In my opinion, getting ready for date night for my Bull in front of my Husband is as exciting as the foreplay with the Bull himself.

Where can I find more of this incredible woman please?
This is where I usually do all my chatting.
Just got started on BtW again
When she first started dating or seeing men alone, it was terribly, terribly exciting to help her get ready. She used to have me put lotion on her after she took her bath. I would even shave her pussy for her, so it was perfectly smooth and soft. I would lick it and kiss it. Sometimes she would even let me make her come, but I was never able to penetrate her. She would try on several outfits and ask me what I thought. I would help her choose which ones. Always something that was sexy and revealing. Then I would wait home alone waiting for her to return or if I was lucky she would text me. But the preparation was very, very exciting.