N word

Whether we agree with them or not, ALL of us are entitled to our likes and dislikes. Nobody has the right to dictate what another person likes or dislikes, does or doesn't do, thinks or doesn't think
Maybe it is yet to soon to be healed from the effects of slavery in America, I agree that the word should never be used again, but it is not up to me.
"Research material: U.S.Constitution, 1st Amendment." -Sad White Clown

Why it is always someone with an Elementary grade level understanding of the Constitution that's always the 1st Motherfucker to invoke it to defend their piss poor behavior?

While in the Privacy of ones own home, you're free to be the biggest peice of ******* you'd like, however, with modern technology, if you're recorded being said "biggest peice of *******" and that leaks to the public you can be fired from your job, ostracized, and have you're life upended.

Next, outside of your home, the 1st Ammendment absolutely has boundaries, only protects you from government infringement, not social backlash, which again, can ruin ones life. The 1st Amendment also doesn't protect speech considered obscene, or that contains "Fighting Words". Legally, Fighting words, is defined as speech that "tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace" by provoking a fight, so long as it is a "personally abusive" word which, when addressed to the ordinary citizen, is, as a matter of common knowledge, inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction". The "N" would absolutely qualify.

Research Material:

SCOTUS Ruling - Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire

Again, unless its within the privacy of their own home, watch what you say, because the 1st ammendment does have limits and doesn't protect from social backlash. And really, that's not a word anyone should be using, including blacks. It has no use, function, or redeeming qualities. It's only function is as a call back to the history of hate, oppression, and white supremacy embedded into this country.
This is a case that takes commonsense and morals. If a word is morally wrong, it should be morally wrong for everyone to use if it is being used as a fighting word according to The First Amendment. The N- word is one I don't think should be used at all, that being said, it will never die if we keep using it.
And really, that's not a word anyone should be using, including blacks. It has no use, function, or redeeming qualities. It's only function is as a call back to the history of hate, oppression, and white supremacy embedded into this country.
Indeed, our rights under the Constitution are not absolute and can be regulated (so why does this not apply to guns as much . . . that's another discussion for another place!). The thing is that you have to decide where to draw the line, as that's not so easy. As one of my past professors astutely pointed out, there are no laws against simply hating. But there are laws against hurting, and words can indeed hurt.

So you wanna use the N-word and its derivatives? Go ahead. But you better be careful about when and where and how you're using it. Believe that. I use it, and I like it being used during interracial sex when everybody has the same level of understanding of each other and the word's use (along with any variations of it). But that's just me and my own comfort level. When it comes to what's going on behind closed doors, I say grown adults need to live and let live as long as nobody is being hurt, physically or emotionally.
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"Research material: U.S.Constitution, 1st Amendment." -Sad White Clown

Why it is always someone with an Elementary grade level understanding of the Constitution that's always the 1st Motherfucker to invoke it to defend their piss poor behavior?

While in the Privacy of ones own home, you're free to be the biggest peice of ******* you'd like, however, with modern technology, if you're recorded being said "biggest peice of *******" and that leaks to the public you can be fired from your job, ostracized, and have you're life upended.

Next, outside of your home, the 1st Ammendment absolutely has boundaries, only protects you from government infringement, not social backlash, which again, can ruin ones life. The 1st Amendment also doesn't protect speech considered obscene, or that contains "Fighting Words". Legally, Fighting words, is defined as speech that "tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace" by provoking a fight, so long as it is a "personally abusive" word which, when addressed to the ordinary citizen, is, as a matter of common knowledge, inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction". The "N" would absolutely qualify.

Research Material:

SCOTUS Ruling - Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire

Again, unless its within the privacy of their own home, watch what you say, because the 1st ammendment does have limits and doesn't protect from social backlash. And really, that's not a word anyone should be using, including blacks. It has no use, function, or redeeming qualities. It's only function is as a call back to the history of hate, oppression, and white supremacy embedded into this country.
Poor spelling, run-on sentences and vulgar language greatly detract from your literary offering. As an aside, I never referred to public speech. My comments dealt only with conversations in private, and under those conditions my position is unchanged.

I consider this ‘conversation’ closed and will no longer participate.
First, Poor spelling, yet, nothing is misspelled. The edit was because not even this page allows you to use the "N" word. I guess I must be on the right side of this. Also, you're spell checking someone else, when you spell 'Denzel', 'Denzil' and have your comment history littered with spelling and grammar errors? Theres the door, GTFO.

"Run-on sentences", "vulgar language", calm it down bitch, it's a public forum, not a fucking Masters thesis.

"I consider this 'conversation' closed and will no longer participate" -Sad White Clown

Translation: I thought I was real fucking clever citing the Constitution, because in my arrogance I thought nobody here has had to do a research paper on this topic. Then, someone pulled my card, obliterated my shitty elementary position, and I absolutely have no fucking argument. I'm also a bit pissed that brown and black people can attend university, because my comfort level is shaken to its foundations when Im talking to an intellectual superior, and they're a person of color, and especially a woman of color. Also, I look like a cunt, so I'm taking my ball and going home. Wah, Wah, Wah...

Response: Ok, Boomer...
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Interesting observation... I wonder what having media or lack there of is an indicator of... if anything at all. We have no media, but would not use the term.
It's a pretty far stretch to say that using the N word in public or calling someone the N word qualifies as this:

defined as speech that "tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace" by provoking a fight

Sure, you might find a court case here or there but the right to free speech is very precious and you can't pick and choose how to apply it's protections. Turn on any rap music station and all you hear is the N word.
I loved to be called a n word while I'm fucking. Idk why. Ladies what are Your thoughts on this?

We would NEVER use the word, likewise we hate the “R” word... Racist, it’s the new “N” word. When used the recipient can never thoroughly and satisfactorily respond, that’s why people use the “R” word.
It's a pretty far stretch to say that using the N word in public or calling someone the N word qualifies as this:

defined as speech that "tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace" by provoking a fight

Sure, you might find a court case here or there but the right to free speech is very precious and you can't pick and choose how to apply it's protections. Turn on any rap music station and all you hear is the N word.

So, for you, it is a stretch to say that calling someone the "N" word incites a breach of the peace, and provokes a fight.

Naturally, upon going to your page, you're a white man. Because of fucking course you are. When its YOU motherfuckers trampling the rights of People of Color, it's all about constitutional freedoms, and precious free speech. Again, there are LIMITS to free speech, you motherfucks just want to be able to be open, vile, racists and want the rest of us to take it.

I wont even ask, because I already know, with a straight face youve already said the above -just a small snippet of thousands and thousands of like videos- doesn't breach the peace, or incite a fight.

As far as turn on any rap station and all you hear is the N word, I live in SoCal, too. I get the same over the air radio stations you do. Exactly what radio stations are putting out unedited songs, and have just said fuck the FCC fines. None. The answer is none. You're full of *******.

The answer to this is simple though. Everytime you motherfuckers pop off, with N word this, mexican slur that, asian slur this, arab slur that... we need to haul off and start kicking motherfucking teeth in. People of color are WAY TOO NICE about this *******. Having you people thinking you can address us any old way you please. In a generation, when 90% of you are missing teeth, maybe you'll learn.
As we all know the n-word is a vile demeaning word that is deeply insulting to Black people and should never be used. Society widely regards the n-word to be so loaded with historical injury that Black people are considered justified to respond with anger and even violence. Society typically finds it satisfactory -- even amusing -- if a Black man were to punch out a white man for using the n-word.

But we are also well aware that Black people tend to use the n-word freely among themselves and of course, rap music is practically defined by the n-word. It is a reclamation of power. The very potency of the n-word is what gives Black people power over whites. Black people can freely speak the word that whites don't dare say, at the risk of losing their status, their jobs, or even being hurt. Many white people, raised on social constructs of equality, are confused by this reclamation of power, but it is important they understand it.

Among my generation (under 25) the battle to stop the n-word seems to be lost. Young Black men use the n-word/soft-a ubiquitously. And young Black women will call even me -- a pale, blonde sissy -- the n-word/soft-a. The soft-a is very socially acceptable, with even white people using it.

The n-word/hard-r is not acceptable and evokes serious anger. The only time I hear the hard-r is during interracial sex.

In my generation, single white girls and sissies are far more common than cuck-couples. Without the cuck dynamic, Interracial sex has more power imbalance, with Black men holding the power -- and their ability to control the n-word increases that power.

My parents worked overseas. I spent years as a feminine whiteboi, turned trans-girl, in a culture of dominant Black masculinity outside the US. I heard the n-word......a lot. Black boys would use it freely when I was sucking them off, or they were gang-banging me. Sometimes they would make me repeat it. "Do you love my n----- cock nanci?" "Yes I love your n----- cock!" It was as if they granted me permission to say it -- if I pleased them enough -- a measure of my sluttiness as judged by Black Power.

From what I know of white girls and sissies my age, use of the n-word is the same category as cumming on a white bitch: my pussy/or my face/or I swallow. The Black man chooses.
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Can you tell me what exact 'rights'' of blacks are being trampled by white people?

There are specific laws in place that prohibit discrimination based on race. So what 'rights' are not given to black people that white people have?

(sounds of crickets chirping....)

I'm not a fan of rap music but I do know that when this station is turned on in Southern California, I hear the 'n word' after about five minutes: KCRW

Calling someone any name should not constitute provoking a fight. It's just a word. People of intelligence are not usually easily provoked to violence by simply calling them a name.

I like how you capitalize people of color. As if they are so special that the very mention of them is a noble title or something. Very telling. The very fact that you feel a need to put people of color on a pedestal and come rushing to their aid when you feel they are being insulted shows that it's you who is racist and not me. I treat them as equals, you don't. (the very term 'people of color' is racist in itself but you're too brainwashed to realize that).