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Of course. You can whine until you have to give facts and reason.
Nah, just not trying to give more attention to a clown than is necessary. It doesn’t matter what I say, you’ll just stick your fingers in your ears so deep you’ll scratch your smooth brain.

But keep jerking off to people who wouldn’t even spit on you if you were dying of thirst. 😂
Nah, just not trying to give more attention to a clown than is necessary. It doesn’t matter what I say, you’ll just stick your fingers in your ears so deep you’ll scratch your smooth brain.

But keep jerking off to people who wouldn’t even spit on you if you were dying of thirst. 😂
The ad hominem. The last resort of those with nothing to say yet don't know when to shut up. If you don't want to give me attention then just be quiet. Can you?
Nah, just not trying to give more attention to a clown than is necessary. It doesn’t matter what I say, you’ll just stick your fingers in your ears so deep you’ll scratch your smooth brain.

But keep jerking off to people who wouldn’t even spit on you if you were dying of thirst. 😂
But he said "facts and reason" that's kryptonite to "Lefty's" you're supposed to surrender now. You know, superior logic and such. Hehe.
Hi Thrill, nice to see you here too!

I’ll be honest: you and I both know what this fetish is. These men don’t see you as a human being but as a means to an end. If you look at the more non-sexual parts of this forum where people have off-topic conversations, you’ll see that most of these white men have absolutely zero respect for a Black man’s humanity. They will post ridiculous opinions like “BLM is cancer” and “Trump should’ve won” while sitting around and jerking off to men they deem to be greater and lesser than them at the same time.

Asserting your humanity will get you nowhere with these chucklefucks. (And for whatever it’s worth, they feel the same way about the women who fuck men like you. They call us “ruined pussy” and “N-word lover” and the like.)

All you can do is take their money, laugh at them, and never give them a second thought. They will feel however they feel and you will never be able to change their mind, so fuck them over whenever and however you can. That is the only justice either of us will be able to get here.
^^^^This right here is why I stopped having white guys around when I fucked their wives or girlfriends during gangbangs, threesomes or one-on-ones. White guys have a tendency to direct, bark orders, try to control the encounter, exhibit latent homosexual tendencies, or generally just be a colossal pain in the chocolate cheeks.
I know how they view White women who have sex with Black men, too---which is amusing to me because white men are the inventors and biggest consumers of interracial porn. The fear is the fantasy.
👍👍👍👍 that's all I fuck with is white women but they're those that all they see you as is a dick..find it disrespectful to label me as a bbc or bull only ,fuck you behind closed door but in public,,.show your face around is a no no..its as if they see you as an *******
So I agree it disrespectful when your only view of us is bbc or bull
^^^^This right here is why I stopped having white guys around when I fucked their wives or girlfriends during gangbangs, threesomes or one-on-ones. White guys have a tendency to direct, bark orders, try to control the encounter, exhibit latent homosexual tendencies, or generally just be a colossal pain in the chocolate cheeks.
I know how they view White women who have sex with Black men, too---which is amusing to me because white men are the inventors and biggest consumers of interracial porn. The fear is the fantasy.
For real, though! They'll write me a post-doc dissertation on what they want me to do FOR THEM and their shriveled up dick while I haven't even glanced once in their direction.
^^^^This right here is why I stopped having white guys around when I fucked their wives or girlfriends during gangbangs, threesomes or one-on-ones. White guys have a tendency to direct, bark orders, try to control the encounter, exhibit latent homosexual tendencies, or generally just be a colossal pain in the chocolate cheeks.
I know how they view White women who have sex with Black men, too---which is amusing to me because white men are the inventors and biggest consumers of interracial porn. The fear is the fantasy.
Haha. "pain in the chocolate cheeks". Haha. Love it.
Good point. And we’ll taken.
We all need to be a little careful. The human sex drive can be like a ******* that drives us to say and do things that can offend others.
I don't mind being used as a cum spraying sex toy, but yes, some dude barking orders.... Ugh. Whatever it takes. I had a fun friend who I used to fuck while hubby watched through video, it was fine. We even out a go pro on the headboard so he could see the cum shooting all over it. Good clean fun for all involved!
I don't mind being used as a cum spraying sex toy, but yes, some dude barking orders.... Ugh. Whatever it takes. I had a fun friend who I used to fuck while hubby watched through video, it was fine. We even out a go pro on the headboard so he could see the cum shooting all over it. Good clean fun for all involved!
That's the way I'd do it. These days, I'd prefer the husband to not be in the room at all.
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