Marriages falling apart

my two cents, most marriages fall apart because there is no communication from the beginning, like relationships marriage has that honeymoon phase where the little things that would normally annoy you aren't that bad in the honeymoon phase, but when that phase passes and the issues aren't addressed what seems like little things can blow up into huge issues. Then there is the problem where the male half is pressuring the woman to get into the lifestyle and the woman is really only doing it to please hubby, this too can end a marriage or relationship. Either woman decides her hubby is not who she thought he is or the woman because enamored with her lover and this is where the problems lay. My advice to any couple thinking about doing this is, open communication and for the male half don't pressure the woman, and for the woman open up ( in a respectful way) about your feelings on your husbands request and if you are not feeling just say no and to the hubby accept no for a answer and move on. Don't ever pressure your woman, don't ever say "well if you love me" this is a sure fast way to divorce.

Don't forget about money. No money will end a marriage faster than a bolt of lightning. ...and, faster than no sex or, no communication. It is impossible to sustain romance on good looks and poverty
Our marriage is very strong, however my wife feels that she can’t have regular sex with someone without developing some feelings toward that person. Her words. “And if sex with black men is as good as women make it out to be then I would only want that and the connection with my own husband would lessen”.

Have you asked your wife if it would be possible for her to enjoy the sex as just that, but keep it separate to her love for you and your sex as husband and wife. Or is she saying that sex and love are inseparable?
I try my best to be the bull need but not bei. Bi/gay will put a stop to ur. Night
[QUOTE = "SCBlknNsty, publicación: 2797464, miembro: 112275"]
La verdad absoluta, NADIE lo sabe. No he visto a CUALQUIER pareja que reconozca sus problemas desde ambas perspectivas, por lo que partimos de datos variados.
1) Lo quiero para ella, ¿cómo la convenzo? ¿Respeta su posición / punto de vista o trabaja para reconocer su lugar?
2) Ella necesita más ... ¿Te dio el derecho de hablar por ella? ¿Cuánto la respetas hablando así?
3) Una vez que la follan ..... Solo los hombres pierden la cabeza por el sexo ... por eso odiamos a las mujeres que hablan de que pensamos con la cabeza equivocada.
4) Solo un hombre negro puede ... Personalmente, no me gusta estereotipar A TODOS. Soy único para mí ... como todos ustedes. ¿Alguna vez trabajó tratando a una mujer como esa otra mujer, tratando a un hombre como ese otro hombre? Finalmente, ese tren se descarrilará.

NO estoy diciendo que los matrimonios no fallan. Estoy diciendo que el fracaso rara vez es solo esto; Más aún, esto se agrega a lo que ya está allí.
absolutely agree!