My wife wants womens opinions on my size. She said she'll cheat if at least 10 girls tell her Im not a man

She liked your comment. She said she'll cheat. Thank you girls! I knew size matters. She just didn't want to admit it until she saw other womens reactions.
I'm nervous she has a black guy coming over. He's a gorilla compared to me, I hope I like it cause there's no way I can stop him. He's like 6"5 and has way more muscle than me. I learned in sports the big guys are gonna win everytime. I couldn't even tackle the biggest guy on my team and we wasn't as big as the guy who's coming over. Theyre having sex whether I like it or not.
I'm nervous she has a black guy coming over. He's a gorilla compared to me, I hope I like it cause there's no way I can stop him. He's like 6"5 and has way more muscle than me. I learned in sports the big guys are gonna win everytime. I couldn't even tackle the biggest guy on my team and we wasn't as big as the guy who's coming over. Theyre having sex whether I like it or not.
Wait! It's happening now???
She said no pictures but she said I can post it. Theyre just kissing and groping so far. I'm not nervous anymore this is awesome! I love watching him grab her chest and ass. Hopefully they'll undress soon.
She's butt naked now. He told me her pussy is his now and she asked me if I was gonna stop him. Before I could answer he let go of her cheeks and put me in a submission and he said "he can't stop me baby! Can you wiggle out of it" I tried my hardest and couldn't budge. Now I'm shaking on the couch watching her serve him. I think him pinning me turn her on cause she's licking his balls and not concerned about me.
she's never going to want to go white ever again
She's butt naked now. He told me her pussy is his now and she asked me if I was gonna stop him. Before I could answer he let go of her cheeks and put me in a submission and he said "he can't stop me baby! Can you wiggle out of it" I tried my hardest and couldn't budge. Now I'm shaking on the couch watching her serve him. I think him pinning me turn her on cause she's licking his balls and not concerned about me.
She's butt naked now. He told me her pussy is his now and she asked me if I was gonna stop him. Before I could answer he let go of her cheeks and put me in a submission and he said "he can't stop me baby! Can you wiggle out of it" I tried my hardest and couldn't budge. Now I'm shaking on the couch watching her serve him. I think him pinning me turn her on cause she's licking his balls and not concerned about me.
Pretty sure this play by play is gonna get me off tonight
She ask him to make me his bitch again. He said "show her that your my bitch". I just helped her blow him. Theyre fucking now but I liked doing it, her seeing me serve him makes me feel like a BITCH and she isn't shy about calling me one. Theyre in doggy and he's fucking hung! She needed this! She had her first SQUIRT to.