Married Women Having Biracial Children


Gold Member
Some of you have seen my post in other forums on this topic, but the topic is usually about getting pregnant. The thrill seems to stop after that, but we need to remember that wether or not intended, when a white woman, married or otherwise becomes pregnant by her black lover she almost always has the baby. For those considering this option this forum is to discuss the outcome of interracial pregnancy: what happens after you bring biracial baby into the world. Was it a surprise, meaning, you didn’t realize it until the baby was born? Did your family know, and how did you break then news to them and your friends? What societal difficulties have you faced? Did this effect your employment or community standing? What are the reactions of people on the street, in stores, restaurants, etc?

For me, the one thing that surprised me was how people assume my wife’s baby was adopted by us, and their embarrassment if she says, “He’s not adopted”. Especially if our caucasian ******* are with us. Sometimes it pisses me off, and at other times it makes me laugh but it always pisses off my wife. Anyhow, I’ll enjoy the commentary, and any photos folks feel comfortable sharing.
How does this even work in practice? Family and friends will know a baby is coming throughout the months of pregnancy, and when the baby is born, it's not like you can pretend it was adopted or that it was the white husband's. A lot of the posters here who fantasize about it seem to act like they'll continue to live out their BBC lifestyle in secrecy after having a biracial baby. I just don't get it.
Agreed. And how do you even explain it to your other *******, especially if they're too young to understand such an adult topic? Everything changes after the secret is out in the open, and the people in all of your social and family circles will never be able to look at you the same again.
A single woman having a bi-racial baby hardly lifts an eyebrow these days, however, it does raise eyebrow when its a married woman having a bi-racial baby, not that its really anyone else's business. It creates all kinds of mind-boggling assumptions ... one of which is a cheating wife. So it stirs up all the concerns of bi-racial issues, from "out-of-marriage" baby to adultery, etc ... involving many more incorrect "opinions" regarding, primarily the female. She's the one that takes the blunt of comments. Thing is, a lot of married women become pregnant by men other than their husbands, its just when the baby is noticably "different" that the rumors spread.
Men (black & white), more than women, seem to dwell on this bi-racial topic ... as a fantasy, mostly. Women, by the simple fact that they are the ones that will go through the 9-month pregnancy cycle are the ones who usually take this more seriously. This most definitely is a serious topic once its "thought out".
Our family is interracial (I'm white and my wife is Latina), two of our children are interracial (and each has a different coloration than mine and are darker than my wife), AND we adopted two more children from outside of our racial groups. So basically, none of my ******* look like me. We live in a very diverse community in Southern California. Our blended family almost never raises an eyebrow.

However, when we have traveled to places less diverse like Washington, Idaho and Minnesota (where I have family), it's hard not to pick up on the occasional odd look and whispers. on several occasions, all but once aided by alcohol, women have asked my wife for the scoop on who all the fathers are and, sometimes, how do I handle raising somebody else's *******. in the case of total strangers, my wife has acted nervous and told them to please be discreet because "my husband hasn't figured out they aren't his, yet." She loves seeing their shocked expressions and then telling me all about it afterwards (I'm a cuck and she knows I have a breeding fetish-- that she thinks is pretty nuts but harmless). in the case of family and acquaintances, she's just honest and makes no big deal of it.

over 20 years of marriage, somebody has questioned me about my *******' parentage just ONCE. we were at a campground in Northern Nevada. I was working on a 12 pack with a man in his 60s from the adjacent camp stall while his wife and mine teamed up to make dinner and watch the ******* race around. When he finally got ******* enough, the old coot told me it must have been hard having a wife that kept bringing home different colored *******. I was about to defend my wife (she sleeps around but she always uses protection) when he continued, saying, "but if my wife was as hot looking as yours I suppose she could have fucked Jackie Robinson and all I would've done was ask for some free tickets behind home plate." His comment was so wrong on so many levels but I couldn't stop laughing. I mean it's 10 years later and it still makes me laugh.
There are a number of ways this can happen. Yes, your family will know the wife is pregnant, but no one knows the race until the baby is born. After that is when the big questions start coming. Also, if a great distance separates the couple from their respective families you can go through an entire pregnancy and birth in secret, and then claim it was an adoption.

For many this is nothing more than a fantasy, but for some it becomes a reality. My suspicion is that it is almost always accidental but I’ve spoken with several couples who intentionally went through with this. The biggest difficulty isn’t with parents, but children in explaining why their sibling is a different color?

How does this even work in practice? Family and friends will know a baby is coming throughout the months of pregnancy, and when the baby is born, it's not like you can pretend it was adopted or that it was the white husband's. A lot of the posters here who fantasize about it seem to act like they'll continue to live out their BBC lifestyle in secrecy after having a biracial baby. I just don't get it.
Sometimes a pregnancy happens because of a decision made in the heat of the moment.
Oh, I'd say that most babies are created during the moments of sudden passions, however, with today's medical options, there's no reason to have a baby IF IN FACT you don't desire to have one. So, passion, or not, the lady goes home, realizes what she's done and regrets it 'cause she's single or maybe she's married to a white guy and therefore not using protection. She has the option of heading to the nearest ******* store and getting the "Day After" pill OR risking she didn't get pregnant only to find out 3 weeks later she IS pregnant and too late for that "Day After" pill. At that point, she now has to decide if she keeps her baby OR she gives it up for adoption, which is pretty hard for a woman to do after she's held her baby a couple times. Twenty+ years of paying for one or two hours of "passion" .... now that's expensive, I'd say. Day After Pill about $30. Besides, just what percentage of white married men would be willing to raise someone else's baby, especially if it was noticeably NOT HIS baby? I'll be it very low.
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Any Blackmale in this situation needs to raise the baby for obvious reasons but, especially for physical, emotional, psychological and other basic developmental issues. Western nations regardless of geographical location adhere to strict racial hierarchy and children are not exempt from it executing Power and Control over those perceived as different or threaten its authority.

Personally, these Blackmales are bloody RECKLESS.....
For a lot of people on this forum, including myself, it's a huge fantasy. But when reality kicks in that fantasy wears off pretty quickly. While a lot of people may talk about going through with a pregancy by their bull, I would imagine that very few actually do. That's not to say that no one has done, it's just very rare.