Gay and Bisexual Husbands

For us it's about honestly and being respectful.

Be honest about what one is looking for, and one will be more successful finding good matches. We've found many couples over the years on other swing sites where one or both members are indicated as "straight", but upon chatting find that one (usually the husband, because honestly most people accept bi women as "hot") is actually bi and only reveals that privately. That's their choice, but we always find it curious because they probably lose out on meeting a lot of singles and couples that may be what they are actually looking for.

We are honest about our preferences, although not requirements, and when we start chatting with a new friend we make sure they are aware in the initial conversations about our preferences and ask them about their comfort with those :)

Be respectful of other's interests and boundaries.

We encourage our new friends to let us know what their interests are, and aren't, and we don't judge. We've never had a new friend ridicule or disrespect us when we've been honest and asked up-front about their interests, and we in turn would never judge them on their response. We respect their interests, just as everyone so far here has been respectful when they've responded to clarify what their interests are or aren't.

Again, if one is honest, respectful, and makes sure everyone knows about each other's expectations and boundaries, one is much more likely to have a good time. We're all busy, and often have to find time to play around life's other priorities, so don't waste that time with bad encounters because someone was dishonest with the other party, or themselves. We've found everyone here and other sites to be very accepting and appreciative of our up-front approach, even if it is to say "sorry, not interested" :)
Me personally I’m a Bi bull I’m there to dominate both husband and wife.
Im a bi male and im curious why so many straight men love to fuck a tight ass but say they wouldnt fuck a bottom boy, i dont see him as gay or bi if hes being the dominate one. guess i see someone fucking me as more of a real man idk
Like we give a fuck about arrogant assholes like you.
Yeah well least we know we can't all be that guy!🤷‍♂️

Like I tell all my beta male detractors "we can put it on the wood"!

Post your face, your body, and your videos and let's let the community of our peers judge between us?
Yikes, glad I'm not that desperate
It really amazes me how many sensitive, self righteous, judgmental men are trolling around on this platform and the lifestyle community with a mom Theresa Complex!

I have never cast judgment on anyone here for their preferences, orientations, likes, or kinks. Nobody among us is perfect and unless you are without sin you shouldn't be casting stones at anyone on here.

Personally as far as the personal attacks and judgements against me as far as I'm concerned It comes with the territory. You want to be a successful Alpha in any endeavor in the world your gonna have haters and detractors, people are just gonna come for you. So I don't mind that's why I always tell my haters and detractors we can put it on the wood and post our profiles and media and let the community be our judge. But as far as running around in here all hollier than thou casting judgments at people for doing what they like you got some nerve. At long as what they do or say is not illegal and doesn't hurt anyone then leave folks alone and let'm rock!
Me as well, I can tell you from experience it’s amazing. You’ll absolutely love it and at times won’t be able to get enough. I would get butterflies when he’d be on his way over, His cum was so fkn delicious, omg 😱 so I understand the looking part it’s actually not easy to find a blk guy I’m looking myself!
If you're confident in your sexuality and in your own skin, what does it hurt you to be respectful yet adamant about your desires? If the wife or the hubby comes right out and asks if you're comfortable with something involving him and you're not......just say no and reiterate that you're there for the wife. If they too are respectful, that should be the end of it. If they push....then say it's not a good fit and leave. If they do try to catfish you then you can be a little more forceful in your rejection because that's disrespectful and misleading...just plain wrong.

Any strong or critical overreaction to a respectful request just exposes and underlines your own insecurity and homophobia.

I'm saying this as a very bisexual man with cuckold tendencies. I would never ever make moves on a guy I knew to be absolutely straight. Nor would I attempt to sneak in there if I already had been told that wasn't his thing. I know things may change or get confusing in the heat of the moment, but if everyone is chill then all that can be dealt with.

We all know this whole cuckolding thing IS about getting the lady some good dick, and hopefully a lot of sexual enjoyment for her bull, AND a lot of visual and psychosexual enjoyment for the cuck. It's a big win-win-win if all that works. Anything else along the way, if ok with everyone involved, is icing on the big thick chocolate cake.
it should be all about the lady getting good dick. wish it was that simple. but a good many of cucks and husbands i come across, I have to remind them thats what this swinging experience is all about (especially for straight single male swingers, its all about the womans satisfaction). appreciate you thinking like this, but dont believe its the norm for most
Im a bi male and im curious why so many straight men love to fuck a tight ass but say they wouldnt fuck a bottom boy, i dont see him as gay or bi if hes being the dominate one. guess i see someone fucking me as more of a real man idk
because the definition of being gay/bi is having sexual activity with someone of the same sex, we dont get to make up our own definitions as we go haha smh

and to answer your question all of us super straight men are not into men holes or men booty and dont like dick. diversity is a cool thing huh? you tried Grindr?...itll most likely get you more of what youre looking for than this site.
For us it's about honestly and being respectful.

Be honest about what one is looking for, and one will be more successful finding good matches. We've found many couples over the years on other swing sites where one or both members are indicated as "straight", but upon chatting find that one (usually the husband, because honestly most people accept bi women as "hot") is actually bi and only reveals that privately. That's their choice, but we always find it curious because they probably lose out on meeting a lot of singles and couples that may be what they are actually looking for.

We are honest about our preferences, although not requirements, and when we start chatting with a new friend we make sure they are aware in the initial conversations about our preferences and ask them about their comfort with those :)

Be respectful of other's interests and boundaries.

We encourage our new friends to let us know what their interests are, and aren't, and we don't judge. We've never had a new friend ridicule or disrespect us when we've been honest and asked up-front about their interests, and we in turn would never judge them on their response. We respect their interests, just as everyone so far here has been respectful when they've responded to clarify what their interests are or aren't.

Again, if one is honest, respectful, and makes sure everyone knows about each other's expectations and boundaries, one is much more likely to have a good time. We're all busy, and often have to find time to play around life's other priorities, so don't waste that time with bad encounters because someone was dishonest with the other party, or themselves. We've found everyone here and other sites to be very accepting and appreciative of our up-front approach, even if it is to say "sorry, not interested" :)
it works both ways. people that are openly bisexual miss out on bbc straight men too. i know i feel uncomfortable meeting couple when male half admits to being bisexual. this is probably because he tests me first to see if Im down for certain things with him once we meet. even if he changes and says, "its ok, i can just watch you fuck my girl". so i put that couple at end of priority list of who Im choosing to fuck for that week. thats the wonderful balance of the universe.
Are most of the bulls on here straight? The reason I ask is that there seems to be many gay men on this site looking for a Black man. But this site, while not 100 percent hetero, seems to be oriented towards straight activity. I am not knocking gay people, but it seems like they are deliberately "hunting" straight men, and being quite annoying about it. I am not homophobic, just I LOVE pussy, especially white married pussy. Cock can't get within 4 feet of me.

Just curious to know everyone's take on it.
Youre not alone OP. Im constantly getting requests from gay men and bisexual husbands knowing im straight. Its 2021, its so easy to find bi men with big dick...there are plenty. They also have app called Grindr and many other websites for gay/bi men and bi couples.... so honestly I dont get it either haha.

I totally get your point. And, to be honest, I am NOT offended when someone finds me attractive that I don't like. A gay man liking me does not have any impact at all on my sexuality. But, the point I was trying to make was the sneakiness behind it, I find that disturbing and annoying. I'll give you an example, a "hubby" would contact me, ostensibly for his wife, and then start trying to get to know me and have me send him photos and so on. I don't find that an issue as I know that many husbands act as a type of gateway for their wives and the guy has to be verified by them first.

But, then I notice the conversation begins, subtly at first, to shift from the focus on the wife to some other stuff. It is at that point that I begin to notice something is up and so on. Many times I never even get to chat with the wife, it is just the husband that keeps on trying to keep me engaged. Or, if the "wife" appears, the conversation seems kind of "off," not quite sounding like a woman would text, you know the overall vibe.

This doesn't happen all the time. I wouldn't even say most of the time, but it happens enough that my Spidey sense is activated, you know?
I don't know precisely what the game is, what they are looking for, but whatever it is, Brotha, I want NO PART of that, lol.

So, that is what I was meaning. If a hubby comes to me and in an straightforward way says, "Hey, I'm bisexual and would like to do XXX," I respect that and I would not put him down. I would politely decline the things I am not aligned with.

It is the Sneaky Sams that are the weirdos. And, this is the reason for my post. I don't understand why they are trying to "trap" a straight guy or something like that. There are plenty of legit gay guys out there that want the same thing, no reason for all this dishonesty...
well. fucking. said!!
I’m straight...but there’s something kinda hot having a couple kneel before you...the husband helping his wife to serve you View attachment 3857765
dude youre not straight!! i think this is the issue many of straight men have in this lifestyle "people in denial of who they are" or "pretending to be something youre not". Just own it man!! "IM A BISEXUAL BULL WHO ENJOYS THE MALE PLAYING WITH ME ALONG WITH THE WOMAN". what so fucking bad about that. its not the 1500s, the Church is not gonna excommunicate you :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.

i even have people say that if a man plays with a trans woman, hes still straight. imo no! youre bisexual or gay. whats so bad about that?? why try to masquerade as super straight man?? you can get more of what you want just being out and proud about who you are smh
dude youre not straight!! i think this is the issue many of straight men have in this lifestyle "people in denial of who they are" or "pretending to be something youre not". Just own it man!! "IM A BISEXUAL BULL WHO ENJOYS THE MALE PLAYING WITH ME ALONG WITH THE WOMAN". what so fucking bad about that. its not the 1500s, the Church is not gonna excommunicate you :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.

i even have people say that if a man plays with a trans woman, hes still straight. imo no! youre bisexual or gay. whats so bad about that?? why try to masquerade as super straight man?? you can get more of what you want just being out and proud about who you are smh
Think a major difference with you and I is that you would go hook up with a single man. I would not. There's experimenting to find out what you like and there's just knowing what you like and identifying by that. Also, you don't know me (y)