Politics America foreign policy,America in decline (YES or NO).

No, it's not "quite simply" , Torp. Early on the President offered Congress a 4:1 and 3:1 deal on cutting entitlement spending to tax increases, and the Congress refused both offers because Grover Norquist told them not to accept the deals. Imagine a 4:1 deal that would have cut entitlements & subsidies by a trillion $ for a tax increase that would have generated 225 billion in new revenue.

We got into our national debt by cutting taxes on the rich and on the corporations. It's well documented; no denying it. A major cause of our near miss with a second economic Great Depression was caused, in big part to unbudgeted tax cuts for the rich, and 2 unbudgeted wars and a VP Cheney that kept saying deficit spending doesn't matter. If Supply Side hadn't been embraced, our national debt would be well under 3 trillion instead of 18 trillion and this discussion wouldn't be taking place. Why would you want to put these dumb dickheads back in charge of the country to cut taxes yet again and accelerate the national debt even more? It's never worked ... it WON'T WORK now. Slow learner? Why do you think there are over 7,000 pages to our tax codes ... Reagan, Reagan, Reagan ... and his stupid "trickle down". Look at what has happened to Wisconsin and their state "trickle down" budget, and compare it to Minnesota, who took the opposite approach. And Scott Walker wants to become President? Yeah, right!

As a country, we ALL first have to accept the fact that Supply Side does not work and has been harmful. Then, we have to accept the fact that simply cutting entitlements or simply raising taxes are not going to accomplish getting us OUT of debt. Ronald Reagan screwed the middle class, big time, and Republicans embraced the bastard. We need a balanced budget approach to getting out of debt. People need to be working, earning above poverty level income, and the filthy rich need to accept the fact that many of them got rich on the backs of the middle class, and NOW its time for PAY BACK.

Personally, I think Obama's done an exceptional job working around the "do nothings" who ran their campaigns and promises on jobs, of which they generated none, and stopping Obama from accomplishing anything. What pissed me off was the "free ride" given to Wall Street and banks ... and now Republicans want to relax the laws and let them do it all the fuck over again. I'm particularly pissed at AIG, as I've done business with those leaches ... and I refuse to endorse anything that corporation represents from now on. Its time everyone who benefited from the bailout to annie up.

Sarcastic? You bet your ass I'm being sarcastic about this topic, because half the people in congress are doing nothing constructive, AND they're obstructing everyone else who's trying to be.

Oh, and the count on the Republican congress voting to ******* ACA is now at 61 times at a estimated cost of $700,000 per congressional vote ... that now means they've wasted around $42 BILLON our OUR MONEY accomplishing NOTHING. Something they've become quite good at doing. So, why would the Supreme Court agree to continue subsidies on the Federally run health programs? Because they knew the fraudulent & selfish intent of the Republicans. Why can't Republicans just sit down and agree to work out the bugs of ACA; there are many? Because they HATE Obama so much, they'd much prefer to simply crash the economy to prove their point ... period, end of excuses. And what do they offer? NOTHING but more "trickle down". How frik'n dumb do they think voters are?

Republicans should ask themselves why Donald Trump is double digit leading all the other Republican candidates for the GOP spot in the upcoming election. Whether that man is right or wrong, he's saying what those other dickheads won't or can't say. They better hope he doesn't decide to run as an Independent.

Well said MacNfries!!!!.
Coming SOON ... the working illustration of "Trickle Down" and why rich folks love it, and the middle class ought to hate it ...

This Republican congress should stop being part of the problem and be part of the solution. I'm afraid with this particular group in D.C. nothing in significance will get done. They are only thinking of themselves/party/and corporate bosses.

I believe if they don't do something soon in terms of economics for the middle class in this country history has a tendency to repeat it self. You again will have a financial crisis greater than the previous. I'm no economist but I do understand that there must be a balance for this monetary system to work.
The largest single category of Federal expenditures is Medicare/Medicaid. It is close to double what is spent on defense, which is generally the whipping post for many liberals. Mac like to harangue about Trickle Down Economics but he appears to be totally blind to Quantitative Easing. It just a little different way of doing the same thing. One advantage that Quantitative Easing has over Trickle Down is that you don't have wait for tax time to count your money. Go ask ANYONE that invests in the stock market how they like QE.

There is a lot of big money on the Democratic side. Hillary hasn't raised all that money with change jars in convenience stores. There is no argument from me that big business has gotten catered to. But you better wake up and smell the coffee the free lunches came from both sides of the aisle. The person that did most of the actually writing of the ACA legislation recently got a really good job as a lobbyist for the health care industry. Coincidental? not likely. Obama has made a few billion for his supporter Warren Buffett I would imagine that Obama is looking for some type of reward either from Buffett or the health care industry after he leaves office. If he doesn't he should be seriously pissed. He has helped multi billion dollars companies and billionaire people make billions more.

When Barack Obama was first elected he had majorities in both houses. If the majority of the citizens of this country had agreed with what was being done he would have held onto those majorities. However that isn't they way things happened. After the Democrats started loosing seats President Obama made no real effort to work with the opposition. Obama doesn't have any track record of working and playing well with others. When he no longer could automatically get his way with Congress he just stopped dealing with them. The Democrats controlled both houses for the 111th Congress, Obama's first congress. The Democrats retained control Senate with diminishing numbers for the 112th Congress. It was the 113th Congress before the Democrats lost both houses. In contrast when Bill Clinton was elected he also had majorities in both houses for the 103rd Congress and had to deal with Republican controlled House and Senate for the 104th, 105th, and 106th Congress's. Despite having both houses controlled by the opposing party through most of his time in office Clinton got far more done. I didn't agree with all of it but he did a far better job than Obama of working with the opposition.

One thing I do find a bit ironic is that I am very disappointed with Barack Obama's performance and find little positive that I feel that he has achieved. Mac on the other hand, a white Southern man is probably Obama's biggest supporter on this site.
of course our foreign policy is in decline
we always had dorks as President....we need a real tough guy here, like Putin in Russia
Torp, this post is an EXACT example of your selective memory and your BS posts.

The largest single category of Federal expenditures is Medicare/Medicaid. It is close to double what is spent on defense

Of course, the population is growing; babies are being born ( a lot more due to all the state restrictions Republicans are putting on birth control & abortion. And if Republicans have their way, that will only continue to worsen. Problem is, ONCE all these illegitimate babies are born, Republicans abandon them and pull the programs designed to support/help the single moms raising those babies ... many black, unfortunately. This is a whole 'nother topic (social programs), but the above is the fact. What our goven't needs to be doing, however, is seeing that those BEING born are ALL being educated to be productive citizens of the US, and not dependent of social programs. If the black race is going to succeed, education is one of the major starting points, and positive, black mentors (like yourself, maybe) are part of the solutions. How much time do you spend being a mentor to a young, black teen group?

There is a lot of big money on the Democratic side. Hillary hasn't raised all that money with change jars in convenience stores.
And its going to get bigger thanks to the Citizen's United passage. As far as I'm concerned that Supreme Court decision is a much more important decision to the USA than ACA or any other court decisions. Basically, that decision put the US Government up for sale to the highest bidder. Our country is becoming a big oligarchy, and you know it. I'm not a big Hillary fan because of her big money connections, but, she's liberal, and Republicans are so fractured and still stuck in the R Reagan "trickle down" ideas that haven't worked. As far as holding a Presidential office, Republicans likely won't do that for the next 2-3 elections. Unless they can totally crash the economy and manage to blame it on Democrats.

When Barack Obama was first elected he had majorities in both houses. If the majority of the citizens of this country had agreed with what was being done he would have held onto those majorities. However that isn't they way things happened .... Obama doesn't have any track record of working and playing well with others. When he no longer could automatically get his way with Congress he just stopped dealing with them.

God, what a closed, selective memory you have, here. I've been ranting ever since the 2014 elections about what has been going on in the state of NC ... the attacks by Republicans on voters rights, etc. It's been going on in all Republican run legislations. But let's take a walk back through 2012 & 2014 elections to refresh those seemingly, lonely 3 or 4 brain cells you seem to have left.

Once Citizens United was passed (corporations are citizens too ... give me a frik'n break), the big money donors of the Republicans (Kochs for example), basically conceded the Presidential, and started attacking STATE government offices, particularly the states with Republican legislatures, to establish more HOUSE seats in Washington ... I'll admit it was strategically a smart move; unfair, but not illegal & smart. They flooded the state TV airways with negative political ads (many ads lie, and when they were challenged, they would simply pull the ads and put another one up); It's how Rene' Elders, in NC, got elected. She even said, after being elected, she didn't know WHO helped her with all those negative TV ads, but she thanked them ... it was the Kochs and the Americans For Prosperity group that were running the TV ads.

Then Republicans attacked the voting process, which is what I've been fussing about for over 2 years now, and gerrymandered the districts, which recently got challenged in court and reversed ... the state is now going back to the old system and hiring an independent firm to ligne the districts back fairly. But here's basically what Republicans did.

(example) Let's say you have 4 neighboring districts ... 2 of which are 60% Dem, and 2 are 60% Repub, thus producing 2 seats each in Congress. What they did was gerrymander the districts so one district was 100% Dem, but then making the other 3 districts 67% Republican, so the Republicans would gain 1 seat, and Democrats would lose 1 seat ... smart, but a recent State Court decision saw through it. Republicans ALSO attacked the voting by cutting the number of days and hours to vote, closing voting sites/registration on college campuses, etc etc ... for example, in Boone, NC they closed 2 locations to vote, and moved the 3rd and only site a mile out of Boone on a single lane road which had limited parking ... all to discourage VOTERS. So, basically, for the past 4 years our NC Republican legislature has been manipulating voting by misusing hits power as legislators.

Oh, and just to remind you about the 2012 General Election, Democrats had OVER a half million more votes in National Party votes. So, Republicans have been marginalizing their unpopularity by CHEATING. So, Torp, please, please quit BS'ing this forum with all your biased crap that you NEVER document. The voters are starting to wise up about a lot of the BS Republicans have been dishing out ... I know that as a fact in NC and the Republican governor is up for election and scared of losing his seat ... he's actually considering ACA state exchanges and broadening the Medicaid for the half million poor who have no insurance.

Mac on the other hand, a white Southern man is probably Obama's biggest supporter on this site.
For your information, the middle-class WHITE MALE in the SOUTH is one of President Obama's biggest haters simply because he is a black man. There are several liberal minded posters on here, but they know not to waste their time debating a self-centered bonehead like you ... and, YES, I'm a bonehead too, BUT I'll admit it, you WON'T, because your humongous EGO won't allow it.

word-Bonehead2.jpg TOO!
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WOW! Now that's calling it like the rest of us non-US citizens see it!
The only thing I would add is that:

I don't have a dog in this political scenario, as stated, I'm not an American. However U.S. Politics are one unto themselves. U.S. Politics, appear to us outside your country at least, to be more about TV and how an individual project themselves, facts or accomplishments be damned! It's painful! The day Obama was elected he was sentenced to political death by the GOP! Isn't it Mitch McConnell who proudly announced on TV on behalf of your GOP, "It's now our #1 objective to ensure that Obama is a one term president!" I can't believe the people of the good ole U.S. of A didn't raise up in arms! Fortunately for the world they didn't succeed! The GOP were handed a government with a huge budget surplus, please think, what did they do with it? Well for starters they started a war with Iraq that all of their allies, plus the UN, warned them against! Of course if the GOP has a surplus given them by a Democratic government, best it be given back to where it might have come from, big corporations and let's not forget the wealthiest one percent (1%)! And what did the GOP pass the newly elected President! I think I need not go there, except to say, "how about a massive debt, or if you choose, the greatest depression since the Great Depression of the 30's! Oh, want to add in the Wall Street fiasco! Naw! Let's not relive those times!
I don't think Obama was sentenced to political death the day he was elected he did that to himself. As to McConnell announcing that Obama is only going to be a one term president. That is hardly news worthy. It is always the goal of the party out of power to try to regain the power. McConnell didn't say or do anything that hasn't been done or thought about before. The tactic is hardly unique to the United States
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We got into our national debt by cutting taxes on the rich and on the corporations. It's well documented; no denying it. A major cause of our near miss with a second economic Great Depression was caused, in big part to unbudgeted tax cuts for the rich, and 2 unbudgeted wars and a VP Cheney that kept saying deficit spending didn't matter. If Supply Side hadn't been embraced, our national debt would be well under 3 trillion instead of 18 trillion and this discussion wouldn't be taking place. Why would you want to put these dumb dickheads back in charge of the country to cut taxes yet again and accelerate the national debt even more? It's never worked ... it WON'T WORK now. Slow learner? Why do you think there are over 7,000 pages to our tax codes ... Reagan, Reagan, Reagan ... and his stupid "trickle down". Look at what has happened to Wisconsin and their state "trickle down" budget, and compare it to Minnesota, who took the opposite approach. And Scott Walker wants to become President? Yeah, right!
Our national debt got into it's current state by consistently spending more money than it has. If you do it your bank charges you an overdraft fee and in extreme cases closes you account. Government calls it deficit spending. Deficit spending is hardly unique to either party. There you go with you "Trickle Down" argument. I am rather curious about how you define Quantitative Easing and who benefits from it?
Of course, the population is growing; babies are being born ( a lot more due to all the state restrictions Republicans are putting on birth control & abortion. And if Republicans have their way, that will only continue to worsen. Problem is, ONCE all these illegitimate babies are born, Republicans abandon them and pull the programs designed to support/help the single moms raising those babies ... many black, unfortunately. This is a whole 'nother topic (social programs), but the above is the fact. What our goven't needs to be doing, however, is seeing that those BEING born are ALL being educated to be productive citizens of the US, and not dependent of social programs. If the black race is going to succeed, education is one of the major starting points, and positive, black mentors (like yourself, maybe) are part of the solutions. How much time do you spend being a mentor to a young, black teen group?
In 1960 the birth rate in this country peaked at around 120 births per thousand for women 15-44 years old women. The birth rate dropped sharply in the 1960's mostly likely due to the availability of the birth control pill. The birth rate has trended downwards since 1970. The group with the highest birthrate currently is Hispanics. Preventing illegitimate births is the best solution, however there is a lot of people that have the mindset that making a baby is a big deal. They don't realize making the baby is easy, raising it is the hard part. In some areas of the country they have placed time limits on how long a single parent can receive welfare benefits, or how long they can receive welfare benefits without going to school. The solution is that quite often the baby or children end up getting raised by a grand parent or other family member. A number of years back I watched a documentary about welfare and illegitimate children. I was dumbfounded to hear the number of your women whose career choice was to have several children and live off welfare.
Oh, and the count on the Republican congress voting to ******* ACA is now at 61 times at a estimated cost of $700,000 per congressional vote ... that now means they've wasted around $42 MILLON of OUR MONEY accomplishing NOTHING. Something they've become quite good at doing. So, why would the Supreme Court agree to continue subsidies on the Federally run health programs? Because they knew the fraudulent & selfish intent of the Republicans. Why can't Republicans just sit down and agree to work out the bugs of ACA; there are many? Because they HATE Obama so much, they'd much prefer to simply crash the economy to prove their point ... period, end of excuses. And what do they offer? NOTHING but more "trickle down". How frik'n dumb do they think voters are?
When are you going to figure out the 61 times was just for show? They are neither that stupid 0r unaware they would never repeal it. The Supreme court currently leans to the liberal side. If you recall the vote wasn't unanimous in support. Health care reform isn't a bad idea, how it was done was.

Even if the Republicans won both houses and the White in the next election I doubt they will repeal ACA. There is way too much big money on their side of the aisle. It will be like the War on Poverty, just start putting on the bandaids

In the business world something like this would never have been approved. Way too many unknowns. Medicare has been around since 1966 and the bugs are far from worked out in that. Reading about fraud in the Medicare is a far from rare occurrence. It is a fairly safe bet that the majority of people have had at least some of their personal information hacked. Nothing realistic was done to address either problem. Obama's solution was to establish a website that went on line broken. How many records were stolen? We have no idea because no one is really telling and what they are telling isn't being independently confirmed. One of the concessions that was given to business, that's big business, was that they didn't have to provide health care for employees working less than 30 hours. With the U-6 unemployment rate hovering around 10% hiring lower paid part time workers with no benefits makes a lot of business sense
of course our foreign policy is in decline
we always had dorks as President....we need a real tough guy here, like Putin in Russia
I wouldn't classify Putin Putin as a tough guy, just a little mentally ill, however he is a long way from Stalin who was a real sociopath.
Republicans should ask themselves why Donald Trump is double digit leading all the other Republican candidates for the GOP spot in the upcoming election. Whether that man is right or wrong, he's saying what those other dickheads won't or can't say. They better hope he doesn't decide to run as an Independent.
You got to remember it isn't just card carrying Republicans responding to polls.
As a country, we ALL first have to accept the fact that Supply Side does not work and has been harmful. Then, we have to accept the fact that simply cutting entitlements or simply raising taxes are not going to accomplish getting us OUT of debt. Ronald Reagan screwed the middle class, big time, and Republicans embraced the bastard. We need a balanced budget approach to getting out of debt. People need to be working, earning above poverty level income, and the filthy rich need to accept the fact that many of them got rich on the backs of the middle class, and NOW its time for PAY BACK.
I can agree on some of what you say here. I do hope you post your definition of Quantitative Easing and who it helps. The salvation of the country lies in small business, they are the ones that create the real economic growth. Large companies only respond to the economy they aren't the drivers. Last year more businesses closed than started that is a really bad sign. Government needs to get out of the way. You rant about Reagan but I haven't seen our current leader doing much to write home about. The health care bite seems to be getting bigger. Wages are flat. Workforce participation is declining
Look at what has happened to Wisconsin and their state "trickle down" budget, and compare it to Minnesota, who took the opposite approach. And Scott Walker wants to become President? Yeah, right
I wasn't aware that Wisconsin had a "Trickle Down" budget. The jury is still out with Walker as far as I am concerned. There were some things he did with education that I didn't care for. It seems to me however that despite not taking money to set up an exchange for ACA that we seem to have a lower percentage of uninsured than the majority of states. As to the presidency time will tell but I doubt it. Right now candidates are just getting thrown under the bus, alot depends on who misses the wheels
[QUOTE="MacNfries, post: 787121, member: If the black race is going to succeed, education is one of the major starting points, and positive, black mentors (like yourself, maybe) are part of the solutions. How much time do you spend being a mentor to a young, black teen group?[/QUOTE]
When my girls were growing up I had a lot of young people in our home and not just black youth. Most young people don't want to hang around an old man so there isn't a lot of interaction now. What I have done for a number of years is mentored business start ups. I have helped write more business plans than I care to count. The one thing that gives nearly all start ups pause is the myriad of regulations, laws, licenses and permits they have to deal with.
Torp, this post is an EXACT example of your selective memory and your BS posts.

Of course, the population is growing; babies are being born ( a lot more due to all the state restrictions Republicans are putting on birth control & abortion. And if Republicans have their way, that will only continue to worsen. Problem is, ONCE all these illegitimate babies are born, Republicans abandon them and pull the programs designed to support/help the single moms raising those babies ... many black, unfortunately. This is a whole 'nother topic (social programs), but the above is the fact. What our goven't needs to be doing, however, is seeing that those BEING born are ALL being educated to be productive citizens of the US, and not dependent of social programs. If the black race is going to succeed, education is one of the major starting points, and positive, black mentors (like yourself, maybe) are part of the solutions. How much time do you spend being a mentor to a young, black teen group?

And its going to get bigger thanks to the Citizen's United passage. As far as I'm concerned that Supreme Court decision is a much more important decision to the USA than ACA or any other court decisions. Basically, that decision put the US Government up for sale to the highest bidder. Our country is becoming a big oligarchy, and you know it. I'm not a big Hillary fan because of her big money connections, but, she's liberal, and Republicans are so fractured and still stuck in the R Reagan "trickle down" ideas that haven't worked. As far as holding a Presidential office, Republicans likely won't do that for the next 2-3 elections. Unless they can totally crash the economy and manage to blame it on Democrats.

God, what a closed, selective memory you have, here. I've been ranting ever since the 2014 elections about what has been going on in the state of NC ... the attacks by Republicans on voters rights, etc. It's been going on in all Republican run legislations. But let's take a walk back through 2012 & 2014 elections to refresh those seemingly, lonely 3 or 4 brain cells you seem to have left.

Once Citizens United was passed (corporations are citizens too ... give me a frik'n break), the big money donors of the Republicans (Kochs for example), basically conceded the Presidential, and started attacking STATE government offices, particularly the states with Republican legislatures, to establish more HOUSE seats in Washington ... I'll admit it was strategically a smart move; unfair, but not illegal & smart. They flooded the state TV airways with negative political ads (many ads lie, and when they were challenged, they would simply pull the ads and put another one up); It's how Rene' Elders, in NC, got elected. She even said, after being elected, she didn't know WHO helped her with all those negative TV ads, but she thanked them ... it was the Kochs and the Americans For Prosperity group that were running the TV ads.

Then Republicans attacked the voting process, which is what I've been fussing about for over 2 years now, and gerrymandered the districts, which recently got challenged in court and reversed ... the state is now going back to the old system and hiring an independent firm to ligne the districts back fairly. But here's basically what Republicans did.

(example) Let's say you have 4 neighboring districts ... 2 of which are 60% Dem, and 2 are 60% Repub, thus producing 2 seats each in Congress. What they did was gerrymander the districts so one district was 100% Dem, but then making the other 3 districts 67% Republican, so the Republicans would gain 1 seat, and Democrats would lose 1 seat ... smart, but a recent State Court decision saw through it. Republicans ALSO attacked the voting by cutting the number of days and hours to vote, closing voting sites/registration on college campuses, etc etc ... for example, in Boone, NC they closed 2 locations to vote, and moved the 3rd and only site a mile out of Boone on a single lane road which had limited parking ... all to discourage VOTERS. So, basically, for the past 4 years our NC Republican legislature has been manipulating voting by misusing hits power as legislators.

Oh, and just to remind you about the 2012 General Election, Democrats had OVER a half million more votes in National Party votes. So, Republicans have been marginalizing their unpopularity by CHEATING. So, Torp, please, please quit BS'ing this forum with all your biased crap that you NEVER document. The voters are starting to wise up about a lot of the BS Republicans have been dishing out ... I know that as a fact in NC and the Republican governor is up for election and scared of losing his seat ... he's actually considering ACA state exchanges and broadening the Medicaid for the half million poor who have no insurance.

For your information, the middle-class WHITE MALE in the SOUTH is one of President Obama's biggest haters simply because he is a black man. There are several liberal minded posters on here, but they know not to waste their time debating a self-centered bonehead like you ... and, YES, I'm a bonehead too, BUT I'll admit it, you WON'T, because your humongous EGO won't allow it.

View attachment 632687 TOO!
If you want to refer to yourself as a bonehead you are certainly entitled. I don't consider myself one. I found your support and my opposition to Obama ironic and mildly amusing nothing more.
I can agree on some of what you say here. I do hope you post your definition of Quantitative Easing and who it helps. .... You rant about Reagan but I haven't seen our current leader doing much to write home about. The health care bite seems to be getting bigger. Wages are flat. Workforce participation is declining
The printing/flooding the economy with thin money, as I recall, actually got started mainly when Paul Volcker, who was the Federal Reserve Chairman, purposely put the US in recession to fight inflation during the early years of Pres. Reagan. Nixon (another Republican) took our dollar off the gold standard if I recall, and Reagan briefly considered going back to the gold standard for the US dollar, but he didn't. Why didn't he? It would have tied his hands as to what he wanted to do. He basically cut interest rates AND flooded the economy with a lot of new printed money, which fueled the Reagan expansion that Republicans love to brag about Reagan's heroics. Nat'l & personal debts had been pushed to their highest levels by the time Reagan left office, having tripled the Nat'l debt which he campaigned on resolving Carter's spending. He cut taxes for the wealthy & corp's to well below half of what they were, and there was a major shortage in government revenue ... all along he was involved in the wasted Star Wars arms race, etc and when the crap hit the fan, he implemented a ton of tax increases that hit primarily the poor/middle class by saying he was shoring up Social Security fund for the next 2 decades, etc. None of that extra tax money was applied to SS, instead he used the SS added taxes to pay for his Trickle Down BS by dumping them into the general fund. And Reagan's "economic miracle" was simply shifting trillions of dollars from tangible assets to financial assets that fueled the stock market growth of his time.
It's all written down someplace; I think they call it "history".
This QE you speak of has been going on a long while. You preach of it as some kind of "doomsday scenario", but the economy will adjust, and rather harshly, when it hits. One thing is for sure, just like the G Bush administration, when the ******* hits the fan, whoever is in power in Washington will do just as Republicans did after their recent 6 years of terror, they'll toss up their hands and try to act as if its someone else's fault, THEN, as the Republicans are doing now, they'll try to roll out THEIR solution to fix it even though it will most assuredly benefit them & their constituents, and only them. As I said, this has been going on for 30+ years now, which is why I scream about the GOP's insistence to continue with this Supply Side Eco theory of theirs. They're all basically preaching it.

By the way, I believe it was GW Bush that appointed Ben Bernack, was it not? It seems like a lot of our economic ills in the past 40 or so years can be traced back to Republican presidents, doesn't it?
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If you want to refer to yourself as a bonehead you are certainly entitled. I don't consider myself one. I found your support and my opposition to Obama ironic and mildly amusing nothing more.
As I said, I didn't expect that EGO of yours to let you respond in any other way than what you just have.
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I don't think Obama was sentenced to political death the day he was elected he did that to himself. As to McConnell announcing that Obama is only going to be a one term president. That is hardly news worthy. It is always the goal of the party out of power to try to regain the power. McConnell didn't say or do anything that hasn't been done or thought about before. The tactic is hardly unique to the United States

300+ filibusters?
61 votes on ACA
Denying or staling every appointment he tried to make or initiative he tried to take

You're simply in denial, Torp ... why in the devil can't you occasionally admit it?
And the deficit spending that resulting in the rapid growth of the Nat'l Debt was REAGAN for Christ sake ... go read the facts and look at the frik'n charts. Even VP Cheney said "Pres Reagan proved that deficits don't matter"
God, I wish you'd start eating the stuff you're shoveling out to the rest of this forum. You're the most obstinate man I've ever met in my entire life ... you just keep circling your own wagon of BS and bring forth NO PROOF.
I provide chart after chart after report, and you just deny 'em or try to discount 'em, then you keep running your fruitless jaws of BS ... MY GOD!......gif_Yellowball-Censor.gif

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