Politically conservative

Geez - we forgot only lefties know every freaking thing - SORRY

Must be so nice to be omniscient

and don't you forget it!

you want an answer to anything trump related just ask us....we are doing all we can to educate some of you that have made a wrong turn in politics!
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that has changed drastically

don't see how it could that much......I do shoot a deer or two every year...neighbor does his own...but I take mine into a butcher who cuts it up into whatever and takes a certain portion to make summer sausage....nothing said at all....he does a lot of deer meat....if there is no problem there can not see any difference as to when we were ******* and took part of a cow or pig in....they would butcher most and had a meat locker there to store or how ever you wanted to do it
The state has only two usda approved slaughter houses and can no longer process wild game neighboring towns are counting chickens and taxing you on them .the government does not like self sufficient people they are harder to control. Keep voting for dems I live in a blue state you live in a red thats the difference. Ive even heard rumors about home garden tax
The state has only two usda approved slaughter houses and can no longer process wild game neighboring towns are counting chickens and taxing you on them .the government does not like self sufficient people they are harder to control. Keep voting for dems I live in a blue state you live in a red thats the difference. Ive even heard rumors about home garden tax

No I do and have done a lot of deer hunting in Iowa.....I grew up there
I have a dog bigger than some of the deer here
The state has only two usda approved slaughter houses and can no longer process wild game neighboring towns are counting chickens and taxing you on them .the government does not like self sufficient people they are harder to control. Keep voting for dems I live in a blue state you live in a red thats the difference. Ive even heard rumors about home garden tax

This is exactly why states like Florida and California are outlawing Off-Grid living. Because the Mega Corps want every little dime they can suck and the people remain dependent. As long as the left gets to tell you how to live, they don't care. Until they are told how to live then it's all Trumps fault. It's like demanding that fireworks be regulated because you don't like the loud boom once a year and then acting surprised that all you can buy for little johnny's birthday party is sparklers and smoke bombs :unsure: ?
I like to be sufficient can't do everything. I work full time so does my wife. We work hard and plan to continue well into our late 60s . We plan for our own retirement because even though we have paid social security our whole lives it won't be there. You can't depend on the government its not meant to sustain that burden.
The state has only two usda approved slaughter houses and can no longer process wild game neighboring towns are counting chickens and taxing you on them .the government does not like self sufficient people they are harder to control. Keep voting for dems I live in a blue state you live in a red thats the difference. Ive even heard rumors about home garden tax
quite different....you take something to a slaughter house you are talking a larger quantity....not something for you personally....and yes they are gov "inspected"
the gov does not like self sufficient people....that is a typical old fashion republican claim to fame......and yet does not hold true.....want me to post some ******* on that?
The government wants you to get your food at store even happier with there ebt card. They mandate the ******* food you eat then you need there ******* healthcare to remedy the poisons they fed you

not necessarily so...…..but here recently even more it shows the need for those inspectors....how much ******* is being recalled here lately......just posted something on that a couple days ago...….one was meat with traces of metal in it....don't know about you but not something I want to eat...….and how much gets through without being inspected or caught