Pregnancy Risk

The very first black cock inside me was rammed into my arse raw and bare! to which i squealed and made him put on a condom. As we evolved over the years with our cuckolding journey, rendezvous get more passionate or intense and intimate, for us finding a regular clean bull to bareback me was a natural progression, and wow it feels so naughty and risky (pregnancy risk), it blows my cuckys mind, a real head fuck for him! and we both feel we are completely giving ourselves and ownership to the bull. its so demeaning for my cucky which i adore!! :sex: :sex: 💦💦💦💦
its always in the back of a womans mind since she is never really safe until later in life. Personally I have no issues with it happening and will only bear ablack childbut i understand the ouutcome of such a act and the results and have done alot of thinking aboiut if I would be ok with the things I would loose vs what I would gain.