How vague is this question?

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I usually ask that to know what sort of fetishes/kinks out of the norm the person might have. Obviously all guys like blowjobs. But that question is more of a "do you like your ass licked?," "do you want to spank me?" etc. type of thing.
I understand lol, maybe someone could say something that is a complete turn off
When someone is reaching out to you “What are you into? “

Wouldn’t it make more sense for that person to relay what they are looking for?
You're probably right, it seems to be a conversation starter for most though. Even if you put it all in your profile, a lot of ppl will still ask. We are usually trying to find out if he has experience and what his intentions are, moving forward. As well as find out their kinks and interests.
The question of "What are you into?" is one I use a lot. I know that there are some things I like but they don't. I do include some things I like with this question so the person I am communicating with gets and idea of what I am looking for. It can be very vague though. I have found a lot of folks won't answer this question until they get an idea of what you are looking for first.
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