Is it hard to find a Black Bull…

no t hey will find you.Had a client asked m.e out for months.Told me he wasn't gonna give up. 2 months later he came over for lunch and the rest is history that was about 16 years ago and he's still my lover
.Location is a factor because some cities and states are just more active in the lifestyle than others! For example if you can't find a Bull in Southern California from Los down to San Diego then you are just doing something wrong! Now if it doesn't matter whether the guy is an actual lifestyle Bull and you are ok with hooking up with random guys then by all means good hunting but don't expect that guy to have a swing lifestyle mindset and be ok with some lifestyle dynamics or fantasies that you may desire to do!

.Presentation is also a factor. Bulls swipe left and skip over some couple's just like couple's may skip over some Bulls. What you write in your profile may make a difference to some Bulls. If it looks like a bunch of hoops to jump through or a headache then guys are going to pass and some of y'all don't know it but some swinger couples profiles says that they may be a headache to deal with. This is why you can go on swing sites and see tons of the same couples searching and searching for Bulls but cannot find good quality bulls especially one for long term because alot of the good quality bulls don't exactly like what they read or they ask the Bull for stuff he's not really into!

.Media matters. If you ask for a fit Bull and you're not fit then have the nerve to ask for pictures to prove that he's fit when he already has pictures in his media and again you are not fit, that's an insult especially if you do have media and the bulls in your media are not very fit!

Tip: Screen and judge every Bull based on:
.Their presentation and experience and are they an actual lifestyle Bull who is open and able to give you the experience that you are looking for.
.Their package, the quality of their package, and the longevity of their package.
. Lastly attraction and chemistry.

Notice I didn't say age. Why do you think guys like DFW Knight, Richard Mann, and Flexcock get to bang most of the popular hotwives in the lifestyle across the board no matter what age they are are because those women judge based on those things I just mentioned. All these guys are in their 50s fit and banging hotwives in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s because they are actual lifestyle Bulls who can give them the results that they are looking for regardless of age, or hight.

So if you want to know why alot of these couple's cannot find Bulls now you know why!
…to fuck your wife? How do people do it? Go on Tinder? Ask a random Black Bull? How?
It's like fishing, know what the fish wants and then use the right bait & technique to attract & catch them.
First and foremost, the wife has to want to be involved, and desire to want that experience. In fact, I'd say 70% of the battle is won when SHE wants and desires to experience it. She knows how to attract men and how to flirt, I'm pretty sure. Your involvement, if she wants & desires it, is simply to OK it, stay out of the way, and let her do her "thing".
• she needs to be attractive to get the high quality of men she probably wants
• wear appropriate jewelry & simple tattoos that make it easy to give the black males the confidence to approach her. Go to to find lots of that stuff .... really nice store. Check this out as example:
• smile at black men when she makes eye contact
• go to sports bars (by herself) where black men may be hanging out
• she shouldn't rule out men at work
• learn how to approach black males and compliment them; I know when I was younger & "bush" hunting I'd approach strange women (acting as though I recognized them as someone else) then apologize when they identify themselves ... I'd become humble and usually get a conversation started. Both you & the male will tell if you have anything in common within a few minutes.
• best results will always be meeting men face to face, not on the internet
• she doesn't want to come off as "cheap" or "easy" ... but sophisticated and sure of herself. Men are a lot easier to approach than women as they aren't constantly being chased like women. As a matter of fact, it can be quite complimentary to the men.
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It's like fishing, know what the fish wants and then use the right bait & technique to attract & catch them.
First and foremost, the wife has to want to be involved, and desire to want that experience. In fact, I'd say 70% of the battle is won when SHE wants and desires to experience it. She knows how to attract men and how to flirt, I'm pretty sure. Your involvement, if she wants & desires it, is simply to OK it, stay out of the way, and let her do her "thing".
• she needs to be attractive to get the high quality of men she probably wants
• wear appropriate jewelry & simple tattoos that make it easy to give the black males the confidence to approach her. Go to to find lots of that stuff .... really nice store. Check this out as example:
• smile at black men when she makes eye contact
• go to sports bars (by herself) where black men may be hanging out
• she shouldn't rule out men at work
• learn how to approach black males and compliment them; I know when I was younger & "bush" hunting I'd approach strange women (acting as though I recognized them as someone else) then apologize when they identify themselves ... I'd become humble and usually get a conversation started. Both you & the male will tell if you have anything in common within a few minutes.
• best results will always be meeting men face to face, not on the internet
• she doesn't want to come off as "cheap" or "easy" ... but sophisticated and sure of herself. Men are a lot easier to approach than women as they aren't constantly being chased like women. As a matter of fact, it can be quite complimentary to the men.
So, like put herself out there as BBC bait?