting her the husband to bless things.
Anklets, earrings, bracelets, charms on anklets or necklaces have seen a good number more lately. I have only seen once in my life a woman with a Spade tat! On her ankle and it was tiny and subtle but clearly obvious. Yes, I approached but difficult to discuss because she was with friends in a mall so we spoke in hidden language, not to mention I'm a strange guy approaching a married white women with her friends. Never amounted to anything later..kindof fell off from talking quickly afterwards.
Hope to see much more...