I’ve finally realized


For the last year or so I have noticed my penis has gotten smaller and I often have to “unroll” the little guy so he can breathe. At first I thought it was because I put a little weight on but today I’ve realized it’s definitely getting smaller. I’ve dropped 17 pounds and you can see my v-shape again and it is still smaller than ever. I’m only 35 and I am wondering if any other guys are having this issue?
For the last year or so I have noticed my penis has gotten smaller and I often have to “unroll” the little guy so he can breathe. At first I thought it was because I put a little weight on but today I’ve realized it’s definitely getting smaller. I’ve dropped 17 pounds and you can see my v-shape again and it is still smaller than ever. I’m only 35 and I am wondering if any other guys are having this issue?
39 yo here and a micro penis man.
For the last year or so I have noticed my penis has gotten smaller and I often have to “unroll” the little guy so he can breathe. At first I thought it was because I put a little weight on but today I’ve realized it’s definitely getting smaller. I’ve dropped 17 pounds and you can see my v-shape again and it is still smaller than ever. I’m only 35 and I am wondering if any other guys are having this issue?
I would say mine has been slowly shrinking, but it's only lost abou 1/2" to 5/8" so far. Gaining weight is a good way to cover up a penis if you want shrinkage. A riend of mine went on a diet a few years ago, and he said, "If you want to look like you have a big dick, lose some weight." It worked for him.
fat actually stops normal flow of testosteron basicly being fat gives you a either a smaller dick over time or less drive sexually, fat tissue stores testosteron or something.