N word

We should all be considering not putting any of these labels on people. Whatever your perspective on this issue you are welcome to it.
Can you tell me what exact 'rights'' of blacks are being trampled by white people?

There are specific laws in place that prohibit discrimination based on race. So what 'rights' are not given to black people that white people have?

(sounds of crickets chirping....)

I'm not a fan of rap music but I do know that when this station is turned on in Southern California, I hear the 'n word' after about five minutes: KCRW

Calling someone any name should not constitute provoking a fight. It's just a word. People of intelligence are not usually easily provoked to violence by simply calling them a name.

I like how you capitalize people of color. As if they are so special that the very mention of them is a noble title or something. Very telling. The very fact that you feel a need to put people of color on a pedestal and come rushing to their aid when you feel they are being insulted shows that it's you who is racist and not me. I treat them as equals, you don't. (the very term 'people of color' is racist in itself but you're too brainwashed to realize that).
Exactly , I could not have put it any better. thank you
To be honest. I’m tired of all this blk white race *******. I was at my local bar last night. A ditsy fake blonde came in wearing a romper with big boobs and middle size ass. We all were sitting at the bar taken shots and *******. Taking race relations n *******. I told her we need to all just fuck, procreate and end this race *******. One race. Woman agreed. The conversation went on about her tits.
To be honest. I’m tired of all this blk white race *******. I was at my local bar last night. A ditsy fake blonde came in wearing a romper with big boobs and middle size ass. We all were sitting at the bar taken shots and *******. Taking race relations n *******. I told her we need to all just fuck, procreate and end this race *******. One race. Woman agreed. The conversation went on about her tits.
Very well said :lips:
To be honest. I’m tired of all this blk white race *******. I was at my local bar last night. A ditsy fake blonde came in wearing a romper with big boobs and middle size ass. We all were sitting at the bar taken shots and *******. Taking race relations n *******. I told her we need to all just fuck, procreate and end this race *******. One race. Woman agreed. The conversation went on about her tits.

As a good buddy of mine pointed out, unfortunately I don't think that would be the end of it. Because then next, the racist debate among humans would turn to who is the most "pure".
I know men that enjoy it and some that hate the word. If I am with someone that enjoys I do not mind saying it. Kind of like I find it kind of a turn on to be called a slut or cum dumpster during sex.
words...just bloody words, not even my first language for fucks sake, why should i cre about these rubbish things cos yll do
pic_Opinion.jpg ... if we, as a society, are to ever shed the stinch of racial slurs, we've got to quit finding exceptions to using them. Words & actions damage our psychological world as much as they bruise our physical world. We can't condemn them, then, make "exceptions" ... we've got to totally wash these words from our vocabulary & thoughts otherwise they ingrain to not want to leave our "thoughts".
Its just like this vulgar hip-hop music; the little ******* here it, react to it, and then become psychologically imprinted and damaged by them whether we as adults wish to admit it or not. There's no one there for these ******* to say "its just a song, or its not meant seriously" ... etc. That's NOT the way growing minds work. Permitted slurs, directed across racial lines, does absolutely no good at our eliminating the anger, etc associated with the words when meant as a damaging word or words. Folks, we've ALL got to GROW THE FUCK UP and take the BLM seriously or we're gonna keep addressing it over and over for years to come. If we don't care about ourselves, at least care about our ******* ... its the RIGHT THING TO DO!
There is NO right time, for any of us, to use racial slurs, not even in a pretend world.

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As a good buddy of mine pointed out, unfortunately I don't think that would be the end of it. Because then next, the racist debate among humans would turn to who is the most "pure".
And, how do generals win a WAR ... one battle at a time, that's how. Racial slurs need to go totally AWAY. No reason to ever use them.
Are you following me around Fries 🍟??? Glad to know you’re thinking about my posts LOL:cool:
LOL ... ohhhh pleazzzzze .... I don't need to stroke your ego, HBC ... but if you prefer that I abstain from responding to a post you might make on here, just let me know NOT to do that and I'll more than gladly refrain. Let's stroke the LOVE, not the HATE!
I know men that enjoy it and some that hate the word. If I am with someone that enjoys I do not mind saying it. Kind of like I find it kind of a turn on to be called a slut or cum dumpster during sex.
I agree. If we having race role play Sex. It’s game. If I’m calling you a cum slut, white whore. It’s all game.
If that’s what he’s into then I guess I’ll say it. It’s not a word I use so just don’t laugh when I sound like an idiot 😂
But to answer your question it’s probably because it’s an extreme word that causes an extreme physiological reaction that allows you to be more aggressive in bed. The aggression makes you feel in charge and therefore gives you the power back that N word was used to take away? Just my two cents. I get the same reaction when being called a slut. If it’s said while being fucked it gets me off, but if said anywhere else, there will be issues!
I agree with this as a Black male i feel like when a snow bunny talks to me dirty using the N-word, I boosts my stroke. It creates a sense dirty intimacy.