Help Getting Over The Hump


34m here from the Midwest looking for some help getting over the hump with the wife (33f). We are close and it’s something we both fantasize about, but can’t get over the hump to try it. Would love to go into detail and hear advice from other couples/bulls on Kik, etc. I have pics to prove I’m real as well. Message me if you’re willing to help.

34m here from the Midwest looking for some help getting over the hump with the wife (33f). We are close and it’s something we both fantasize about, but can’t get over the hump to try it. Would love to go into detail and hear advice from other couples/bulls on Kik, etc. I have pics to prove I’m real as well. Message me if you’re willing to help.
I believe it's been said on this forum many times, the wife will not want to risk trying BBC unless the hubby makes clear that he will commit fully to becoming a cuck. Giving yourself erectile dysfunction through interracial porn or getting a vasectomy (not the reversible kind, burn the tubes or orchiectomy ) would go a long way to showing her that you are serious about moving forward. I've been making myself become really limp and virtually impossible to get hard so that my wife brings up the subject of opening things up (I want her to want it, not do it for me). We'll see. I haven't been able to come inside her for about a month, while I've been giving her some really great orgasms with my mouth (well, about as good as a white boy can manage, not like the orgasms a women gets from BBC). Maybe she'll just divorce me after 30 years, doesn't matter, one less white boy to be concerned with.
There is no magic way to "get over the hump". You're either ready or you're not. Let it be known here or on a site like or that you are serious about meeting. Have some information and a few pictures in your profile and state exactly what for what you are looking. You will get responses. The hard part will be to filter out the type of person you and the wife are comfortable with. Skype or Facetime could help. We [refer to arrange a casual lunch or coffee at a public place to meet and see if there is any chemistry and trust between my wife and the potential partner. If all goes well we arrange a date. I provide a hotel in an area agreeable to both sides and that's it. At some point you just have to make a move. It's scary, yes, but jumping in is the only way.
What I did with my wife. We use to talk about it all the time, really talk about it during foreplay and sex. I knew she would never have the nerve to find someone on her own. Since I had been planning this we were already members of AFF and I had been patiently searching. ( step 1- using google reverse image search to filter out fakes). Anyways found someone who was sympathetic to my predicament and he agreed to help out. So I took the wife to a really nice hotel on a friday night, we grabbed a seat in a booth, it was pretty crowded. According to plan the gentleman I had been chatting with came and asked to sit with us, he said there were guys hitting on him and he had to get away but couldnt take his ******* with him. We welcomed him and chatted for a bit. He complimented my wife on her body after having 2 ******* and we just went from there. Stressful, scary, nervousness, anxiety... all normal emotions even now when meeting someone.

The post saying fully commit to being a cuck isnt accurate in the least. Giving yourself ED and all that. pshh. Not sure where thats coming from.

Hopefully our experience helps you out with and idea or two. Good Luck and be careful.