Ladies: who introduced you into the lifestyle ?

My husband brought up me having sex with someone else while we were having sex. It turned me on a lot and we started having sex a lot which lead to pregnancy. While I was pregnant we decided to try it and I had sex with a couple different white guys. Then my husband set up for me to have sex with a black man. I was not impressed actually. From the time I got out of my car, him finishing in me and me getting back in my car, 7 minutes. He had the front door open before I had my pants up. My second BBC though was perfect. Everything I wanted. He definitely built my craving.
My husband brought up me having sex with someone else while we were having sex. It turned me on a lot and we started having sex a lot which lead to pregnancy. While I was pregnant we decided to try it and I had sex with a couple different white guys. Then my husband set up for me to have sex with a black man. I was not impressed actually. From the time I got out of my car, him finishing in me and me getting back in my car, 7 minutes. He had the front door open before I had my pants up. My second BBC though was perfect. Everything I wanted. He definitely built my craving.
Well stated.