My husband is a wise man. Thought I'd share his post.


I am Alissa's husband and wanted to put a post in here to encourage some of my black brothers. Alissa and I originally became involved due to the urging and encouragement of her POS, weak, white, first husband. At first, it was just sex, but as I came to know this fine woman, I knew she deserved better. I wanted to protect her, treat her like a queen, and get her away from that insanity.
I am a black man. My first wife was black. Throughout our entire 5 year marriage, I could never make her happy. She was a major pain in the ass, argumentative, and disrepectful to me. I soon discovered she wasn't wife material, but because I am a man, I stuck it out until I couldn't do it any longer.
I was raised to beleive let the man be the man, and the woman be the woman. It's a husband's job to protect his woman and family. As my sexual relationship with Alissa moved forward, I started to develop strong feelings for her, and by the time she told me she was pregnant, it sealed the deal. I knew I wanted to marry her, but she was still married to her ex. Fortunately for me, the coward POS didn't want to raise a black man's kid so he walked away from her like disgarded trash and blamed her for getting pregnant. I was happy to step in, life her up, and start acting like the MAN in her life. She was understanably hesitant and vulnerable, but I wasn't going to allow that to stop me. She was having my kid and it was my job to step up.
Alissa and I are now married, and all the BS of my ex and hers is behind us. It did take us some time to develop full trust considering how we met, but I am happy to say we are in a great place, in love, and very happy. Alissa stays home with our young sons, and gives them 100% of her time. When I am home, she balances it and gives me 100% of her time as I do her. She is a traditional wife and allows me my role as family leader. We recently learned we are expecting our third baby. We are so looking forward to his/her arrival. I am going to raise my ******* to become strong, black men and women and to respect the traditional family unit (******* AND mom). None of this gay ******* we seeing far too much of today.
I will admit, I didn't understand why Alissa was posting here and when she told me about this group, I asked her to remove her profile, but reading through all the comments of support over the years, I can understand why she felt the need to stay and update ya'll.
To my brothers here, I appreciate each and every one of you. I want you to know that if you are in a bad situation with a woman, get the hell out and find someone who will respect you, uplift you, and encourage you as a man. Unfortunately, too many of our black sisters need to learn and understand this and not be so damn difficult in relationships.
My advice: find a good white woman, treat her well, (in and out of the bedroom) marry her, and procreate beautiful black babies. It's certainly worked well for me and I couldn't be more happy.