It almost happened then I freaked

It almost happened then I freaked, my wife and I were recently on vacation, Ive been hinting about a 3some, or another guy to fuck her, and i watch. I been using porn to get her horny, right before we fuck. I would whisper to her, wouldn't be hot if a big black cock was fucking you? It would always get her off. So last week, we were on vacation in Mexico, and i saw two very good looking black guys at the bar. I sent her over to get us some drinks, then I said I had to use the bathroom. I came back to the bar but waited to see what's happening. My wife who loves to chat, was chatting it up with the two guys. I stayed back for another ten minutes, then i saw it, one guy was rubbing her elbow, thats when i freaked, my heart was racing, I immediately walked over, and told her we had to leave, and we did, I didn't bring it back up until a couple of days later, saying i saw you were chatting it up with those two black guys, she just laughed said nothing, but now i can't stop thinking about it.
If ya want it to happen ya got to sit back, take deep breaths, and endure the gut wrenching, shaky sick feeling and try to calm your nerves. You’ll still be shaky and nervous and have a rock hard cock when she tells you all about it! It will be an intense orgasm! Over time the whole thing will be easier to handle and the more exciting it will be!
I’ve been in your shoes, jealous, mad, nervous, scared, thrown a few punches……but I’ve got it under control now and i get extremely turned on when i see her getting excited from the attention. Whatever happens i still get her soaked pussy!
It almost happened then I freaked, my wife and I were recently on vacation, Ive been hinting about a 3some, or another guy to fuck her, and i watch. I been using porn to get her horny, right before we fuck. I would whisper to her, wouldn't be hot if a big black cock was fucking you? It would always get her off. So last week, we were on vacation in Mexico, and i saw two very good looking black guys at the bar. I sent her over to get us some drinks, then I said I had to use the bathroom. I came back to the bar but waited to see what's happening. My wife who loves to chat, was chatting it up with the two guys. I stayed back for another ten minutes, then i saw it, one guy was rubbing her elbow, thats when i freaked, my heart was racing, I immediately walked over, and told her we had to leave, and we did, I didn't bring it back up until a couple of days later, saying i saw you were chatting it up with those two black guys, she just laughed said nothing, but now i can't stop thinking about it.
Cmon just keep putting yourselves in the situations more often you’ll both get more comfortable about it
So she didn’t say anything after you whisked her away? Even though you had fantasized specifically about this before? And when you asked her about it two days later she laughed and said nothing? She might have HER OWN plan.
It almost happened then I freaked, my wife and I were recently on vacation, Ive been hinting about a 3some, or another guy to fuck her, and i watch. I been using porn to get her horny, right before we fuck. I would whisper to her, wouldn't be hot if a big black cock was fucking you? It would always get her off. So last week, we were on vacation in Mexico, and i saw two very good looking black guys at the bar. I sent her over to get us some drinks, then I said I had to use the bathroom. I came back to the bar but waited to see what's happening. My wife who loves to chat, was chatting it up with the two guys. I stayed back for another ten minutes, then i saw it, one guy was rubbing her elbow, thats when i freaked, my heart was racing, I immediately walked over, and told her we had to leave, and we did, I didn't bring it back up until a couple of days later, saying i saw you were chatting it up with those two black guys, she just laughed said nothing, but now i can't stop thinking about it.
It seems to me to be a leap of imagination to equate a guy rubbing her elbow to her being ready to have sex with the guy. When you brought it up a couple of days later, did you tell her what was going on with YOU internally when you saw that? If not, I could see the possibility (probability?) she could feel ambushed over a scenario you obviously orchestrated. This is why women don't tell men what they really think-we put it in front of them then blame them for seeing it.
In my opinion,no matter how many times you freak out,you wish that happens one day,and the more situations where you freak again,the more freaker you'll be next time and the more you wish it,so bring it up to her