Minnesota Lifestyle support groupšŸ¤©

I would really like to get the community going here in Minnesota and I was looking for cuckolds, Queens, Bulls, couples and wannabes to all band together and see if we can get something started as far as growing a community to offer support, encouragement and outreach. Due to the secrecy of so many in the lifestyle it is hard to seek advice or support in the lifestyle when difficulties arise and so most have to just make all the mistakes on their own when they support network may have the cumulative knowledge from similar scenarios that may have suggestions or experienced guidance.
This community would also serve as a network for planning fun events and lifestyle parties and most importantly allowing fellow minnesotans in the lifestyle from feeling out of place or alone, after all the more surrounding people with the same struggles and same goals allows for new levels of openness and confidence that otherwise would be kept inside.
Please reach out to me if you are in Minnesota or surrounding area and have interest in what I've described as my goal šŸ™