My Agony , Her *******

what you write is very moving, it does show incredible pleasure that your wife was receiving in front of your very eyes.

It’s tough, I get that, but I believe it’s up to us to learn to accept and adapt, it’s us that need to work on ourselves, to be strong and supportive, so that our wives get to enjoy such wonderful moments.

It’s so tough when our wives have lovers, whatever the circumstances, we all have different situations to deal with.

I believe though we should look at what you have written above, look at the photos, then think to ourselves, should we really try and deny the women we love that pleasure? We want the best for them, we need to learn, we need to be strong and be able to think positively that we are helping our wives achieve their dreams.

Yes it’s hard, I am up and down with it all mentally, sometimes strong, sometimes not so, but looking at the above pictures and seeing the ultimate pleasure drives me forward knowing it is right and proper that we should strive to achieve those wonderful feelings for our wives.

Stay strong, learn, accept and encourage.