Nobel Peace Prize for Trump...


Gold Member
who actually deserves this one for what he's done in Korea. No other POTUS over the past 75 years has been able to do. This is not a R vs D topic. Ending the threat from North Korea( if it happens) is nothing short of amazing. One Korea would be something the World can embrace and cheer for. The fact Trump even got talks this far is nothing short of prize deserving. Hell, they gave Obama one and he was the most divisive POTUS ever. Didn't end any wars, didn't bring peace to any region and actually expanded the terrorist threat by not taking ISIS serious, with his ISIS is a JV team comment. Thank God for Trump. In 2 short years has erased the Obummer legacy for the most part and just been nothing short of amazing. The fact he annoys Liberals and the media so much is a bonus.


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who actually deserves this one for what he's done in Korea. No other POTUS over the past 75 years has been able to do. This is not a R vs D topic. Ending the threat from North Korea( if it happens) is nothing short of amazing. One Korea would be something the World can embrace and cheer for. The fact Trump even got talks this far is nothing short of prize deserving. Hell, they gave Obama one and he was the most divisive POTUS ever. Didn't end any wars, didn't bring peace to any region and actually expanded the terrorist threat by not taking ISIS serious, with his ISIS is a JV team comment. Thank God for Trump. In 2 short years has erased the Obummer legacy for the most part and just been nothing short of amazing. The fact he annoys Liberals and the media so much is a bonus.
gif_Yellowball-laughing8.gif....... "These Trumpster drones just ******* me. They believe the man who can't seem to get a descent haircut, takes credit for a North Korean de-nuclearization that HASN'T happened yet, with a country he hasn't even met with yet. They're starving for something REAL that they can give him credit for OTHER THAN asking the Russians to help him in the 2016 election. Just wait, babies, Mueller is working on something right now that Trump and his administration can take FULL credit for ... trust me. He'll show Trump how to DRAIN THE SWAMP."
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So mock a mans haircut but the topic was his ending a threat to mankind. I didn't see any other POTUS since , ever achieving such an achievement. Liberals are a dying breed, as shown by seats held nationwide. Lowest levels in over 75 years for a reason. Real people debate with facts, Liberals debate by hurling personal insults as shown by the previous poster. Thanks for giving us Trump. WOW, Just read the President of South Korea is calling for him to get the prize too. LOL Keep crying Liberals, I use your tears to sweeten my coffeetrump-twenty-dollar-bill.jpg
.....Really Beachescouple ... tears? I wouldn't give you the sweat off my balls. The only reason Trump is President and Republicans hold a lot of seats nationwide, is they cheat, gerrymander, bribe, lie, deny, and obstruct ... but, that's coming to an end rather soon, I do believe. As far as Trump earning a Nobel PEACE prize, for WHAT? Because of what N Korea has recently said about de-nuclearizing? They haven't agreed with the US on ANYTHING thus far, much less sign any agreement. You should recall in 2002 S Korea & N Korea came to a similar agreement ... NOTHING came of it. All talk by the N Koreans. Trump hasn't even TALKED with North Koreans yet ... but he's spent 2 nights, thus far, in Russia even though he said he'd NEVER spent a night in Russia .... just one of his umpteen thousand LIES. Heck, Dennis Rodman has met with the N Koreans more than anyone, and guess what? Dennis Rodman is NOW taking credit for the peace talks with S. Korea ... EVERYONE is taking credit for something that hasn't produced ANYTHING but TALK yet.
.....And Liberals are NOT a dying breed ... you better go check out the registrations in the states. But would it matter if Liberals outnumbered Conservatives 2:1? No, because the Republicans would still find a way to cheat, lie, and steal their way into offices. Their days are numbered. You just keep believing the Koolaid that Trump keeps feeding you. Heck, he can't even be loyal to his wives ... cheated on ALL THREE. The guys a loser. But, just keep sipping that Koolaid. I'm sure he'll get Mexico to pay for that wall & give the middleclass that tax cut & fantastic health care plan he bragged about during the campaigns ... just keep holding your breath.

Registered Voters by Party in USA
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I think China had a lot more to do with this than anyone else, China is NK's only real ally and even they were getting tired of putting up with the North's BS. During Kim's secret visit to China they probably gave him a harsh ultimatum that Kim can't really counter.
who actually deserves this one for what he's done in Korea. No other POTUS over the past 75 years has been able to do. This is not a R vs D topic. Ending the threat from North Korea( if it happens) is nothing short of amazing. One Korea would be something the World can embrace and cheer for. The fact Trump even got talks this far is nothing short of prize deserving. Hell, they gave Obama one and he was the most divisive POTUS ever. Didn't end any wars, didn't bring peace to any region and actually expanded the terrorist threat by not taking ISIS serious, with his ISIS is a JV team comment. Thank God for Trump. In 2 short years has erased the Obummer legacy for the most part and just been nothing short of amazing. The fact he annoys Liberals and the media so much is a bonus.

The Nobel talk is all still premature. Trump gets zero credit until he sits down at the table and can actually really show us he knows how to negotiate to help along with the work that South Korea, China, and Japan have all done before Trump even got a chance to meet face to face to get North Korea to denuclearize and join the rest of modern inter-dependent global economy.

Up to this point, it has been the economic sanctions and more of the Chinese enforcement of those sanctions not importing as much coal and cutting off the aid to DPRK that has ****** Kim jung Un to come to the table more than just Trump's bombastic rhetoric. I'll be the first to congradulate Trump if he gets the North Koreans to come to the table and make a deal and not sabotage the whole thing with his foolish mouth. He has already been sowing seeds of distrust and instability saying he will walk out if North Korea doesn't denuclarize and I'm not optimistic he still won't torpedo the whole thing. Don't believe all the hype and think for yourselves people without getting out faux-news and buying into the spin machine.
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I'm not optimistic he still won't torpedo the whole thing.
Amen to that ... there's that ole saying "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". Nothing that comes out of Trump's mouth is 100% correct ... never! Beats me, after all the failures he has had, and lies he's told (told TWO just today) that the Trump base just keeps on believing in him. He's fulfilled nothing he promised thus far ... N-O-T-H-I-N-G!
who actually deserves this one for what he's done in Korea. No other POTUS over the past 75 years has been able to do. This is not a R vs D topic. Ending the threat from North Korea( if it happens) is nothing short of amazing. One Korea would be something the World can embrace and cheer for. The fact Trump even got talks this far is nothing short of prize deserving. Hell, they gave Obama one and he was the most divisive POTUS ever. Didn't end any wars, didn't bring peace to any region and actually expanded the terrorist threat by not taking ISIS serious, with his ISIS is a JV team comment. Thank God for Trump. In 2 short years has erased the Obummer legacy for the most part and just been nothing short of amazing. The fact he annoys Liberals and the media so much is a bonus.

I'm not a far left liberal nor a hard-right conservative nor have any association w/ the media but I'm just a ground-zeo pragmatic moderate who is socially liberal but fiscally conservative making me most closely aligned to a libertarian. What really annoys any sensible person with a decent sense of honesty and morailty is a habitual pathological liar and complete farce which is what Trump represents.

I wonder when we can have a sensible conversation again in this country without immediately defaulting into separate hard-lines saying all liberals, Demos, Obamas are this, and Conservative, Repubs, Trump are that. Not everything thats wrong in this country is simply divided into clear black and white with Obama, liberals, and Dems being the problem and vice versa. I've never been about castigating a whole group of people as there are decent hard working great patriotic Americans on both the Dem and Repub side. Not all of them are bad and they are trying hard to make this country continue to be great and work the way we ideally would like to see it work. When I take issue with someone - I cite specifically that person irregardless of their party such as with Trump. He should raise serious concern with anyone who truly loves America and wants to see strong leadership lead this nation in the challenging times it faces, be a serious world leader, and not waste time getting involved in petty feuds that amount to nothing nor help FLINT GET CLEAN WATER.

Also there is some other real lack of facts and twisting of accurate history in the OP's statement with that Obama was divisive but fail to acknowledge the contributions toward the divisiveness from the Repub congress especially with the Tea party which I support their platform. But now they've turned Benedict Arnolds abandoning the principles of fiscal conservatism which only Rand Paul whom I love has courageously fought to preserve by standing alone to shut-down the GOV to prove a point about the budget bill that was being passed would blow a hole in the budget even larger than anything under the Obama Admin. It was also Mitch McConnel who publically stated he swore and I quote verbatim to make "...Obama a one-term president". Front-line had a great non-partisan program titled "Divided States of America" that covered the growing fracture in our politics coming out of the Bush Admin into Obama, and furtherest widening under Trump.

Another glaring inaccuracy in something else the OP purported is that the Obama Admin didn't take ISIS seriously which is complete poppycock. Unless you were in Iraq during the last 8 years and then if you did you would have to cede the point that you know first hand alot of OPs were going on to fight ISIS under the Obama admin.

Lets talk FACTS & not stump bumper sticker Faux opinionated not-news spin machine repeated baseless rhetoric:

The Politicalfact website broke down the facts about Trump taking credit for defeating ISIS as follows:
  • "We have done more in eight months than the previous administration has done in many years," Trump said Oct. 25.
  • Based on numbers from the battlefield and the assessment of terrorism analysts, Trump can rightly claim that he built on the work done under President Barack Obama, but he can’t take full ownership of the gains that followed.
  • Sorties and munitions: Numbers tell only part of the story, but Pentagon figures on the missions flown and the explosives rained down on ISIS put the first months of the Trump administration into context.
  • The campaign to defeat ISIS took shape in September 2014 under the name of Operation Inherent Resolve. According to U.S. Air ******* Central Command data, coalition forces engaged the enemy nearly 33,000 times between the launch of the operation and September 2017. (The Air ******* includes strikes taking place in August 2014.)
  • Counting only sorties in which at least one weapon was released, about three-fourths of the action took place during the Obama years.
  • The Air ******* reports over 102,000 missiles, bombs and other explosives dropped in the course of the campaign. Over two-thirds of that came before Trump took office.
  • Loss of territory: By late August 2014, the Islamic State controlled about 35,000 square miles. The defense data firm IHS Markit mapped the terrorist group’s declining influence between 2015 and 2017. The ISIS zones are in gray.

  • The maps show that most of the territorial collapse of ISIS took place during the Trump administration. But defense experts say that what the maps don’t show are the offensive operations that began under Obama. The battle for Mosul, for example, began in October 2016, about four months before Trump took office.
  • The collapse was a continuation of what had begun earlier. Between the start of 2015 and February 2016, IHS reported that ISIS had lost 22 percent of the territory it once controlled.
  • A drawn-out effort: Some defense analysts criticize Obama for not moving quickly enough to confront the Islamic State. Anthony Cordesman at the Center for Strategic and International Studies said the Obama administration was "grindingly slow" to get air power and equipment into the region. But that changed rapidly through 2015.
  • "Virtually all were in place before the Trump administration came to office, along with virtually all of the key arms transfers and other assistance that went to Iraqi forces and the Syrian forces supported by the U.S," Cordesman said.
  • Under Trump, the tempo of airstrikes increased, and military commanders were given greater leeway to order attacks. But Cordesman said that represented no great shift in overall strategy.
  • "Trump deserves credit for fully implementing the plan and some limited improvements, but it is nonsense for him to take credit for a program his predecessor had largely put in place," he said.
  • The Islamic State faced battles everywhere. It was under attack by the Iraqi and Syrian militaries. Kurdish and Syrian forces backed by the United States wore down ISIS fighters at strategically key locations. American and Russian airstrikes targeted both ISIS military centers and the oil fields that helped fund the fundamentalist fighters.
  • William Braniff, executive director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism at the University of Maryland, said the Islamic State was an "impossibly poor nation-state fighting a multifront war while savaging its own economic base." It was, in Braniff’s view, unsustainable.
  • "This beleaguered proto-state was then starved of external sources of money and fighters by an international effort, that included many initiatives led by the United States under the Obama administration, and that were continued into the Trump administration," Braniff said.

I don't necessarily believe nor care if this changes those with hard-held biased beliefs about how bad Obama is while overlooking with precognitive blindness the glaring inept and dangerous problems that Trump exudes but facts are facts - Obama's admin committed alot of support to US special forces to eradicate Isis from Iraq and Syria. The Obama admin had petitioned Congress to go into Syria also however they rebuked him and wouldn't support the effort. I don't think Obama was such a great president but in comparison he is far and above better than Trump will ever be. History will report in the end who turned out to be better and the way things are playing out so far there is no doubt that Trump will go down as the absolute unequivocal worse we've ever seen. He's gotten no real agenda done beyond trying to undue everything Obama laid but Obamacare is still around also. OH AND FLINT STILL DOESN'T HAVE CLEAN WATER so lets tweet and get something done about that.
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If Obama can win one simply for being elected then I see no reason why Trump can't have one too. Because, ... You know,. . Everybody is a winner.

Here we go again with the deflection tactics. No lets not talk about the idiocy at present but go back in the time machine and bring up something not relevant to the conversation about the idiocy from 8 yrs ago.

Not everyone is a winner and more people are losing than winning especially with the ugliness we have in America now with the losses to many rights thanks to the biggest loser at the highest office of this land. In fact Chump's rhetoric has been fuel to fan the whittling embers of hate and result in people actually losing their lives with the empowerment of white supremacy (need I cite the several racial-hatred related deaths and other headlines in the news over the past year?). Lets not forget this and is an automatic disqualifier for any Nobel Peace talks at the moment:

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I agree that the Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded on meritous accomplishment and not just on the possibility of what could be. I don't agree that a person should be awarded the Nobel Prize just for giving great speeches. We would be in agreement at this point that neither Obama nor Trump deserves an award for just talk. Hence why I EMPHATICALLY state lets see if Trump can actually illustrate and demonstrate his "ART OF THE DEAL" before he sabotages it with his mouth and actions.

At least with Obama it was more than just about getting elected but he did accomplish bringing hope to people on getting something accomplished where there was a lack of it before especially after how bad Bush fucked up the economy and left a bag of ******* for him to inherit. In alot of ways this was accomplished in America which was proven with Facts below - economically wise at the post here:

Regardless of your POV, Obama's tone, poise, and rhetoric with calling for unity is in stark contrast to the divisiveness that spews daily from out of Chump's mouth everyday on the news and twitter. One milestone that was unprecedented was with Obama's visit and speech in Cario before winning the award where he stated:

"So long as our relationship is defined by our differences, we will empower those who sow hatred rather than peace, and who promote conflict rather than the cooperation that can help all of our people achieve justice and prosperity. This cycle of suspicion and discord must end."

That was a seed that partly sparked along with the building up of resistance the Arab spring which the Nobel voting party might have been partly inspired by. But I agree the award was given to Obama prematurely.

Yeah you may say it was just words but at that point his gravitas and persona made it more believable that it could be accomplished than what we are witnessing today with the current Admin and the merry men who surround him which are all War-hawks especially with Bolton who was partly behind masterminding the Iraq/Syria mess we still face today.

Interesting video reviewing the Obama Nobel Peace Prize awardee just so to RECAP the difference between then and now in history making here:

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Here we go again with the deflection tactics.
Actually it would be a comparison, not a deflection. A deflection would be if I started to talk about trickle down, or supply side economics when it really has nothing to do with the Topic at hand.

But actually, it was more satire than anything.
who actually deserves this one for what he's done in Korea. No other POTUS over the past 75 years has been able to do. This is not a R vs D topic. Ending the threat from North Korea( if it happens) is nothing short of amazing. One Korea would be something the World can embrace and cheer for. The fact Trump even got talks this far is nothing short of prize deserving. Hell, they gave Obama one and he was the most divisive POTUS ever. Didn't end any wars, didn't bring peace to any region and actually expanded the terrorist threat by not taking ISIS serious, with his ISIS is a JV team comment. Thank God for Trump. In 2 short years has erased the Obummer legacy for the most part and just been nothing short of amazing. The fact he annoys Liberals and the media so much is a bonus.
It's interesting to see the responses on here and other outlets and you can already see where the liberals are going to go if Trump could pull this off. Give credit to China, the "community organizer's", policies the past 8 years etc..
,Aside from the obvious, a safer and more secure world. The biggest benefit if Trump can pull this off would be watching the media try to downplay the event. Even money says CBS, ABC, NBC and it's networks, CNN, NY Times and Washington Post would lead that nights news with Stormy Daniels new hairstyle.
I think China had a lot more to do with this than anyone else, China is NK's only real ally and even they were getting tired of putting up with the North's BS. During Kim's secret visit to China they probably gave him a harsh ultimatum that Kim can't really counter.

thank least there are others that can see the many blinded by the orange glow it's all they can see

N.Korea just issued a warning last week.....the mouth on the orange blob is taking the mood off the swing in friendship!

******* for brains did play a part in it...and will give him credit there....but.....he hasn't done anything far he has shown he knows nothing about foreign policy...nor even running a country!...all he has done so far is line his own pockets and add more corruption to an already corrupt system ....he has fucked up everything he has touched so I guess maybe the odds are in his favor he MIGHT do something good here

how's that tax rebate working out for ya?....figured out yet you are paying a lot more in gas than what you save in taxes yet?

and after his latest blunder it could get a lot worse
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