Keep it a secret or outing?

Always kept it a secret, It was a different time and being found out could have caused a raft of *******. Still could I'm thinking. People talk as if this thing could have no consequences, How could that be. One only has to glance at social media to realize there are trolls out there just waiting to judge others. Employers finding out could end employment. They might be open minded but wait till that public opinion drops the bomb. Not doing business with a place that hires that type of people. Like it or not there are places in our country where interracial relations is still a dirty word. Where inviting others to have sex with your wife would bring down the wrath of any who learned of it.
I think the open marriage we shared is nothing like much of the situations preached on this forum. Cheating was never a part of it witch is why i believe we survived in our relationship where so many failed. I can't figure out how wanting your spouse to be humiliated , shamed or made to be a public fool could be any part of a healthy sound relationship. Not preaching just can't get my head around saying you love anyone you'd treat that way.
I saw people who were only swingers who lost jobs, family, friends because they were found out. There is no way of knowing how children might react. They may think it's cool, but they may loose respect for both parents. Dad for encouraging or putting up with mom fucking other guys. Mom
for acting like a whore. At the very least you will loose that do what i say, because I'll bet you never gave your baby encouragement to break the accepted rules of society. Telling them what they should do might be a thing of the past.
We would love to share our dark secret and even try to convince some of our friends to try the lifestyle, my wife loves fucking bbc and I'm so proud of being a cuck hubby!
However we have ******* and it wouldn't be fair on them if we were to shout it from the roof tops.
this is all bullshit and hypocrisy.
if a white slut is cheating on her husband with a white boi, there is usually no problem letting friends know and if it gets out there is no big deal.
Cheating with a bull should be a badge of honor, not somthing the ho keeps secret.
Plus the husband should be honored the ho is submitting to a bull and he should reward her by becoming a cuck
Since my wife’s friends felt they did my elderly wife a huge favor by connecting her with her Black bull (which they certainly did) they also felt entitled to out her around the neighborhood. That, of course, also meant outing me as an impotent cuck. So it goes...
and it hasnt changed ur life. Ur always were a cuck just now ur wife is getting black dick as a benefit.
Keeping it a secret is living a lie. it is wrong