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Yeah, yall racist lifestyle people need to chill with calling Black people “BBC.” I have a big Black dick but its attached to me, a whole person. Reducing my entire humanity to one body part is disgusting to me. Complete turn off.

I don’t take kindly to the “bull” label either. Like, are you stupid racists casually comparing me to livestock? The nerve of some of you.

I had some big boob milf female talent here the other week. Shes older and lame so she was using a whole bunch of lifestyle terms. She said something like “Bulls like you…” and I’m like “Yo, lady, did I ever call you a cow?”

She froze when she realized that she fucked up.

I asked her again “Did I ever call you a cow?”

She tried to explain it away as just lifestyle talk but the vibe was totally killed and I just asked her to leave. I been fuckin for long enough that I don’t need to put up with disrespect to get some pussy.

Oh, and spare me with the whole “I’m Black and I think its fine…” nonsense. If you’re into being disrespected keep that ******* to yourself.
Maybe you should say you just have a big dick then and leave colour out of it if you want to avoid any racism
Actually a White guy will more likely be called Paul than a BWC. He will be described as having a BWC. And there's no one calling him a Bull
c'mon lady :D:D:D:p:p:p:cool:

White guys are called bulls and bwc, I dont hear any of them complaining. Its a compliment, be happy with it or go somewhere else is what I say
no i'm just fascinated by the phenomena of the angry-posting cuck who loves to use black men to get off, but is so insecure about it that they lash out at those same black men when they post about wanting to be treated like humans instead of a walking dick for your jacking pleasure

i wonder what it is. maybe you can tell me. is it like the classic republican politician who fights against equal rights for lgbtq people but inevitably gets caught waxing shafts at the truck stop glory hole?

your posts are especially funny, because it seems like you're also ashamed at the level of your anger. literally every one of your posts ends in "lol" or "lmao". the classic "I'm not mad! I'm not mad!" of posting
Giggling at "waxing shafts."
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Exactly, catching feelings is how ******* gets messy. Dudes acting like a woman is going to leave a happy marriage with benefits for a fetish.
no i'm just fascinated by the phenomena of the angry-posting cuck who loves to use black men to get off, but is so insecure about it that they lash out at those same black men when they post about wanting to be treated like humans instead of a walking dick for your jacking pleasure

i wonder what it is. maybe you can tell me. is it like the classic republican politician who fights against equal rights for lgbtq people but inevitably gets caught waxing shafts at the truck stop glory hole?

your posts are especially funny, because it seems like you're also ashamed at the level of your anger. literally every one of your posts ends in "lol" or "lmao". the classic "I'm not mad! I'm not mad!" of posting
interesting - I guess it all is about the individual. I have been with men - who were all about their coc - and others who were, shall we say a "more complete person".
no i'm just fascinated by the phenomena of the angry-posting cuck who loves to use black men to get off, but is so insecure about it that they lash out at those same black men when they post about wanting to be treated like humans instead of a walking dick for your jacking pleasure

i wonder what it is. maybe you can tell me. is it like the classic republican politician who fights against equal rights for lgbtq people but inevitably gets caught waxing shafts at the truck stop glory hole?

your posts are especially funny, because it seems like you're also ashamed at the level of your anger. literally every one of your posts ends in "lol" or "lmao". the classic "I'm not mad! I'm not mad!" of posting
Machale? Like he can't decide whether he's gonna go by Michelle or Michael? Haha 🤣🤣
Yeah, yall racist lifestyle people need to chill with calling Black people “BBC.” I have a big Black dick but its attached to me, a whole person. Reducing my entire humanity to one body part is disgusting to me. Complete turn off.

I don’t take kindly to the “bull” label either. Like, are you stupid racists casually comparing me to livestock? The nerve of some of you.

I had some big boob milf female talent here the other week. Shes older and lame so she was using a whole bunch of lifestyle terms. She said something like “Bulls like you…” and I’m like “Yo, lady, did I ever call you a cow?”

She froze when she realized that she fucked up.

I asked her again “Did I ever call you a cow?”

She tried to explain it away as just lifestyle talk but the vibe was totally killed and I just asked her to leave. I been fuckin for long enough that I don’t need to put up with disrespect to get some pussy.

Oh, and spare me with the whole “I’m Black and I think its fine…” nonsense. If you’re into being disrespected keep that ******* to yourself.
Hi Thrill, nice to see you here too!

I’ll be honest: you and I both know what this fetish is. These men don’t see you as a human being but as a means to an end. If you look at the more non-sexual parts of this forum where people have off-topic conversations, you’ll see that most of these white men have absolutely zero respect for a Black man’s humanity. They will post ridiculous opinions like “BLM is cancer” and “Trump should’ve won” while sitting around and jerking off to men they deem to be greater and lesser than them at the same time.

Asserting your humanity will get you nowhere with these chucklefucks. (And for whatever it’s worth, they feel the same way about the women who fuck men like you. They call us “ruined pussy” and “N-word lover” and the like.)

All you can do is take their money, laugh at them, and never give them a second thought. They will feel however they feel and you will never be able to change their mind, so fuck them over whenever and however you can. That is the only justice either of us will be able to get here.
Hi Thrill, nice to see you here too!

I’ll be honest: you and I both know what this fetish is. These men don’t see you as a human being but as a means to an end. If you look at the more non-sexual parts of this forum where people have off-topic conversations, you’ll see that most of these white men have absolutely zero respect for a Black man’s humanity. They will post ridiculous opinions like “BLM is cancer” and “Trump should’ve won” while sitting around and jerking off to men they deem to be greater and lesser than them at the same time.

Asserting your humanity will get you nowhere with these chucklefucks. (And for whatever it’s worth, they feel the same way about the women who fuck men like you. They call us “ruined pussy” and “N-word lover” and the like.)

All you can do is take their money, laugh at them, and never give them a second thought. They will feel however they feel and you will never be able to change their mind, so fuck them over whenever and however you can. That is the only justice either of us will be able to get here.
Ugh. There are women who use those terms as well, they used to yell it at my mom from their balconies in Maryland. Class acts. Nice to know things haven't changed.
Ugh. There are women who use those terms as well, they used to yell it at my mom from their balconies in Maryland. Class acts. Nice to know things haven't changed.
Absolutely disgusting.

Speaking of fucked up things racist white women do, I used to write years ago about how the term “Queen of Spades” makes me want to wretch because of its historical meaning. So many white women (some even married to Black men!) defended their use of it. Imagine marrying a Black man and defending your “right” to call him a racist slur by association. They’re no better than the men I described. These populations deserve each other in all their impotent glory.
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