If you let men suck your dick, you's gay, not a bull

Being drafted means you don’t have a choice… I’m not talking about joining, I’m talking about being drafted.
Ideally, nobody should ever be told by the government that they are required to take up arms. If I were alive during the Vietnam war, I probably would have been on the side of protestors saying Uncle Sam shouldn't be forsing people to fight and die for a cause they don't support.

But hypothetically, yes. If conscription ever comes back, I'd say the "selection" of the "Selective Service" should be made from the set of all people who can reasonably be expected to serve. I know a lot of women who are outstanding managers and strategy directors who would make outstanding ranking officers and strategic decision makers in the military. And if women aren't excluded from service in the first place, maybe we'll be less likely to ever need a draft again.

But none of that has anything to do with judging and labeling people, or justifying double standards based on your own biases.

If someone has a kid who's slightly dyslexic, or somewhere on the autism spectrum, I suppose it's totally ok for their teachers to say, "no you're not! If you can't read at your grade level, you're retarded. This is America and there's no gray area. We call anyone with different learning needs retards here, because I said so. Not that there's anything wrong with being a retard!"
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Let me see if I can make this a little easier. We'll use your own dubiously justified double standard. Nobody cares that men fuck a lot, and nobody cares if women eat pussy. We won't fucus on slut shaming or women being free to explore whatever feels good without persecution. We don't even have to include those "gross" (your words) cocksuckers for this question.

If your position is that there's nothing wrong with being gay, why do you need to make it a catch-all word for people who don't remain rigidly hetero? If there's nothing wrong with being gay, what's wrong with being bi?

If someone says, "I don't suck cock and I'd never fuck a dude, but a wet mouth is a wet mouth. I like blowjobs and don't care what y'all think," why do you feel compelled to argue with them about their own sexual identity, and plaster your own label on them? Especially a label that means "not sexually attracted to the opposite sex?" If there's nothing wrong with being gay, why in the world do you use words like "gross" to describe it, and apply it to people who aren't homosexual?
Let me see if I can make this a little easier. We'll use your own dubiously justified double standard. Nobody cares that men fuck a lot, and nobody cares if women eat pussy. We won't fucus on slut shaming or women being free to explore whatever feels good without persecution. We don't even have to include those "gross" (your words) cocksuckers for this question.

If your position is that there's nothing wrong with being gay, why do you need to make it a catch-all word for people who don't remain rigidly hetero? If there's nothing wrong with being gay, what's wrong with being bi?

If someone says, "I don't suck cock and I'd never fuck a dude, but a wet mouth is a wet mouth. I like blowjobs and don't care what y'all think," why do you feel compelled to argue with them about their own sexual identity, and plaster your own label on them? Especially a label that means "not sexually attracted to the opposite sex?" If there's nothing wrong with being gay, why in the world do you use words like "gross" to describe it, and apply it to people who aren't homosexual?
Well tbh I can call it gross if I choose to. You can marry someone who enjoys giving blowjobs if he chooses to do so. Call it what you want but it’s still a gay act… in my opinion which I’m allowed to have is that it is gross… also my opinion is that it doesn’t matter which end of the dick you are on, you are gay while you are on it if they are both men.
Yes. You have the right to hold the opinion that there aren't deisel cars, too, because all deisel cars are actually trucks. Congratulations, you just successfully argued that you have the right to hold an incorrect opinion.

"I know I'm wrong, but I'm allowed to be! It's my opinion!"

Good for you.
Yes. You have the right to hold the opinion that there aren't deisel cars, too, because all deisel cars are actually trucks. Congratulations, you just successfully argued that you have the right to hold an incorrect opinion.

"I know I'm wrong, but I'm allowed to be! It's my opinion!"

Good for you.
And are you telling me that a man sucking another man’s dick is not gay?
And are you telling me that a man sucking another man’s dick is not gay?
No, I'm telling you that's not enough information to determine whether he's gay, completely bisexual, experimenting, etc. You can think it's gross all you want. You don't know if it always appeals to them, or only in certain circumstances. You don't know whether they both enjoyed it and want to do it again or not. You don't know if the thing getting the dude off was more about the look on the woman's face than the husband's mouth on his cock. You don't know if it is something they are persistently seeking out, or something they can take or leave. You don't know if they prioritize it above or way below heterosexual sex. So why in the world are you more qualified than they are to decide how they should identify? And if they're not around you, why do you care enough about it to post about it all day?
No, I'm telling you that's not enough information to determine whether he's gay, completely bisexual, experimenting, etc. You can think it's gross all you want. You don't know if it always appeals to them, or only in certain circumstances. You don't know whether they both enjoyed it and want to do it again or not. You don't know if the thing getting the dude off was more about the look on the woman's face than the husband's mouth on his cock. You don't know if it is something they are persistently seeking out, or something they can take or leave. You don't know if they prioritize it above or way below heterosexual sex. So why in the world are you more qualified than they are to decide how they should identify? And if they're not around you, why do you care enough about it to post about it all day?
Because I identify as the know all end all. Now stop telling me what you think because I choose to identify as the person who decides everything
"Gay" is an adjective, not an adverb. It modifies nouns (in this case, people), not verbs (like sucking or fucking).

******* jump. Are all basketball players therefore children? No. Multiple kinds of people jump. Just like multiple kinds of people are into various kinds of sexual activity, with various kinds of other people.

Bisexuality is a spectrum. You can be far closer to one side of it than the other. Your "opinion" that the word used to describe people at one extreme end of that spectrum should apply to the entire spectrum doesn't make that factually correct. It's just exercising your "rights" to be willfully incorrect, and also strangely into other people's business.
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It’s short for Lizzy or Elizabeth… and I put bicurious because I haven’t been with a woman. However I don’t think other women are homophobic or transphobic or whatever stupid name you want to put to it because they may or may not be interested. Sounds like you are just upset that more men won’t let you suck their dicks… I believe their are websites for that as well. If you don’t want to hear answers you don’t want to hear don’t post the questions, again, people are allowed to feel a certain way and if someone things it’s gay to let another man suck their dick then it is… that’s not even debatable…. Now go apologize to your parents!
No apologies necessary. I'm just here for the view and to live vicariously through other's. You, however, should apologize to your english teacher.
their, there, they're
think, not things
Well tbh I can call it gross if I choose to. You can marry someone who enjoys giving blowjobs if he chooses to do so. Call it what you want but it’s still a gay act… in my opinion which I’m allowed to have is that it is gross… also my opinion is that it doesn’t matter which end of the dick you are on, you are gay while you are on it if they are both men.
In 1983 I had the honor of spending a weekend in the San Diego County Jail, in a cell block with 16 beds and 28 people. One of my 'roomies' was a 17yo kid from an affluent family who's ******* had him arrested for repeatedly taking his $250,000 Lotus without permission. He really was an obnoxious spoiled brat who was extremely snobbish and condescending in the worst place to behave like that...all day Friday, Friday night, all day Saturday and....

At some point that Saturday night he was dragged into the shower area beaten and gang raped so badly he was transported to University Hospital.

By your standards, he is gay. By the standards of others who have posted, he is gay to this day, even if he never had a sexual act with another human being since.

I'm ashamed to say I once had a homophobic outlook. As someone who started school in the south during segregation, those thoughts were just like those who felt those of color were inhuman, or those who thought all women were secondary.

Think about that for a second. EVERY Black man on this site would've been lynched or beaten and at the extreme minimum jailed for considering sex with a white woman. EVERY white woman in here would've been ostracized from society for willingly considering, let alone having sex with Black men.

As you women are empowering yourselves to examine, explore and enjoy your sexuality, you have yet to be totally free of societal labeling-whores, sluts and harlots, while we men got to sew our wild oats, be playboys, etc.

All of you who express any and all contact between men is gay, why is it that not one of you expressed the same about two women, and included terms like 'gross' and 'down low' and if you do that part once you're probably doing it all?

This entire conversation is about labeling people-a more accurate word is stereotyping. No matter what activities someone may desire, like, think about, want...that individual is unique, unlike any other human being living, has lived or will live. Give them that, we all obviously seek it for ourselves. You are absolute right to say that isn't my thing, but you have NO right to tell anyone else what their thing is or is supposed to be. Just say not for me and keep moving.

And I will ask that damn question again: How can you KNOW you aren't gay without asking yourself if you are?
In 1983 I had the honor of spending a weekend in the San Diego County Jail, in a cell block with 16 beds and 28 people. One of my 'roomies' was a 17yo kid from an affluent family who's ******* had him arrested for repeatedly taking his $250,000 Lotus without permission. He really was an obnoxious spoiled brat who was extremely snobbish and condescending in the worst place to behave like that...all day Friday, Friday night, all day Saturday and....

At some point that Saturday night he was dragged into the shower area beaten and gang raped so badly he was transported to University Hospital.

By your standards, he is gay. By the standards of others who have posted, he is gay to this day, even if he never had a sexual act with another human being since.

I'm ashamed to say I once had a homophobic outlook. As someone who started school in the south during segregation, those thoughts were just like those who felt those of color were inhuman, or those who thought all women were secondary.

Think about that for a second. EVERY Black man on this site would've been lynched or beaten and at the extreme minimum jailed for considering sex with a white woman. EVERY white woman in here would've been ostracized from society for willingly considering, let alone having sex with Black men.

As you women are empowering yourselves to examine, explore and enjoy your sexuality, you have yet to be totally free of societal labeling-whores, sluts and harlots, while we men got to sew our wild oats, be playboys, etc.

All of you who express any and all contact between men is gay, why is it that not one of you expressed the same about two women, and included terms like 'gross' and 'down low' and if you do that part once you're probably doing it all?

This entire conversation is about labeling people-a more accurate word is stereotyping. No matter what activities someone may desire, like, think about, want...that individual is unique, unlike any other human being living, has lived or will live. Give them that, we all obviously seek it for ourselves. You are absolute right to say that isn't my thing, but you have NO right to tell anyone else what their thing is or is supposed to be. Just say not for me and keep moving.

And I will ask that damn question again: How can you KNOW you aren't gay without asking yourself if you are?
Thank you. Best post I've read on this site in months.
i changed my profile saying i am not interested in meeting women have bi male husbands and boyfriends

i may put "only interested in single, divorced or widowed girls and women" in the future
In bold. Really? Yuck. I've never encountered that, but I might have been in the dark about the nature of this "lifestyle." I kinda just stumbled upon this site a few years ago.

I didn't know or never had much reason to think of this as a "lifestyle," so to speak. I don't know, I thought some stuff I got caught up in was happenstance. Then I got here and found out people make a practice or have a get go at it. But, with that also, I never had any reason to suspect the men couples were looking for were bi or gay.

Shows you what I knew or know. LMAO.
No,no, being a Bull, has nothing to do with orientation, it's about attitude/confidence. A guy can be a straight or a bi bull. As long as he commands respect and takes charge and control (and I don't mean being an asshole), but exuding self confidence in every aspect of his life then he is as such. And to any who think differently, the size of his dick matters not either.
No,no, being a Bull, has nothing to do with orientation, it's about attitude/confidence. A guy can be a straight or a bi bull. As long as he commands respect and takes charge and control (and I don't mean being an asshole), but exuding self confidence in every aspect of his life then he is as such. And to any who think differently, the size of his dick matters not either.
Because I identify as the know all end all. Now stop telling me what you think because I choose to identify as the person who decides everything
In your view everyone is either gay or straight. Is their such a thing as Bi then to you? Please define it if their is. If their isn’t (according to you) you are going against the rules of society that you are using by calling someone gay ( or straight) as you did not make up those terms, society did. Please explain.
In your view everyone is either gay or straight. Is their such a thing as Bi then to you? Please define it if their is. If their isn’t (according to you) you are going against the rules of society that you are using by calling someone gay ( or straight) as you did not make up those terms, society did. Please explain.
Lol the way society is today, it seems to let people make up their own rules, so why can’t I??