Get Verified


Real Person
Gold Member
Seriously their no excuses to not get verified , maybe in 2006 you can have an excuse.
But you got members from from the so-called third world able to verify themselves.
I find it when people don't do it to be extremely suspect .
I'm not naming names but you know who you are .

"I dont wanna show my face ?"
Yes even if you dont wanna show your face their is a easy way to do handle that .
How about you wear a bandana , mask , veil, hijab, hood or hold a piece of paper over your face.
Better yet just black out or blur your face before posting your verified picture .

Their is seriously no fucking excuse , you on some bullshit .
Who has time for that .
That's why the verified need a lot more "Verified only"spaces .
Aswell we should shame and shun the unverifiable .
It's 2019 technology today is amazing , we can have hour long conversations face to face cam.
Remember in the 80s & 90s how face to face video communications was something of the far future .

Now I can have that type of conversation with my aunt in a third world country when ever I want .

No excuses get verified, If you been here more then a few weeks , get verified .
Also verified members need to stop playing along with the unverified members cut communication.
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Seriously their no excuses to not get verified , maybe in 2006 you can have an excuse.
But you got members from from the so-called third world able to verify themselves.
I find it when people don't do it to be extremely suspect .
I'm not naming names but you know who you are .

"I dont wanna show my face ?"
Yes even if you dont wanna show your face their is a easy way to do handle that .
How about you wear a bandana , mask , veil, hijab, hood or hold a piece of paper over your face.
Better yet just black out or blur your face before posting your verified picture .

Their is seriously no fucking excuse , you on some bullshit .
Who has time for that .
That's why the verified need a lot more "Verified only"spaces .
Aswell we should shame and shun the unverifiable .
It's 2019 technology today is amazing , we can have hour long conversations face to face cam.
Remember in the 80s & 90s how face to face video communications was something of the far future .

Now I can have that type of conversation with my aunt in a third world country when ever I want .

No excuses get verified, If you been here more then a few weeks , get verified .
Also verified members need to stop playing along with the unverified members cut communication.

Verification photos aren’t accepted if they’ve been digitally altered, thus no “blacking out” etc.

Photos don’t have to show your face and if it’s a concern photos should be taken so that faces are concealed or left out of the pictures.
what are the benefits of being verified? i understand that some profiles and media items are only open for verified profiles but what else are we missing?
Like everything verification is not 100% fakeproof. But it’s just a piece of mind that who you’re actually communicating with is actually a ‘couple, ‘female,’ or a ‘bbc’ and not some sad cuck faking to be one.
Side note, I actually like the true cucks. It’s just the dudes that pretend to be a bbc or a female or couple that really sucks.