Married Women Having Biracial Children

People are shocked by ******* honesty. It is almost always expected that when someone has a baby outside of what could be called the normal means that they will create some story behind how it happened whether it be adoption or it just happened. The problem with all of these is at some point that baby is going to want to know where they come from or why they heard some story as to them being adopted. It is better to be honest and let the baby and anyone know they are yours and let them deal with their own judgments.

On a side note this is what bothers me sometimes when people talk about taking the risk or trying to get pregnant is they don't think about the long game of everything and especially the baby. Sex is fun and kinky but be prepared to handle all the possible outcomes please.
People are shocked by ******* honesty. It is almost always expected that when someone has a baby outside of what could be called the normal means that they will create some story behind how it happened whether it be adoption or it just happened. The problem with all of these is at some point that baby is going to want to know where they come from or why they heard some story as to them being adopted. It is better to be honest and let the baby and anyone know they are yours and let them deal with their own judgments.

On a side note this is what bothers me sometimes when people talk about taking the risk or trying to get pregnant is they don't think about the long game of everything and especially the baby. Sex is fun and kinky but be prepared to handle all the possible outcomes please.
I agree with you 100%. Be open and honest about what's happened, and if necessary, the why. Our baby hasn't yet asked us why he's different from his siblings, but when the time comes we'll be open about it, that mom had been seeing another man and became pregnant. We weren't sure whose baby it was, so we decided to have the baby. That seems the best course of action.
If, the baby is a Blackmale then, early life preparation needs to begin when he's in single digits with the "Talk"

1. How deal with Police (yes, not even 10-years old and training must begin As soon as possible) and gradually developing his knowledge of Criminal Procedure, Constitutional Law, Police Procedure and Civics.

2. How to deal with White Female teachers due to research showing Black children are at greater risk for being placed on detention, placed in special education classes and prescribed psychotropic medication for alleged conduct disorder (Ritalin & Tawlin) or ADHD.

3. Responding to racial epithets verbalized by other children and accompanying school policies on violence if, a fight occurs.

4. Going to stores with family and keeping hands in pockets AT ALL TIMES to avoid being being accussed of shoplifting

5. Maintaining contact with biological family members to help as a skill-model to aid in training and develop his identity as a Blackmale....

6. Providing true and accurate research about Black history .........

I hope these married women recognise the incredible amount of work needed to raise a Non-White baby especially if, he's a Blackmale.....this is just a tiny sample of the work involved

Not a virgin in the bedroom but, definitely a virgin about the reality of Racial Hierarchy in Western nations.
People are shocked by ******* honesty. It is almost always expected that when someone has a baby outside of what could be called the normal means that they will create some story behind how it happened whether it be adoption or it just happened. The problem with all of these is at some point that baby is going to want to know where they come from or why they heard some story as to them being adopted. It is better to be honest and let the baby and anyone know they are yours and let them deal with their own judgments.
One of the reasons people have so many hangups about interracial sex is that most people historically have not been honest about it. When white wives and mothers hide their relationships with black men, that conveys the image that such activity is dirty, forbidden, taboo, etc. If they would just be upfront about their interracial sex, attitudes would gradually change and black babies for white couples would be accepted.
It can be very complicated, but it can be handled.

We have five children - three from outside our marriage - twins and a baby. The twins were by accident, the baby was planned. I saw it as a way to put a "period" on the sentence or paragraph. So our youngest ******* wouldn't be "accidents."

There are all kinds of challenges. I'm an obstetrics nurse, so my co-workers and colleagues found out when we had the twins. Social situations develop "scar tissue" though.

We have a relationship with the my black lover going back 8 years now. He has a relationship with his children and continues to have a relationship with my husband and I. He wife hates us.

There are lots of looks in public, and the occasional comment.

Perhaps a numbered list of questions would be better.
I'm pretty open to kinks but anyone into this "breeding" thing is immediately flagged for me. I can't get off to impregnating someone who only fucks black guys in private as a fetish. Add that with getting off to having a "mixed" baby and the "shame" that comes with that. It all still works out to black/mixed is "bad and taboo."

Can you back up that claim that white married women keep the baby? I don't believe that.
I'm pretty open to kinks but anyone into this "breeding" thing is immediately flagged for me. I can't get off to impregnating someone who only fucks black guys in private as a fetish. Add that with getting off to having a "mixed" baby and the "shame" that comes with that. It all still works out to black/mixed is "bad and taboo."

Can you back up that claim that white married women keep the baby? I don't believe that.
Since you dont believe that a married white woman keeps her "mixed" baby , do you feel that the black man should raise his mixed baby , provide a home , food , clothing. spend time with said baby, teach the baby right from wrong ? or who should raise the said baby?
Pregnancy that ends with the birth of a baby (regardless of racial origin) cannot be a fetish because ensuring a baby’s physical and mental health is a huge responsibility!! Some other thought should be used for masturbation!!
A single woman having a bi-racial baby hardly lifts an eyebrow these days, however, it does raise eyebrow when its a married woman having a bi-racial baby, not that its really anyone else's business. It creates all kinds of mind-boggling assumptions ... one of which is a cheating wife. So it stirs up all the concerns of bi-racial issues, from "out-of-marriage" baby to adultery, etc ... involving many more incorrect "opinions" regarding, primarily the female. She's the one that takes the blunt of comments. Thing is, a lot of married women become pregnant by men other than their husbands, its just when the baby is noticably "different" that the rumors spread.
Men (black & white), more than women, seem to dwell on this bi-racial topic ... as a fantasy, mostly. Women, by the simple fact that they are the ones that will go through the 9-month pregnancy cycle are the ones who usually take this more seriously. This most definitely is a serious topic once its "thought out".
Your points are well taken, especially regarding how men dwell on this more than women. The myriad reason why are interesting. What is your perspective as to the why?
It can be very complicated, but it can be handled.

We have five children - three from outside our marriage - twins and a baby. The twins were by accident, the baby was planned. I saw it as a way to put a "period" on the sentence or paragraph. So our youngest ******* wouldn't be "accidents."

There are all kinds of challenges. I'm an obstetrics nurse, so my co-workers and colleagues found out when we had the twins. Social situations develop "scar tissue" though.

We have a relationship with the my black lover going back 8 years now. He has a relationship with his children and continues to have a relationship with my husband and I. He wife hates us.

There are lots of looks in public, and the occasional comment.

Perhaps a numbered list of questions would be better.
What is the most common comment? For us it's how we're such good people for adopting a black baby. That doesn't bother me so much, but it really pisses of my wife. Usually she just nods and says, "oh thank you" but occasionally she'll say "he's not adopted". That always brings out the look of "WTF?" lol. Occasionally there's a comment of "well, okay then" or "Sorry, I didn't meant to offend you". I've yet to have anyone say something negative, but that may be because I'm present.