Most significant experience?

White women, what has been the most significant experience of your interracial life? The activity that most drove home the thought "My life will never be the same!"? That time is different for different women, of course. For some it was the first time taking anal. For others, the first time being shared. For others, when he secured a collar around your neck.

So what was your significant moment? Share with us in as much detail as you wish.
Back when I was married I came home late. I was at our side door and all I wanted was to go back to the hotel where my bull was staying. The thought of going in and sleeping next to my husband just repulsed me. I even said to myself “I can’t go back”
Back when I was married I came home late. I was at our side door and all I wanted was to go back to the hotel where my bull was staying. The thought of going in and sleeping next to my husband just repulsed me. I even said to myself “I can’t go back”
Thanks for that interesting, and very personal, insight! By that time you obviously belonged to the bull both physically and emotionally.

Did you go in or go back to the bull?
Really short version. About five years ago, we (hubby and I) went on a short get-away to the Bahamas. We were pretty vanilla and after 10 years being married, life had pretty much gotten into the rut most marriages fall in to at about that time.

Over two days, the same Black guy talked to us while we were on the beach. Polite, intelligent, humorous, friendly and engaging. What I consider important is that he never once broached sex! We talked about everything else possible though. He was fun to be around.

After the second day of him chatting with us, hubby and I went to dinner. We both got a bit tipsy. At the bar in the hotel, having another ******* neither of us needed, he said that the guy was really in to me and wanted to have me! I thought he was insane and knew it was the alcohol talking. But he finished with a fateful statement "As far as I'm concerned, there isn't anything wrong with a little vacation fling."

Next day on the beach was a repeat of the last two days. But my husband's comment kept coming back to me. Late afternoon, I asked the Black guy to get us some beer at the cabana up the beach. When he was gone, asked hubby if he was serious about last night. Eyes big, surprised look, apprehensive nod. I said "No, say it, yes or no!" Remember this all like it was yesterday! He said yes and when the black guy came back, I invited him to our hotel room. The rest is history.

A lot of the story was eliminated and dramatically cut down, but the above is the general gist of it. If anyone has questions, thoughts, comments, please send me a note. Don't want to monopolize this thread!

Yes daddy
White women, what has been the most significant experience of your interracial life? The activity that most drove home the thought "My life will never be the same!"? That time is different for different women, of course. For some it was the first time taking anal. For others, the first time being shared. For others, when he secured a collar around your neck.

So what was your significant moment? Share with us in as much detail as you wish.
Really short version. About five years ago, we (hubby and I) went on a short get-away to the Bahamas. We were pretty vanilla and after 10 years being married, life had pretty much gotten into the rut most marriages fall in to at about that time.

Over two days, the same Black guy talked to us while we were on the beach. Polite, intelligent, humorous, friendly and engaging. What I consider important is that he never once broached sex! We talked about everything else possible though. He was fun to be around.

After the second day of him chatting with us, hubby and I went to dinner. We both got a bit tipsy. At the bar in the hotel, having another ******* neither of us needed, he said that the guy was really in to me and wanted to have me! I thought he was insane and knew it was the alcohol talking. But he finished with a fateful statement "As far as I'm concerned, there isn't anything wrong with a little vacation fling."

Next day on the beach was a repeat of the last two days. But my husband's comment kept coming back to me. Late afternoon, I asked the Black guy to get us some beer at the cabana up the beach. When he was gone, asked hubby if he was serious about last night. Eyes big, surprised look, apprehensive nod. I said "No, say it, yes or no!" Remember this all like it was yesterday! He said yes and when the black guy came back, I invited him to our hotel room. The rest is history.

A lot of the story was eliminated and dramatically cut down, but the above is the general gist of it. If anyone has questions, thoughts, comments, please send me a note. Don't want to monopolize this thread!

Sharing is a very loving act!