
I didn't ignore his point. My point is we live in 2018 not 2000 b.c. not 1400. Today the United States is a country. Just like Mexico is a country. Just like canada, Jamaica They all have borders. That's what makes a country. I also find the hyprocrisy laughable that Mexico deports or jails illegal immigrants but when Trump does it he's a racist who is being called a racist by the democratic party who started the klan, introduced Jim Crow, aborts black babies in record numbers, locks up blacks at a high rate, and destroys the black family. That's another topic. Point is today April 15, 2018 you can come to the United States legally as long as you follow the legal proceedings.
the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party started the Klan. The Democratic Party was the party of segregation but that is simply because most southerns are the time were Democrats. I could go on but your errors, partial truths but I fairly sure you do not care. I am also sure you have not spent much time working in immigration law to understand how it works. I would ask that you do some reading or since you are in the Houston area there are number or immigration attorneys that I can suggest if you want more information.
Amusing to see so many people disguising their true thinking.

Black people and white submissives want open borders because demographic change will give them total power. White males and their submissives want closed borders because this allows for the maintenance of white supremacy. Ultimately POC and their allies will triumph, with half of all new births now non-white in most western countries the death knell for white supremacy has already sounded loud and clear.
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To the editor: Black America pays price for illegal immigration

Democrats are forsaking the African-American community with their politically motivated refusal to secure our borders.

In the 2018 elections, 90 percent of black Americans voted for Democrats. When asked by pollsters, 73 percent of them said they oppose Trump’s proposed border wall, yet roughly two-thirds identified border security as “an important issue.”

This apparent contradiction reveals that while Democrat rhetoric retains some power to captivate black voters, we can’t be deceived about the matters that impact us most.

No group in America has suffered more from decades of unchecked illegal immigration than African-Americans, yet Democrats expect us to compliantly support a radical open-borders agenda that promises us nothing but more hardship.

There isn’t a single reason for black Americans, even black Democrats, to align themselves with the open-borders ideologues of the contemporary Democrat Party. In general, illegal immigrants make the job market better for employers and less favorable for workers, but the losses aren’t distributed evenly. Job and wage losses fall disproportionately on the shoulders of African-Americans, especially African-American men.

Part of this has to do with education, because those with less education are the most vulnerable to competition from cheap illegal immigrant labor. Unfortunately, nearly one in six black men lack a high school diploma, compared to around one in 13 white men.

Illegal immigrants are on average much poorer and less educated than native-born Americans. Contrary to the rhetoric about “jobs Americans won’t do,” the jobs illegal immigrants take are just the ones that the pampered elites don’t want to do. The jobs where illegal immigrants make up a significant share of the workforce are the very jobs that offer the greatest opportunities for less-educated and poorer Americans.

History has shown repeatedly that the threat to African-American workers isn’t theoretical.

When immigration skyrocketed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, African-Americans’ employment gap with whites skyrocketed right along with it. The gap shrunk steadily over the next two decades as both parties pursued more aggressive immigration enforcement policies, only to spike again during the Obama administration.

In the 1980s and ‘90s, the urban black community was ravaged by the crack an addictive white substance epidemic. Black wages and employment suffered immensely, while ******* and incarceration rates multiplied. Yet, for all the carnage that crack wrought on the inner city, a study by leading economists found that immigration actually did more damage to the economic prospects of African-American men than the ******* epidemic.

Illegal immigration has brought members of MS-13 and dozens of other transnational criminal gangs into America, and while white victims of illegal alien crimes tend to get most of the media spotlight, white people are less likely than blacks to live in the neighborhoods and towns most affected by the *******, violence, and human trafficking those gangs introduce.

The media overlook the surge in anti-black hate crime that occurs when illegal immigrant gang members move into historically black neighborhoods. The fact is, blacks remain more than twice as likely to be victims of violent crimes as whites — and allowing illegal immigrants to flood into our communities only exacerbates that problem.

President Trump has gone to great lengths to show he understands these realities, but his message has fallen on deaf Democrat ears. They didn’t even clap when the President touted the record-low black unemployment rate during his State of the Union address, demonstrating just how little today’s liberals care about the needs and concerns of African-Americans.

In 2016, Donald Trump asked black Americans to think about what they had to lose by voting for him. Considering that the Democrats are promoting immigration policies that would detrimentally affect the safety and prosperity of African-American communities, it’s clear that they’ve already abandoned us. We have absolutely nothing to lose by abandoning them.

The writer is CEO of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump and a member of the Donald J. Trump for President Inc. advisory board.


To the editor: Black America pays price for illegal immigration

Democrats are forsaking the African-American community with their politically motivated refusal to secure our borders.

In the 2018 elections, 90 percent of black Americans voted for Democrats. When asked by pollsters, 73 percent of them said they oppose Trump’s proposed border wall, yet roughly two-thirds identified border security as “an important issue.”

This apparent contradiction reveals that while Democrat rhetoric retains some power to captivate black voters, we can’t be deceived about the matters that impact us most.

No group in America has suffered more from decades of unchecked illegal immigration than African-Americans, yet Democrats expect us to compliantly support a radical open-borders agenda that promises us nothing but more hardship.

There isn’t a single reason for black Americans, even black Democrats, to align themselves with the open-borders ideologues of the contemporary Democrat Party. In general, illegal immigrants make the job market better for employers and less favorable for workers, but the losses aren’t distributed evenly. Job and wage losses fall disproportionately on the shoulders of African-Americans, especially African-American men.

Part of this has to do with education, because those with less education are the most vulnerable to competition from cheap illegal immigrant labor. Unfortunately, nearly one in six black men lack a high school diploma, compared to around one in 13 white men.

Illegal immigrants are on average much poorer and less educated than native-born Americans. Contrary to the rhetoric about “jobs Americans won’t do,” the jobs illegal immigrants take are just the ones that the pampered elites don’t want to do. The jobs where illegal immigrants make up a significant share of the workforce are the very jobs that offer the greatest opportunities for less-educated and poorer Americans.

History has shown repeatedly that the threat to African-American workers isn’t theoretical.

When immigration skyrocketed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, African-Americans’ employment gap with whites skyrocketed right along with it. The gap shrunk steadily over the next two decades as both parties pursued more aggressive immigration enforcement policies, only to spike again during the Obama administration.

In the 1980s and ‘90s, the urban black community was ravaged by the crack an addictive white substance epidemic. Black wages and employment suffered immensely, while ******* and incarceration rates multiplied. Yet, for all the carnage that crack wrought on the inner city, a study by leading economists found that immigration actually did more damage to the economic prospects of African-American men than the ******* epidemic.

Illegal immigration has brought members of MS-13 and dozens of other transnational criminal gangs into America, and while white victims of illegal alien crimes tend to get most of the media spotlight, white people are less likely than blacks to live in the neighborhoods and towns most affected by the *******, violence, and human trafficking those gangs introduce.

The media overlook the surge in anti-black hate crime that occurs when illegal immigrant gang members move into historically black neighborhoods. The fact is, blacks remain more than twice as likely to be victims of violent crimes as whites — and allowing illegal immigrants to flood into our communities only exacerbates that problem.

President Trump has gone to great lengths to show he understands these realities, but his message has fallen on deaf Democrat ears. They didn’t even clap when the President touted the record-low black unemployment rate during his State of the Union address, demonstrating just how little today’s liberals care about the needs and concerns of African-Americans.

In 2016, Donald Trump asked black Americans to think about what they had to lose by voting for him. Considering that the Democrats are promoting immigration policies that would detrimentally affect the safety and prosperity of African-American communities, it’s clear that they’ve already abandoned us. We have absolutely nothing to lose by abandoning them.

The writer is CEO of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump and a member of the Donald J. Trump for President Inc. advisory board.

Trump is not trying to help black people with his wall. For that matter he is not trying to help white people with it either unless you count the few that will profit from the contracts to build it.
I'm in favor of illegal immigration...we need the workers!
and it distracts law enforcement from white collar crime
they increase sales at flea markets
they keep the streets clean of used vehicles
helps landlords lease unwanted houses

oh and most helps the dems with votes!

Note: some one has to take a stance for illegal immigration because I'm sure you are not going to find any one else for it
Open borders for Blacks, now!
Just curious what the B2w members in the United States think about the whole immigration issue. I myself have a big problem with illegal immigration. If you come here and want to become a citizen and go thru the proper channels then by all means welcome.

Honestly, I'd prefer a world without the need for borders. But that's not the world we live in, so border security is important. Making sure who comes in is a decent person is important too. I do think that the current outrage is based on insecurities about demographics shifts more than worry about illegal immigration in and of itself.

I don't like the comparison between the US and Europe. I see this happening all the time, with people saying "we don't want what's happening in Europe--with their immigration issues--to happen to the US. The US is not Europe. Europeans have been in Europe for 40,000 or more years; they to some extent evolved to the climate and conditions there over 2,000 generations. Therefore, they protecting European culture is not the same as recent arrivals (mostly under 250-years) trying to protect a recent culture here in the States or Canada. Our Native American population was here 14,000 years and were mostly eradicated because of both disease and war... But they are/were the result of having been here all that time. The rest of us are recent arrivals to this continent, our time here is about 2 or 3% of the time the Natives have been here, which is typically considered a margin of error. Therefore this attempt making this a European culture or comparing things here with Sweden or the rest of Europe is a complete fallacy as far as I can tell.
You must be kidding, right? Justifying illegals to come, stay and work here, it doesn't make it right. I don't think you really care about illegals, but rather you want them to do the dirty, unwanted jobs for less or no money, its no different than slavery work.
He is not kidding. Elitism and racism are so ingrained in the liberal white male, that they don't even realize when they are revealing it.
Just curious what the B2w members in the United States think about the whole immigration issue. I myself have a big problem with illegal immigration. If you come here and want to become a citizen and go thru the proper channels then by all means welcome.

Unless you are a Native American, your argument is ridiculous.
Elitism and racism are so ingrained in the liberal white male, that they don't even realize when they are revealing it.
.... Oh for christ sake, if Jesus was on earth right now, do you think he'd be a ReTardlican? Really? I can give you specifics throughout the OLD and NEW testament of the teachings of Christ and helping and giving to the poor and less fortunate. But more specific the words of Jesus, himself. So shut that crap up about liberal white males. You know NOT what you are even talking about. I'm a liberal, white male and I'm giving to organizations, helping out with local charities, holiday festivities specific to the poor & needy, of which probably 80% of them are minorities. Even my ******* and mom go to the mall every year at Christmas (she's 16 now) and picks out two names from the Angel Tree and they always try to exceed the expectations of the kid they're helping. And, she and her mom are genuinely "excited" about it because it gets them in the mood for the holidays. It sounds like you might not have a clue what that is, but SHE brings it up every year and usually one of the first to pull names from the tree. You're not born with racism or elitism, nanci, you're TAUGHT it. Go buy yourself a new pair of panties; it sounds like you have your panties in a bunch right now.
.... You folks don't have a clue what the "illegal" immigrants are running from ... maybe a nice week vacation in Guatemala might help open your frik'n eyes. OUR GOVERNMENT has no desire to STOP illegals from coming here; hell, most all of us use their cheap services, as well as some of US here ... lawn care, landscaping, house repairs, etc. You get a painting estimate on your house, their price is always 25-30% the next best price in your hands, and guess who you'll choose to paint your frik'n HOUSE? Both parties of our government use the illegals as political pawns ... no ands, ifs, or buts about it. If you think that stupid fence along the borders would hold illegals back, you're as dumb as a box of rocks. They'll still go under it, over it, and around it, and all we'll have to show for it is a frik'n fence that President OrangeMan handed the billions of dollars tab to us taxpayers to pay that he promised his ignorant followers to believe Mexico would pay for, to vote his sorry, lying, stinking ass in as President.
.... Elitism & racism are not specific to one political party, nanci, and you damn well know that. And there's no doubt the party that teaches its followers to have racist & elitist opinions is most definitely NOT on the liberal side of the balance scales. Politicians are simply playing to their voters. I can assure you IF Republicans felt they'd get MORE VOTES by accepting or tolerating illegal immigrants, they'd be supporting them. So, knock off your bull *******. What happened to our ideals on the Statue Of Liberty ... it doesn't specifically say "Legal Immigrants ONLY Need To APPLY" now does it?
.... Just another EXAMPLE of your OPINION based FACTS you spew day after day ... get a life! You folks make me sick sometimes.
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.... Oh for christ sake, if Jesus was on earth right now, do you think he'd be a ReTardlican? Really? I can give you specifics throughout the OLD and NEW testament of the teachings of Christ and helping and giving to the poor and less fortunate. But more specific the words of Jesus, himself. So shut that crap up about liberal white males. You know NOT what you are even talking about. I'm a liberal, white male and I'm giving to organizations, helping out with local charities, holiday festivities specific to the poor & needy, of which probably 80% of them are minorities. Even my ******* and mom go to the mall every year at Christmas (she's 16 now) and picks out two names from the Angel Tree and they always try to exceed the expectations of the kid they're helping. And, she and her mom are genuinely "excited" about it because it gets them in the mood for the holidays. It sounds like you might not have a clue what that is, but SHE brings it up every year and usually one of the first to pull names from the tree. You're not born with racism or elitism, nanci, you're TAUGHT it. Go buy yourself a new pair of panties; it sounds like you have your panties in a bunch right now.
.... You folks don't have a clue what the "illegal" immigrants are running from ... maybe a nice week vacation in Guatemala might help open your frik'n eyes. OUR GOVERNMENT has no desire to STOP illegals from coming here; hell, most all of us use their cheap services, as well as some of US here ... lawn care, landscaping, house repairs, etc. You get a painting estimate on your house, their price is always 25-30% the next best price in your hands, and guess who you'll choose to paint your frik'n HOUSE? Both parties of our government use the illegals as political pawns ... no ands, ifs, or buts about it. If you think that stupid fence along the borders would hold illegals back, you're as dumb as a box of rocks. They'll still go under it, over it, and around it, and all we'll have to show for it is a frik'n fence that President OrangeMan handed the billions of dollars tab to us taxpayers to pay that he promised his ignorant followers to believe Mexico would pay for, to vote his sorry, lying, stinking ass in as President.
.... Elitism & racism are not specific to one political party, nanci, and you damn well know that. And there's no doubt the party that teaches its followers to have racist & elitist opinions is most definitely NOT on the liberal side of the balance scales. Politicians are simply playing to their voters. I can assure you IF Republicans felt they'd get MORE VOTES by accepting or tolerating illegal immigrants, they'd be supporting them. So, knock off your bull *******. What happened to our ideals on the Statue Of Liberty ... it doesn't specifically say "Legal Immigrants ONLY Need To APPLY" now does it?
.... Just another EXAMPLE of your OPINION based FACTS you spew day after day ... get a life! You folks make me sick sometimes.
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Hoo boy, my one-liner elicited a text-wall of crazy! That's a pretty good return on investment. What is Mad Insane Rage trading at right now? Oh yeah, it's at record high and climbing. Gotta redirect more assets to the Trump Derangement Fund.

There's not really any need for me to participate in this explosion of umbrage. Mac-ster has conveniently provided every opinion he imagines I might have -- and then remarkably manages to counter them -- all inside his own feverish head.

Let's see. We've covered Jesus's political party affiliation (I'm going with Tiberius wing of the Augustus Party) and the entire Old and New Testaments. Mac wants you to know that HE gives to the poor dammit -- and feels especially superior because they're 80% minorities. Take that -- Mac is 80% better than you Trumptard whitebois -- but of course 100% better than minorities -- who only count for virtue points.

I would give to the poor, but my Panamera needs new Brembo's -- and the poor can't eat cross-drilled ceramic rotors anyway. Sorry poor people, maybe I'll send a pizza in between Leichtlauf High Tech oil changes.

Mac-aroo then recommends vacationing in Guatemala.....while Guatemalans paint my house. But will they use Benjamin Moore? Or is that racist?

But wait! Guatemalans are political pawns, and both OUR parties are to blame! Apparently Guatemalans have difficulty operating a functioning government. Therefore we Americans owe them our country. Ooooh, I get it now. I feel smug already.

Lastly, the Statue of Liberty is all about illegal aliens sneakily sneaking in illegally -- although she lifts her lamp beside the golden door -- where immigrants were processed through Ellis Island. And I'm so hung up on those prejudicial legal procedures, that Mac bashes his bloody head in.

Geez, will someone please slow the Earth's rotation. Mac-ster is losing his fries again.
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Well, I am one but thanks for your presumption.
And i assume you are here legally? But you what? Think anyone should just be allowed to stroll in?

I have ZERO problem with LEGAL immigration. But if you want to come here and live and gain citizenship then just do it the right way. Should be that way in any country not just the US.
And i assume you are here legally? But you what? Think anyone should just be allowed to stroll in?

I have ZERO problem with LEGAL immigration. But if you want to come here and live and gain citizenship then just do it the right way. Should be that way in any country not just the US.
You would assume correctly. My country of origin also has illegal immigration problems.
My point above was veering in this direction, the dictionary definition of “immigrant” is “a person who comes to a country to take up residence,” hence, just because Native Americans didn’t have established immigration laws does not mean that they wanted millions of European settlers but we came anyway and set up permanent residence.
Do you view refugees as illegals?
You would assume correctly. My country of origin also has illegal immigration problems.
My point above was veering in this direction, the dictionary definition of “immigrant” is “a person who comes to a country to take up residence,” hence, just because Native Americans didn’t have established immigration laws does not mean that they wanted millions of European settlers but we came anyway and set up permanent residence.
Do you view refugees as illegals?
You would assume correctly. My country of origin also has illegal immigration problems.
My point above was veering in this direction, the dictionary definition of “immigrant” is “a person who comes to a country to take up residence,” hence, just because Native Americans didn’t have established immigration laws does not mean that they wanted millions of European settlers but we came anyway and set up permanent residence.
Do you view refugees as illegals?

Yes it makes a difference, there were no laws then. Anyone who was not born in the US or does not have citizenship and takes up residence here is an illegal immigrant.

Yes Refugees are illegals if they come here and dont gain citizenship. Go thru the process and get your citizenship then i am good with it.
Yes it makes a difference, there were no laws then. Anyone who was not born in the US or does not have citizenship and takes up residence here is an illegal immigrant.

Yes Refugees are illegals if they come here and dont gain citizenship. Go thru the process and get your citizenship then i am good with it.
Actually, native Americans did have a rules and laws although they differed greatly from European based law structure. Something along the lines of “restorative justice” where the community outlined behavior that was deemed acceptable or detrimental to their community. It would have been impossible for them to have immigration law back then.

Refugees who seek asylum are legal and protected under American law. They can legally seek asylum from within the US or at a port of entry. You don’t have to gain citizenship to be legal. You can apply for permanent residency amongst other various means.
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