Loose pussy only

This site is 24 carat comedy gold, I tell ya. Black men here lusting after loose white pussy?!?! So you want to go after pussy that has been broken in and banged up by God knows how many white guys, and then has put out some k i.ds. Now that it is loose and without shape and you could put your foot and ankle into it, now her husband thinks it is a prize for black guys. Funny thing is, when she was young and in her prime and her pussy was nice and firm and 'tight', she wouldn't touch guys like you with a proverbial ten foot pole, but now she is past her prime, see black guys lining up for it. It seems some black men want to socially regress, rather than progress.
This site is 24 carat comedy gold, I tell ya. Black men here lusting after loose white pussy?!?! So you want to go after pussy that has been broken in and banged up by God knows how many white guys, and then has put out some k i.ds. Now that it is loose and without shape and you could put your foot and ankle into it, now her husband thinks it is a prize for black guys. Funny thing is, when she was young and in her prime and her pussy was nice and firm and 'tight', she wouldn't touch guys like you with a proverbial ten foot pole, but now she is past her prime, see black guys lining up for it. It seems some black men want to socially regress, rather than progress.