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Wow, just wow! How stupid can you be? That's my answer to you!

I love Black women but I don't think you have much respect for them considering your prior comments. They are incredible human beings and unfortunately have to deal with lots of abuse from men like you who think you’re pro-Black when you’re actually a bootlicker for conservative whites who use your skin as a shield for their own motives. Yeah, Trump loooves Black men. That’s why his most ardent followers wear hoods, carry torches, and own confederate traitor flags.

I answered your question. Now answer mine.

(Oh, and PS: before you say that I have slaveowning ancestors and am just acting out some white guilt, think again. I’m not from North America and have literally zero of that nonsense in my lineage. My love for Black people comes from a place of appreciation because I was picked on growing up in the US for being an immigrant who barely spoke English, and the only people who treated me like a human being instead of a punching bag were Black.)
You know, you did tell on yourself more than once, thus setting yourself up for ridicule and admonishment. This was especially true when you opened with, "I'm Black and I think Trump won."
Come on, now.
So he said trump won. What does that have to do with anything?
Why is the the thought that Trump won the election a travesty? You probably spent the last four years saying he was not your president, did anyone treat you that way? Bro, you sound silly with you attempts to sound smart. Quit while you're ahead.
I'm black and I think Trump Won. Hell I KNOW he did lol. Stop making everything about politics and Trump. Trump increased support from Black men to 30% this last Election. I really loathe people especially on here, because they have been fucked by a black man, all of a sudden decide they are qualified to dictate how a black man should think, speak, act, etc
Receipts. ^^^
People caught up in this left right bullshit. All the same gang.
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