My wife wants womens opinions on my size. She said she'll cheat if at least 10 girls tell her Im not a man

Damn! He's intimidating. I was eating her ass and she ask him to ******* me. He didn't hesitate he yanked me up from her ass and picked me up with a one handed *******. I almost ******* and I could hear her pussy juicing from rubbing it. He said he won't hurt me too bad but it's part of training a cuck so I better get use to it. He let me go and she's riding his dick now. Well jumping on it.
3rd squirt. I've never given her an orgasm with my dick and he's still going. Holy ******* black guys got stamina. She's loving this! I am to if I'm being honest. I want to get her gangbanged to.
Best night of my life and it's not even happening to me
I am a pussy and I gotta own it. Thank you I liked that you called me that. I hope you get to try this CuckMe87 it's honestly nice not having to pretend I'm a man anymore. Now she knows who the real men are and he owns her. You were right gordy I gotta go eat a his creampie. Thanks for being a part of this with me. I'll let you guys know how it goes after she's clean but Black guys cum alot! She's dripping cum. It'll be a minute.
I am a pussy and I gotta own it. Thank you I liked that you called me that. I hope you get to try this CuckMe87 it's honestly nice not having to pretend I'm a man anymore. Now she knows who the real men are and he owns her. You were right gordy I gotta go eat a his creampie. Thanks for being a part of this with me. I'll let you guys know how it goes after she's clean but Black guys cum alot! She's dripping cum. It'll be a minute.
me personally loved eating cream pies,
no finer taste in the world.
loved having her infidelity in my face.
She ended up sitting on my face which made it all fall out of her and on my face. She helped scoop it with her fingers and fed me his cum. I can't lie I like it! It tasted sweet and a little like her pussy. I'm so pathetic but I loved it! Best sex I didn't have and he told me I can't jerk off to her or cum anymore. She told him I'll get him a cage but that she'll make sure I don't until then. He made out with her lifting her up off her feet and told her "I'll see you in the morning baby and every morning and night from now on" she smiled and said " Hear that hubby?" I pathetically said " He's the boss so if he wants my wife pussy every day I can't stop him" He laughed and then told me " I like breakfast before morning sex so have it ready, I'll be here at 7" I just said " Yes sir" He smacked her ass and said " That's right" as he walked out. Now me and wifey are talking so I'll keep you guys posted. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow if they let me.
She ended up sitting on my face which made it all fall out of her and on my face. She helped scoop it with her fingers and fed me his cum. I can't lie I like it! It tasted sweet and a little like her pussy. I'm so pathetic but I loved it! Best sex I didn't have and he told me I can't jerk off to her or cum anymore. She told him I'll get him a cage but that she'll make sure I don't until then. He made out with her lifting her up off her feet and told her "I'll see you in the morning baby and every morning and night from now on" she smiled and said " Hear that hubby?" I pathetically said " He's the boss so if he wants my wife pussy every day I can't stop him" He laughed and then told me " I like breakfast before morning sex so have it ready, I'll be here at 7" I just said " Yes sir" He smacked her ass and said " That's right" as he walked out. Now me and wifey are talking so I'll keep you guys posted. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow if they let me.
only 2 words needed FUCKING AWESOME.
She told her friend Lucy and she invited her over to stay over. Lucy's hot! I hope she shows Lucy my button dick. I want all the girls in town to know I'm not a man. I'll never have sex again in this small town if she sees it. Lucy has a big mouth and she'll spread it around. Life changing night!
She told her friend Lucy and she invited her over to stay over. Lucy's hot! I hope she shows Lucy my button dick. I want all the girls in town to know I'm not a man. I'll never have sex again in this small town if she sees it. Lucy has a big mouth and she'll spread it around. Life changing night!
So Lucy is coming over?
Wifey said to stay naked so I can show her friends my shame. She said friends plural. Oh boy I'm done for. I'll let you guys know how this goes. Wifey is addicted I think and I hear car doors so wish me luck.
Omg so many laughing girls pinching my little dicklet and calling me a BITCH. My wife's cool with it cause she knows they aren't turned on by me. Theyre inviting more two more girls. All these girls are hot and I like that they all know I'm a bitch. Lucy put her ass in my face through her boy shorts. Wifey didn't seem to be jealous cause she jiggled her ass cheeks in my face and asked " You like her ass hubby? I don't care if you do, I like black dick I'll admit it. But you won't be getting any so I want you to see her and realize you'll never fuck a girl again and I don't care if you lick them cause you're just a joke in bed." She pulled Lucys shorts and panties down and said " Smell her bitch" I enjoyed her scent. Now I'm watching them strip and twerk and Wifeys trying to get the Bull to come back and bring friends. I'm sure 10 pussies will convince them to come. I guess we'll see.